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I took my Pom X to the groomer and asked her to clip his claws. She misunderstood me, thought I said "clip him" and when I picked him up he had been SHAVED! I was so horrified I didn't know what to say. He looks rediculous now and I'm worried about his body temperature being properly regulated. To top it off he goes in for surgery tomorrow to have some teeth pulled and I'm sure the vet is going to be surprised to say the least. Any suggestions on how to groom him myself from now on and how to make sure he's not too cold?

2006-08-28 15:51:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

9 answers

If need be you can buy him a sweater when the weather gets cooler until his hair grows back.

To groom him yourself you need to get yourself a good quality, small size pin brush. To groom him, it's best to get him to lay on his side (on a table you can use as a grooming table if you have one) and brush one side of him at a time, being sure you get down to the skin. If you brush him once a week, he shouldn't get many mats, but there will always be a couple (often behind the ears). To get them out you also need a brush called a slicker (small size). You use this to gently tease out the mats. You need to be a bit careful with this brush because you can cause slicker burn if you're too rough. Put your fingers between where you're brushing and his skin wherever you can to keep it from scratching him.

It'll jsut take you a bit of practice but it's not difficult and I've always had long haired dogs and never had one that didn't love to be brushed. So have fun - he'll love the attention from you.

2006-08-28 16:00:40 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

As a groomer it is appalling to me that this groomer didn't ask you to specify. Fortunatly this occurred in summer time. Your dogs hair will grow back to a reasonable leangth in about 4 weeks and should be back to full coat in about 3 months. You should not have paid the groomer for this service. I am assuming that you wanted the dog bathed because for a nail trim I can do it in about 3 minutes.

About doing it yourself, these are my suggestions, buy a metal tooth comb you need medium/fine and a slicker brush as well as a small pair of rounded tip scissors (moustache scissors work well for this) as was stated before try to lay him on his side but it isn't necessary, then starting at the feet lift the hair and comb down toward the feet in sections. Do a little at a time so as not to pull the hair. Do not be surprised if you get hair in the comb it is what has been shed during the time since the last groom. After you have combed the whole dog snipping the knots and mats if they won't comb out freely (snip close to the bottom of the knot in small incriments and try to comb out) then repeat the process with the slicker brush.

You can do this right after a bath and the dog will usually be dry by the tme you finish.

If you use Frontline spray or any other flea spray this is an excellent time to get it at the surface of the skin as you are seperating and brushing/combing the hair.

If you do the combing once a week and brush with a slicker brush daily you should have a dog with a healthy shiny coat.

Use the rounded tip scissors to trim the long hairs between the toes as well.

Good luck with your endeavor.

2006-08-29 00:38:48 · answer #2 · answered by bubblylinda1964 1 · 0 1

Don't think that all groomers are bad. You were obviously unhappy with the outcome of this experience as I would be but try a new groomer. The next time you bring him in to have his claws trimmed ask the groomer to repeat back to you what you want done for your dog. However most groomers will automatically ask you again what you wanted before you leave just to make sure you are satisfied. You can try buying a little fleece coat for him until his fur grows back, they're inexpensive and are the warmest for your dog.

2006-08-28 23:00:48 · answer #3 · answered by amc_065 1 · 0 0

First of all the groomer should have made sure that you wanted a shave on your pom x. Next find another groomer that communicated with their clients better, and third we shave them down all the time and they seem to like it. Keep in mind I am in south Texas where it is extremely hot. The other thing is dont let him go out in the sun,he may get sunburned if you do.

2006-08-28 23:02:59 · answer #4 · answered by music man 2 · 0 0

I have a pomeranian that I groom myself. I just use regular hair trimmers with a guard and shave evenly all over except the her head and feet. I use a comb and sheers to cut around her face and feet. I started grooming her myself for the same reason...everywhere I took her to get groomed they made her look like a freak instead of a cute teddy bear. Also if you want to trim her nails yourself talk to your vet, they will show you how, atleast mine did. As far as cleaning out her ears just go to the pet store and get dog ear cleaner. Put some on a cotton ball and just rub the inside of your dog's ear. Good Luck:)!

2006-08-28 23:47:22 · answer #5 · answered by pingme03 2 · 0 1

Wow! that's awful! Try switching to another groomer... they don't all make mistakes like that! I had a cocker with a pretty full showcoat and took him to a groomer to have the usual... A new groomer got my boy and clipped him clean. Turns out she got him mixed up with another cocker client. Hair grows back... just find another groomer. As for the pooch being cold- try fitting him with sweaters or keep him inside most of the time. When his coat reaches 1-2 inches, he should be fine!

2006-08-28 22:58:35 · answer #6 · answered by munchkin_4684 2 · 0 2

He'll be okay, but you need to stay vigilant on brushing him as his coat grows out, they are very prone to matting while they grow out.

The vet sees shaved dogs all the time, they will keep him warm during his dental.

If you have liked your groomer until now, keep them, if not, find a new one

2006-09-01 17:08:57 · answer #7 · answered by Kelly S 2 · 0 0

I am a groomer and vet tech. This sounds wierd but the lenght of your dogs coat dosent have anything to do with the fact that he is hot or cold. Dogs only have sweat glands in their feet where people have them all over their body. That is the reason they pant and can over heat from panting. If your dogs feet are hot, the dog is hot. If their feet is cold then they are cold. I know it dosent make any since but its the truth. Ask your vet about. If you have a dog that is overheating you can put his feet in cold water and it will bring his tempature down.

2006-08-29 01:45:58 · answer #8 · answered by Becky D 2 · 0 1

What a GOOF!!!

Nails take MAYBE 10 minutes & you LEFT it THERE???

It's AUGUST!!!**NOT** too cold!

2006-08-29 08:21:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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