There are no effective home flea treaments except for using a flea comb. Garlic does not affect fleas at all. Think about it, if garlic was an effective treatment for fleas, we would all use garlic and there would be no market for more expensive flea products. Garlic can damage red blood cell membranes in dogs and cats.
You can use Revolution and or Capstar to control your flea problem at this age.
2006-08-28 22:00:59
answer #1
answered by lagomorphs2002 1
I was just at the vet today talking about this same kind of thing about my dog. With my dog it is allergies. We give him shots twice a month and pills twice a day. He is still very itchy, but we have gotten it to the point that he doesn't scratch so much he has bald spots anymore. What seems to help a little is regular baths with an oatmeal shampoo (every other week). We also use a skin conditioner and brush him daily. He is a short haired dog, so it isn't too bad. Also, every time we bathe him we vacuum all the carpets and furniture.
2016-03-17 03:59:39
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If you make the pups not taste good to the fleas, they won't hang around so much. I buy Trader Joe's Yeast Garlic Tablest for dogs and cats. Fleas hate the smell of garlic. These are healthy for the animals too. Try them, they are reasonable, under $3.
2006-08-28 16:58:42
answer #3
answered by MadforMAC 7
Wait till you see the vet because of their age for any chemical stuff. Try a flea comb if you have one handy, I've heard dish soap-because it's so thick it suffocates them, but I'd guess the baby shampoo is the same concept. That's all I've got. If it's only overnight, no biggie, just try to keep them "confined" so they won't spread too bad throughout the house. I hate fleas.......
2006-08-28 16:59:48
answer #4
answered by tikitiki 7
i can tell you this. i had fleas gone mad in my house and i got the killer flea stuff from walmart even though i hate walmart. it is a spray. i put a small plugin light in the living room and sprayed it around on the floor in front of the light. the fleas always go to the light. i sprayed in front of the tv also. hartz flea and tick, i just went and looked. if you use this stuff it will make your fleas go away. when you go to bed make sure the only light you have on is the one with spray around it. good luck. you have no idea how bad it was at my house and this stuff fixed it. it is not good to step in and not good for your pets to lay in but let the chips fall where they may on this one. somet5hing has to go. fleas..!!!
2006-08-28 17:21:34
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The baby shampoo is great but you need to leave it on after lathering them up good for 10 minutes. This smothers the fleas. Vet will get you something else when you see them tomorrow.
2006-08-28 17:53:07
answer #6
answered by woowoo19532004 1
The best thing is advantage , or frontline ppl say is the same thing you can get it from your vet , but I've never heard of any home remedy ever working.
2006-08-28 16:58:36
answer #7
answered by leylu 2
like madformac said fleas hate the smell of garlic but instead of pills. you can also crush garlic with a little little bit of water till you get a paste and rub if on them and if they eat it, it works just like the pills. I've fed my outside dogs a crushed clove of garlic with each meal, just crush it and mix with their food. Cuzz the hard headed ones eat around it.
2006-08-28 18:04:37
answer #8
answered by jojo21 3
Bath the puppies in 1 part tomatoe juice to 3 part water..
2006-08-28 16:56:56
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
flea collar? flea shots? flea baths every morning and night? ask ure vet!
2006-08-28 16:57:02
answer #10
answered by Nikki R 2