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i am buying a L-sized female dog. before i get though i want to make sure i have all the supplies. can you tell me EVERYTHING i need before i get this dog (like a leash toy etc.)?

2006-08-28 08:39:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pets Dogs

11 answers

I assume you are buying a puppy right? If so you will need food, (start with the same food the give the dog in the pet store to ease the transition) you will need treats or cookies, lease, collar, water bowl, dinner dish, a crate if you are crate training, bed, chew toys (puppies have sharp teeth so you won't something they can chew on), squeaky toys (dogs just love the sound of them) Any of the other stuff like heart worm pills and tick/flee repellent you can get from the vet. You can also get puppy shampoo later on if you plan to bath your dog. That's about it. Enjoy your dog!

2006-08-28 08:46:51 · answer #1 · answered by AB11 3 · 0 0

Before you get your dog you should buy a leash, a collar, food/water bowl, food, bed, blanket, brush, shampoo, conditioner, towel, treats(biscuits,bones, etc...), lots of toys, dog tag, tooth brush, tooth paste.
You can also get training pads, my golden retriever didn't like going on them but they can be useful. You might also need a cage, just in case you have to go somewhere and cant take the puppy with you, you can put her in the cage. You should never leave a puppy home alone unsupervised but don't keep her in for too long.

Good Luck!

2006-08-28 16:08:28 · answer #2 · answered by natalie a 1 · 0 0

*leash for walking and possibly a long lightweight lead for training recalls.
*collar and ID
*One or more brushes as recommended for the breed you select (Ask the grooming department)
*Dog toothbrush and toothpaste
*dog crate
*soft bed to lie on in the crate
*toys toys toys: kind depends on the breed and age. Young pups like stuffed toys, but should be supervised when playing with them. Vinyl toys are OK if your dog is not a strong chewer. Tennis balls are great, but can easily be skinned. Rope toys are wonderful for games of tug. A Kong is great for entertaining while you are away. You'll need to stuff it with treats.
*Speaking of which: GOOD treats for training. String cheese, hotdogs and cooked chicken given in TINY bites about the size of a pea work best for me.
*a good brand of dog food, not Purina Dog Chow. That will sustain life, but there are many more nutritious brands. Generally (but not always) the more you pay for it, the better the nutrition.
*Food and water bowls
*heartworm prevention medicine and Frontline Plus Flea Prevention
*A good book or two on Positive Training methods such as The Tool Box for Remodeling Your Problem Dog by Terry Ryan. (Out of print. Pick one up on ebay or at the used book store.)
NOTE: This sounds like your first big dog, so avoid books by Cesar Milan (NG's Dog Whisperer) and the Monks of New Skete. They advocate the dominance roll which is DANGEROUS.
*signup for obedience class
*Go to get a health check from the vet
*Plan on getting the dog spayed or neutered
*Follow your vet's recommended vaccination schedule.
*Consider getting a microchip for permanent Identification.

I can't think of anything else right now, but things will come up. Owning a dog can be expensive. Don't skip the vet work, especially not the spay/neuter!

2006-08-28 15:59:21 · answer #3 · answered by Robin D 4 · 0 0

I hope you're going to adopt a dog from your local shelter/rescue.

Anyways... you will need the fallowing things...

1. Crate
2. Leashes
3. Collar (Both a training collar and a general collar)
4. toys (DO NOT BUY TENNIS BALLS! It can get stuck inside the dogs throat and it will wore down their teeths!)
5. Food (I recommend nutro max)
6. Flea/tick prevention (I recommend frontline plus)
7. Heartworm supply
8. Poop bags (so that you can clean up after your dog when walking her)
9. Time, effort and love

2006-08-28 15:49:02 · answer #4 · answered by Brittany 3 · 0 0

leash,collar, bowl for food and water, toys (but don't over buy because usually dogs have a taste of what kind of toys they like and they don't like), doggy towels, shampoo and conditioner for dogs, a backyard, doggy biscuits or similar treat, long walks, brushes and combs for dogs, nail cutter s for dogs, dry dog food (IAM, or Eukanuba. although they're more expensive then like Pedigree they are much better quality and since your dog is going to be new and a little nervous its best to take the best care for it). I think that's about it!

2006-08-28 15:49:19 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

dont get the leash first it might be 2 small or big i'd get some toys
so u can play i'd get like 5 different packs of food andlet him try it then go let her shots i know its hard its either that or he might dye fast then play with her then give her a treat and say good girl then she'll know tricks then get a pooper skooper or u have 2 pick it up with a plastic bag hope u have a good time with her good luck!

2006-08-28 15:44:50 · answer #6 · answered by joker 1 · 0 0

well you need a leash a collar food a food bowl a water bowl werre is the dog going to sleep if she is an adult find out if she likes toys, doggy bones are good to

2006-08-28 15:45:01 · answer #7 · answered by klynnd1981 3 · 0 0

collar, name teg, leash, toys, cage(if you're using one), bed, food and water dishes, food, depending on the breed you may wat something that will raise the food dish to a higher place then the floor, brushes (kind depending on breed but all dogs need some kind of brush), flee and tick med (it is getting to be fall again), tooth brush and dog tooth paste (if you are going to do that), shampoo, baby gates (if you want them), some kind of chew bone (not rawhide it is not good for them, get a real bone), milkbones (or other kind of treat). thats all i can think of :-D

o an a bunch of love

2006-08-28 15:49:30 · answer #8 · answered by JJ 2 · 0 0

Make sure you have a pooper scooper, or a shovel. :) Also treats, a leash, a collar that fits, several tennis balls, a big plastic ball (my german shepherd loves hers), food, water/food bowl, dog shampoo, brush, somewhere that they can go to & retreat or sleep--a place that is their own(dog bed, blanket, etc).

Good luck! Dogs are wonderful!!!!

2006-08-28 15:44:40 · answer #9 · answered by Froggy 3 · 0 0

Kennel or cage
food ex, Pedigree
some kinda no thing shacker or skwert toy

2006-08-28 15:51:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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