Pro-choice just means that you're for the individual to make the decision about having an abortion, not the government. It doesn't mean that you're for abortion, just against laws about it. It's the "my body, my choice" idea.
I'm pro-choice, although I would probably never choose to have an abortion.
2006-08-30 04:42:51
answer #1
answered by Cassie 3
This is a very difficut subject but I'll do my best. Prochoice means you believe women should have the right to decide if they will or will not abort a pregnancy. Prolife means you believe everyone should have rights protecting their life regardless to gestational age. The heart of this argument is this: Prochoicers will say a fetus is not a person and because it cannot live without the mother it has no right to life. Prolifers will say regardless to how a child was conceived no one has the right to abort, some will agree rape and incest warrant this option. You will also hear the what if the woman was raped scenario a million times but this only accounts for 3% of abortions. Prolifers will tell the baby feels the procedure and screams in pain but this has not been proven. There a many sides to this argument in the end you must make your own decisions and write the report that best reresents what you believe.
I am prolife, I think abortion is a very sad choice women make everyday. On one hand who am I to say whay someone should or shouldnt do but on the other hand I feel the way I assume I would if I knew someone was killing a baby and I could say something that may stop them. It is a very complicated thing. It is altogehter very sad. Prochoicers will say a fetus or a pregnancy is the same as cancer but we have found no clear way to prevent cancer we know how prevent pregnency. Pregnancies do not just fall out of the sky it is usually a conscience decision for this reason I think there should be stricter laws governing abortion. I dont care if someone feels it is a blob, a baby, a product of conception or a little person, it is a human life that most likely would have grown into what EVERYONE considers a person has instead been ended, that sucks!
I hope this helps! God Bless
2006-08-30 05:41:12
answer #2
answered by dreamgirl4myboy 4
Pro-choice means the right to choose. I think that pro-choice includes pro-life as a person can choose to have or not to have children. In some third world contries there are forced sterilizations and limitations on the number of children you can have, this is neigher pro-choice nor pro-life. In our country we have a choice. We can choose want we want our life to be. We can choose to have children. We do not put our individual beliefs or biases on other people. The problem with taking away choice is that today the choice might be to stop all abortions and some time in the future it could be to force abortions on people. Once you take choice away and put in the hands of government or the legal system you have no control over the outcome.
For me I am prolife. But that is my own personal belief and my own personal decision. We cannot judge other people's choices. For all of those that rely on the bible, the bible saids he without sin cast the first stone. We are all sinners and shouldn't get to choose which sin is allowed from which sin is not. At the end of the day we can only be in charge or ourselves and our own souls.
2006-08-30 05:54:12
answer #3
answered by honeyluv_2010 4
I am pro-choice. For me it means that a woman has the right to decide what is right for her. This does not mean that I am pro-abortion. If my daughter came to me at 15 years old and asked my advice it would not include abortion as an option. There are some cases when the pregnancy could kill the mother. Making abortion illegal will take away that woman's right to protect her own life. Rape babies could be given up for adoption but it would be too emotionally traumatic for a woman to carry that child with hate for 9 months. Some could manage it, other might not.
I do not believe that abortion should be used for birth control - no way. All the information is out there to prevent and unwanted pregnancy and all it takes is for people to use it. I also do not believe in abortion for the issue of birth defects.
Unfortunately those who want to ban it will take away this option for those who really need it.
2006-08-30 05:46:20
answer #4
answered by AlongthePemi 6
Well you can see from above what Pro-Choice is... definitely check out Roe Vs. Wade... it was a pivotal case in abortion rights. The way I think of it personally is, although I do not agree w/abortion as a form of birth control, there are instances when I think it is appropriate, i.e., if a girl is raped and becomes pregnant or the pregnancy is jeopardizing the mother's life. Unfortunately it is impossible for politicians to draw the line. Another point to make is no matter what, abortion is going to happen whether it's for the right reasons or not, and has been going on for hundreds of years. If you shut down the legal clinics, it's not like girls' are going to stop having sex, instead they are going to resort to trying to give themselves unnatural abortions by throwing themselves down a flight of stairs or overdosing on pills. Or we'll go back to the days of dark alleys and coat hangers. I would also rent an HBO special from a few years back called, "If these walls could talk." Make sure you get the first one, because the second is about being gay. Good luck on you re port it's a very controversial subject.
