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how many times did u eat today and what did u eat?

2006-08-29 16:21:23 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

17 answers

That's very odd that someone thinks you have an eating disorder because you asked this question, haha....

I ate a total of 3 times today...

1. 2 Eggo Homestyle Waffles w/butter and a little syrup
2. Fish tacos, chips, and beans YUM
3. Wheat toast with cream cheese, cucumbers, and lemon squeezed on top

But the night isn't over yet, and that drumstick ice cream is calling my name...

2006-08-29 16:46:07 · answer #1 · answered by cutiewithabooooty 5 · 1 0

I'm going to answer this, even though something tells me you have a problem with an eating disorder....
I ate A bunch of times....
This morning I had a roll toasted with some light butter on it, and a big cup of coffee with some vanilla creamer....
I stopped at a fast food place with my son for lunch-- a nice treat, had a chicken sandwhich. I snacked on some cashews in the afternoon.
For dinner, a guy I am seeing took us to eat and I had Lebanese food at a trendy little restaurant, baked lentils, onions, spinach and mushrooms in a wrap with garlic spread...mmmm... and some tabulee on the side. (I also ate the crust to my son's grilled cheese.)
Later tonight, we went to a baseball game where I had a beer and what was left of my son's hotdog. I also ate what was left of his ice cream. Now, since I'm still up, and I'm hungry, I'm eating some leftover potato salad from a picnic we had the other day.
I guess I wouldn't call today a "normal" eating day, but i do always eat alot. I am very active, and I maintain a healthy weight. Even with all the crappy food I am not overweight, so it can be done!!!
Get some help with your problem, okay?? I really enjoyed my food today, and I hope that at some point you can get there too.

2006-08-29 23:37:32 · answer #2 · answered by smarty 2 · 0 0

3 times.
Breakfast: Hot herbal tea, scrambled egg & hashbrowns.

Lunch: Dr. Pepper, Patio steak & onion sandwich, chips

Supper: Ice water, Hamburger & Mashed Potato Pie, & fresh cantaloupe


1 lb. ground chuck
1 sm. onion, chopped
16oz can green beans, drained
10oz can condensed tomato soup
2 to 3 c. mashed potatoes
cheddar cheese, shredded

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees F. In a skillet, brown the hamburger meat & cooked the onion until tender. Prepare the instant potatoes as you normally would. If your skillet is oven proof then do the next few steps right in it, otherwise use a 2 qt. casserole dish for the mixing & baking. Add the green beans & tomato soup in with the cooked meat & onions, & stir well. Level the contents, & drop the potatoes onto the casserole top in small mounds, & sprinkle with cheese. Place in oven & bake for about 25 minutes. Serves 4 when accompanied with dense bread like muffins or biscuits, & a vegetable, preferably a salad. You may double this recipe, & bake in a 9x13" dish.

2006-08-30 00:37:24 · answer #3 · answered by dlcarnall 4 · 0 0

Lets see i ate i guess 4 times LOL..for breakfast i had a piece of toast, than lunch i had two tv dinners, a turkey one and a corn dog one, and than supper i had pizza rolls and now i am eating a bowl of pudding

2006-08-29 23:26:08 · answer #4 · answered by tammy3873 2 · 0 0

Breakfast was a cup of coffee, which does not count as eating.
Lunch was a chicken salad sandwich.
Dinner was Sausage and Potatoes.
That's two meals.
And a peach for a snack watching TV.

2006-08-30 00:39:36 · answer #5 · answered by Ford 4 · 0 0

for breakfast i had an english muffin, banana and milk.
for lunch nothing
for supper a huge salad with green & romaine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, black olives, shredded carrots and a little red onion and shredded cheese, with ranch dressing, and a diet pepsi lime.
while watching tv, i had a dish of coffee ice cream.

can't wait to see what i will eat tomorrow. :-)

2006-08-30 01:58:04 · answer #6 · answered by obie 2 · 0 0

Only once so far (its 4:30 a.m. here).

I had a sandwich of malted wholemeal bread with smoked bacon on a bed of watercress, rocket, and baby spinach leaves, topped with grilled sliced tomatoes, and a cup of Ceylon/Kenya blend tea with a dash of skimmed milk.

2006-08-29 23:35:15 · answer #7 · answered by boracic1 3 · 0 0

i ate 4 times
i had cinimon oatmeal and big glass of Oj for breakfast
i had jack in the bock pita fro Lunch
and i had chickennuggets shaped like dinasours and tator tots for dinner.
i had 1 Mochi for Dessert

2006-08-29 23:57:07 · answer #8 · answered by YangStaZ 1 · 0 0

i ate 2 times...1st time tomato sandwich and half bowl of macarroni and cheese...and 2nd chicken and rice...both with diet coke and bottled water...and now i an eating a chocolate glazed donut.

2006-08-29 23:33:40 · answer #9 · answered by xmen_punisher 1 · 0 0

me i have not started as yet
but i have this craving to go off the handle with eating for the day
so i'm waiting untill im extra hungry to take my plunge

2006-09-01 11:16:29 · answer #10 · answered by annie 5 · 0 0

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