your little boy has an attitude and he is peed off at you for moving him..... he should be ok give him time. ( i have 2 male yorkies also and they can be a little bratty at times )
2006-08-29 04:16:47
answer #1
answered by poopsy 2
Contrary to popular belief dogs do not do things out of spite toward you. Is your dog neutered? if the answer to this is no, then this could be a very simple answer. An unneutered dog is very likely to spray, mark territory. It is possible that the people who lived in the house prior to you had a dog and your little bundle of Joy can smell that. He may be marking his house. One way to fix this is to get pet stain remover and clean all of the spots he has been peeing on. Normal carpet cleaners will only remove the odor YOU can see, your dog will still smell it. you may have to re-potty train him also. Get a small crate(crate training can be a wonderful thing for you and your dog, ask your vet about it) and train him to only go outside again. Also dogs can change behavior do to illness, it is possible your dog has an infection.It is always a good idea to have him checked out by your vet. It can also be caused by a lack of exercise. Maybe find a neighbor with a dog and set play dates, take your dog for long walks( be careful to make sure he doesn't get over worked, being small breed and all) make sure he gets physical activity beyond going out to pee every day. No matter what you should always call your vet if you have seen a drastic change in your dogs behavior.
2006-08-29 13:08:13
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
A dog his age, it's very difficult to re-potty train them. And it probably isn't even a matter of potty training, it's just his way of letting you know he isn't happy. Or maybe he's tired of being moved around & thinks if he marks the place it will be his & he won't have to leave. Dogs are like toddlers, they see their toys as extentions of themselves. His "toy" was his backyard & that was taken away from him.
Get some Urine Gone, that stuff that advertises on tv. It really does work. (A 4yo Jack Russell jealous of a baby & marking his territory)
He is probably upset over having to leave a place that he loved. If he were a child he would cry & tell you what's wrong & you could talk to him. But he's expressing himself the only way he knows how.
Would it be possible to remove a piece of the fence that could be easily fixed before your next move? If so, take him for a walk in the area that he would be able to see through the place in the fence that you make for him to see out of so it will be familiar to him when he sees it through the fence.
2006-08-29 10:41:53
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think your dog is upset about the move. He can not tell you he misses your old house or is upset so,, he pees on things. It is his way of expressing his discomfort with the "new" place. Of course you dont like this! Try to pay alot of attention to him, take him for walks outside of the house & fence. Maybe he will be happier if he already "knows" what is outside the fence. Otherwise I would suggest a large inside kennel for when you can not keep an eye on him. If you are worried about his health, you could always get a urine sample & take it to your vet to check for a bladder infection. Good Luck.
2006-08-29 10:40:11
answer #4
answered by Turtle1 3
Dogs don't get p*ssed off. They have no concept of retaliation. Meaning he isn't sitting there thinking, "Well, they moved me here and I don't like it so I am going to pee on the floor." They just can't think that way. Are you cleaning the potty with an enzymatic cleaner like Nature's Miracle? If not, you should be. This will prevent your dog from smelling the potty and returning there to go again. Also, he could smell old potty from previous residents and want to cover up that smell.
2006-08-29 11:23:00
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
That is a tough one! Do you live on base? If not, is there anyway that you can remove a few boards from the privacy fence and put up some wire to keep him in? That way he could see out and see what's going on elsewhere. Good Luck, I know that has to be hard on the little guy to move like that.
2006-08-29 10:35:46
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
He is just confused, that is all. I had a cat act like that once. He probably thinks he is on a vacation and is ready to go back home! Be patient with him, but firm on the pee in the house. Spend more time with him outside. Show him some new places to hang out and hide. He will get it together.
2006-08-29 10:37:37
answer #7
answered by educated guess 5
There are a couple of things that i would suggest. One would be to put him in a kennel when you have to leave. That may not be your best option since he is already unhappy. Two: Try taking him to a doggy daycare or dog park where he could play with other dogs once in a while. Three: With all the traveling maybe a companion, another dog his size to be friends with. It sounds like he liked having the other dogs to interact with even though he could not get to them. I have had the best luck with small dogs when they are in pairs.
2006-08-29 10:53:56
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
dogs luv mental stimuli as we do, better they never had it than give it and take it away, they do get depressed. prehaps take it for walks more often and buy it some dog toys to play with. they are like kids. the peeing in the house maybe because of previous dog peed in their so it is picking up this scent and marking its own territory. prehaps try some sort of carpet spray to try and mask it. try making sure you send them out just before bedtime to do their bussiness, so they dont have as long a wait till their next chance!
2006-08-29 10:51:10
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Awww he might have developed a friendship with home sick. those other dogs. and he simply misses them. get him a friend. maybe a out side dog. pup that way it will grow up knowing your dog is the for the carpet. it might be that he don't like the new house at all. hes demanding you take him home. a new puppy is the answer to that also. dogs love to show who's the boss if you bring a new dog in he will show him who's house it is.good luck.
2006-08-29 10:42:08
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Contrary to the myth dog do not pee or poop in the house to get even. It could be medical, see a vet to rule out a uti. It could be behavioral. If there is no uti just reinforce his potty training. Put him on a leash and walk him till he does his thing . When he does, let him know how good, how smart he is.
2006-08-29 10:54:04
answer #11
answered by Stick to Pet Rocks 7