depends look around the place is the server really busy or just lazy was the food bad but the server was good some times telling the boss wont help ( my mom had a terrible waitress when she complained to the manager he told her if she didn't like it not to come back she told him that not only would she not be back but she was involved with a # groups and she would make sure none of them would be back either she then handed the waitress .25 cents and told her to buy a paper and find a new job waitressing was not for her we have been in the restaurant business for generations a bad waitress can ruin a business but a waitress sleeping with the manager cant do nothing to hurt her
also to all those customers out there .. just remember before you start giving attitude to you server who might be very busy and is not the one cooking you're food SHE (or he ) is ALONE with YOUR food before YOU get it so be nice look around you are not the only person they are waiting on
2006-08-29 16:19:21
answer #1
answered by frogger 3
Depends on how bad the service was. As well, most places like that the manager and server are usually friends and noting will be done anyway. If they perform bad just don't tip. If they are exceptionally rude to the point where you'll never go back, don't bother with the manager contact the owner.
2006-08-29 16:11:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If I knew the event early.. I usually walk out of the restaurant.
During.. I will complain to a manager.
Lastly, I will leave close to nuthing tip and put in the comment card why if there is one.
Tough! When I go out and use my hard earned money to spend at some place, either make my money worth it (I am known to tip great service at 50% to even double) or lose my business!
2006-08-29 16:23:37
answer #3
answered by lolitakali 6
If it's really bad, yes. Managers always hear the worst though, so if I get really good service, I make sure to tell the manager about the good too.
2006-08-29 16:11:37
answer #4
answered by cynthetiq 6
Depends on how badly I was served. Maybe the server won't get a tip.
2006-08-29 16:08:28
answer #5
answered by suezekickboxer 2
Definitely, theres no excuse for poor service. If the server has an accident thats one thing, but if theyre things that they could control and didnt I will say something to the manager about it.
2006-08-29 18:47:08
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
yes, but you have to be really nice with the manager and let him know that is a really nice place with a bad employee but think you are not the king of the world so be considered when you take any action to hurt anyone
2006-08-29 16:14:59
answer #7
answered by Susie 3
nope, I go above the manager and talk to the DM. of course they don't really give a sh*t either...until you have a few friends call and complain on the same waiter/waitress....hehehe
2006-08-29 16:11:19
answer #8
answered by Monique C 2
No I don't take the time I just tell others about my bad experience. I am not saying it will stop anyone from eating there but it does make them stop and think about it.
2006-08-29 16:11:25
answer #9
answered by mr. Bob 5
Oh yes in deed let them know what a lousy service was received
2006-08-29 16:14:37
answer #10
answered by daugtherofmerlin 2