When going back to school, keep in mind that this is a special time for you to grow into your own person. Get a notebook and divide all your classes into easy and doable parts. Use your syllabus and get a callander, mark the important test dates and when home work is due, but before its due, please have it already finished...so when you have to make corrections you have just enough time to do so. Do that in all of your classes.
2006-08-28 17:34:44
answer #1
answered by SunFlower 2
Okay, here's the top ten list to succeed.
10. Sit in the first row or the middle aisle, studies show that teachers almost ignore those on the sides and back.
9. Nod occasionally, show your teacher you are paying attention.
8. Come to class early. It gives time to informally chat with your teacher and classmates.
7. Say hi to your teacher in the hallway, she's not the enemy!
6. It's never embarrassing to say "wait, stop .. I don't get it".
5. Try using the language of the class. Actively applying what is being taught will show you are working and trying.
4. One of the hardest things to do is to do the homework when it's assigned, not when it's due.
3. Ask questions about assignments (see number 4, lol).
2. Never, ever chew gum. It just makes you look stupid.
.....and the number one way to improve?
1. Offer to be a tutor. Everyone learns a lot more when they have to teach it.
Hey ... good luck and have fun!
2006-08-29 00:35:53
answer #2
answered by wrathofkublakhan 6