how old is puppy?? dogs are creatures of habit you should make sure that your feeding her at the same itmes everyday & that she is let out approximatly 40 min after she eats for sure & of course through our the day as needed......feeding her on a scheduled time helps to regluate when she will need to potty....younger dogs need to potty more frequently then adult dogs & also she could be just a little stubborn or maybe she has a urinary tract infection or possible bladder infection, may want to visit the vet if you cant get the problem fixed at home
2006-08-28 16:34:28
answer #1
answered by *♥* ♥* FaeGoddess*♥*♥* 6
young dogs can have accidents for several reasons such as being left alone for several hours, introduction of new people or animals, over stimulation, or illness. if all three accidents happened within the same day or two, consider whether any of these causes could be to blame. also, sometimes very young dogs just simply get confused. positive reinforcement is essential. if you spank a dog for having an accident, they can become resentful and fearful of you. this can lead to intentional messes being made in the house. taking a dog outside with you can be helpful as well. that way you can monitor your dogs habits and begin to recognize her body language when she has to go. you also need to remember that potty training takes time. when you consider how long it can take a child to be potty trained, you need to make some allowances for your dog. good luck and i hope everything goes well.
2006-08-28 23:38:47
answer #2
answered by shootergrrl 4
How old is your puppy? If she is younger than 6 months you might continue to have these issues. At about 6 months the dog should have potty training down pat. If she doesn't by then, then you might have some other problems.
2006-08-28 23:32:08
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Take her to the vet. When we first got our dog he had a bladder infection. For a long time we thought he was just not training. The infection was so bad it had formed scar tissue.
He's fine now... almost 16 years later, but he did suffer quite a bit and we did get on to him for going in the house in those early days. Boy did we feel guilty.
Smaller breeds are more prone to infections for some reason.
Your vet will steer you in the right direction, and will probably put her on a special diet for a while IF that's what's wrong with her.
Hopefully, she's just upset with you and trying to let you know instead of something medical, but I would rule it out first. Hind sight is 20/20.
2006-08-28 23:42:12
answer #4
answered by mom 4
Probably going through a faze... potty training never goes perfectly. Puppies will ahve occational accidents. Maybe something triggered this change and your pup is trying to tell you something.
2006-08-28 23:31:18
answer #5
answered by munchkin_4684 2
Your puppy learns from you.
Please do not abuse her for her accidents. Make sure you clean them with an enzyme cleaner so she doesn't smell the spot and use it again.
Puppies have tiny digestive tracks just like human babies. When they have to go - they have to go. When you feed your puppy, immediately take her outside and wait until she relieves herself than praise her lavishly. Learn the signs that she needs to relieve herself so you can immediately take her out and praise her when she goes. Just like a human child you need patience with repetition until they understand what you want them to do.
Look online for tips on how to train a puppy.
If she keeps having accidents have her checked by a vet.
2006-08-28 23:39:09
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Dogs leave a scent when they do their buisness and if its rubbed off on your furniture she may think its ok to do it there ?, make sure you let her out to do her buisness as often as possible, and this may sound yukky but if she does mess pick it up and put it in a place where you want her to go, but no two dogs are the same so its difficult.
2006-08-28 23:36:49
answer #7
answered by Richard 6
Puppies can get confused....You should try crate training techniques...They won't go where they sleep or eat...Take her right outside from the crate....praise her after business is done and then put her back in the crate....Believe me ....this works..
Good luck!
2006-08-28 23:36:11
answer #8
answered by Donna 3
no she is just being lazy they do that to see if they can get buy with it ,nothing wrong is it normal bowel ,or loose .if it is loose then you might have a problem .talk to your vet if it is loose .if it is a normal bowel movement then the puppy is just being rotten.good luck
2006-08-29 00:00:11
answer #9
answered by Holly 5
Lift up the seat cusions when you are not sitting on them. I wouldn't allow her up on the furniture anymore.
2006-08-29 00:50:43
answer #10
answered by Gatherer 3