2006-08-30 05:10:48
answer #5
answered by superrix83 4
first, i think it's great that you have a project that is going to expand your view into the "other" side of a very controversial topic.
many of us get pigeonholed in our own little world, that we forget that there are sooo many other thoughts, ideas and views out there.
second, i don't feel that pro-life or pro-choice is bad. they are representations of viewpoints and rarely is a veiwpoint bad or wrong or even ultimately "right" for that matter.
embrace this opportunity. you are going to read articles and talk to people and read answers on here that are going to make you uncomfortable....that's o.k. sometimes learning new things make us umcomfortable, however, we become more intelligent well-rounded people b/c of the new information.
pro-choice is just is the side of the debate that is "for choice". the choice is, of course, the decision to abort or not abort a pregnancy.
so, pro-choice is the side that feels it is a woman's right to choose what to do with her body and therefore any pregnancy that happens to her body.
pro-choice is not condoning abortion as a great thing, or a form of birth control. pro-choice simply means that as US citizens, women, should have the freedom to abort a pregnancy if they see fit.
if abortion was illegal, then that would be imposing the beliefs of only part of the population onto the entire population.
kind of like the seperation between church and state. this country was founded on the premise that the government should not impede upon a citizen's right to practice whatever religion he/she chose. it wouldn't be fair if all the catholics suddenly got together and got a law passed stating that catholicism is the official religion of the U.S. and that anyone who wanted to practice another religion would have to pay a fee or even be imprisoned.
i know this is sounding a little far-fetched, but i'm just trying to express the pro-choice side as simply and unbiased as i can.
i consider myself pro-choice b/c i don't think it's my place to tell other people how to live their lives.
i, myself, would never have an abortion, although if i had gotten pregnant in high school it would have been an option i would have considered, however just b/c i don't agree with it doesn't mean i should keep other people from doing it.
on a basic level....
i can't stand it when i see girls wearing clothes that are too small and tight for their bodies. however, i'm not going to say anything to them and i'm not going to prevent them from wearing clothes that make them happy.
that's my viewpoint on the definition of pro-choice.
take care and enjoy your'll make it through and hopefully, you will learn something new!
2006-08-30 05:04:11
answer #6
answered by joey322 6
Pro-choice means you believe that a woman should be allowed to choose whether she wants to have a baby or have an abortion, as opposed to pro-life people who believe unborn children have the right to life and women who are pregnant should not be allowed to terminate their pregnancies. There are a lot of arguments on either side, and the big arguments of people who are pro-choice are: (1) What about a woman who gets raped? Should she be forced to have the baby? (2) What's the point of a woman having a baby she doesn't want? Isn't it better for her to terminate the pregnancy instead of having the baby and resenting the child for the rest of her life? (3) What about women with high-risk pregnancies? Does the life of the baby come before the mother's life?
Here are some of the pro-life arguments: (1) The right to life overrides all other rights. Many believe the decision in Roe v. Wade was wrong because the Supreme Court justices looked only to the Constitution and didn't look to another document which expressed the intent of our forefathers -- namely, the Declaration of Independence, which states "We hold these truths to be self-evident -- that all men (people) are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among those are: LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." (2) Allowing women to abort children cheapens the value of life and turns it into a throw-away commodity, so it contributes to the violence problems in this country. (3) It's a matter of principle -- if you don't want to have children, either take the appropriate precautions or don't have sex. If you believe that you're adult enough to have sex, then you're adult enough to accept the responsibility of having a child and raising it if you become pregnant -- and the father has an equal measure of responsibility as well.
Does that help you see both sides a little better?
2006-08-30 04:48:24
answer #7
answered by sarge927 7
Like others have said, Pro-Choice is just about having the option to choose as an individual rather than having the government make the choice for you. I am pro-choice. I would never have an abortion, but I will defend to my grave the right of women to have a safe medical procedure.
2006-08-30 06:30:14
answer #8
answered by sovereign_carrie 5
hi there
there has been some confusion in the past over the pro-life/pro-choice debate. some believe pro-choice means literally the womans choice to abort if she doesnt want to continue with the pregnancy no matter what her reasoning, whereas others use it to mean that abortion shouldnt be completely banned.
people who say that are pro-life often say they are pro-life except in certian circumstances. such as if the baby would be disabled, the mums life was in danger through pregnancy or if the baby resulted from a rape. these people are infact pro-choice, as are the ones that say they would never do it themselfs but they wouldnt judge anothers decision.
in debates like this there can be very strong & emotional reasons for peoples views - but before sticking labels on a persons personal beliefs we first need to define exactly what that label means...
its more likely that most of us have views somewhere in the middle of the spectrum - a limit on the readily easy access to abortion, but that its still available.
2006-08-30 05:01:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
It's personal opinion if it is a "bad" thing or not. Pro -choice is letting a woman choose what is right for her (whether or not you would do it yourself..) I personally am pro-choice, who am i to say what is right or wrong for another woman...
Edit added
Not all pro-choice people would get an abortion.. I personally do not believe it should be a cop out except if it was rape or incest ya know? Anyway I would not get an abortion but like i said i cannot choose what is right or wrong for another person that is their body and their choice..
2006-08-30 04:43:26
answer #10
answered by Kim2006 3