It depends on how much you want to risk. If you take out a loan, you will have to pay interest. If you think you will make more money off the investment than you will owe for the interest, then it's worth it. Just remember, you may also lose money on the investment. Personally, I would pay up front.
2006-08-29 09:23:14
answer #1
answered by bunstihl 6
thats your personal choice, but you need to check if the investment would bring more money in than what you would pay on interest on your loan. Decide wisely.
2006-08-29 16:23:02
answer #2
answered by Sunseaandair 4
If your investments are guaranteed to earn substantially more than your loan, then invest. Otherwise just pay the cash and don't worry about it.
2006-08-29 17:51:39
answer #3
answered by Chemclueless 2
with tuition cost rising ask if the college will accept full payment as final paymint with no increases and thats better than risking the costs rising beyond the return rate for an investment call the finance office and get in the chair and ask these good questions there good luck
2006-08-29 16:24:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It depends on if you can get an investment that will earn more interest, than the interest you will be accumulating while in school. If so, go for it.
2006-08-29 17:46:16
answer #5
answered by it's just me 2
pay up front.
2006-08-29 23:19:06
answer #6
answered by nolyad69 6