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It's allergy season....and you hear alot about ragweed being one of the most troublesome allergens,I see alot of what I know to be Goldenrod along the roadsides but I have never had anyone show me what is known as Ragweed....I am thinking they are the same thing...what say you?

2006-08-29 16:21:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diseases & Conditions Allergies

6 answers

What say me? I say, emphatically - No. Golden Rod is indeed gold, however Ragweed looks raggedy and is a light green color, rather nondescript. Two different species of plants (weeds).

2006-08-29 16:35:29 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Education before Legislation Prohibition doesn't solve any problems, it just sweeps them under the rug. Out of sight, out of mind. Unfortunately for the people involved, that doesn't quite work so well. Preaching abstinence in school is pretty much the same thing as going in and introducing the "forbidden fruit factor." Plus it only makes them hide it and likely prevents them from getting the proper counsel and preventative measures available because they're afraid or embarrassed to talk about it. We can either try to teach children how to make wise decisions or we can continue to try to make their decisions for them. I tend to think the latter is little more than wishful thinking. Kids are going to do what they want. They're curious and they're hormonal. If you honestly believe that your reasons exceed the power of teenage hormones, you've probably forgotten what it was like to be that age. The problem is not abortion. It's the prevalence of unwanted pregnancies. Adoption is a reasonable alternative, but people's choices are their own. I don't think it's right to abort a child, but it's even worse to skip over the cause of the problem to address the symptoms at the cost of individual freedom. It may not be the right choice, but it's still a choice best left to the individual and the family, not the government.

2016-03-27 00:51:13 · answer #2 · answered by Kathryn 4 · 0 1

Out here in Northern California we have mustard and fennel. I don't know anything about goldenrod or ragweed. However, get an allergy test from your dermatologist (get one of those to check your moles; I just had a mole turn into cancer this spring) to help you out. Luck!

2006-09-02 04:43:02 · answer #3 · answered by soxrcat 6 · 0 1

They are definitely NOT the same. I only know this because I grew up on a farm and I went to school for Agriculture. If you look them up on the internet you should be able to find pictures of both.

2006-08-29 16:27:54 · answer #4 · answered by prairiefire_14 3 · 1 0

They definitely are not the same plant. They are 2 of the most common allergens though.

2006-08-29 16:35:34 · answer #5 · answered by mazell41 5 · 0 1

no they are not the same

2006-08-29 16:35:39 · answer #6 · answered by summer 2 · 0 0

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