When you stop making so many question starting with WHY? and start asking HOW to move on? make a plan, act, and believe in yourselve. I promise you, your live will change.
2006-08-28 06:35:39
answer #1
answered by Leonardo 1
Try G2Bay. This is a social networking site where people help each other make and save money. People post their photos, blogs, news, product and service reviews and talk about the stocks they own. Every user gets a Million Dollar Page where advertisers pay to find the right customers. Maybe you will make a million dollars on G2bay and your life will no longer be miserable.
2006-08-29 04:49:00
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
You should be asking a psychic. There are plenty legitimate ones on the Internet or even in your own town. Or you should have a tarot card reading which I am trying to teach myself to do. I know this sounds stupid but you will not find the answers here. Ebay has real psychics that have graduated from the Berkly Psychic school. The prices are not high either. DO NOT put Blind trust into anything. That takes away your free will.
2006-08-28 08:53:47
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Try to speak your mind out with your husband. That might solve most of your issues. If you are educated, then try for some kind of job. That will ease some of your economic issues.
Good luck !
Never ever lose hope on life, who knows, one good day, you might be the luckiest one to get things in life...
2006-08-28 08:53:22
answer #4
answered by Indian_Male 4
Relax and stop using ur mind so much, be patient, meditate can I pls request to do 3 things?
1) Believe in God (blindly trust him, God is ur father, mother and guradian)
2) Be positive (all for the best) be superemely positive
3) meditate, do yoga, do Art of Living, this things will make you more happy for sure
you will hain happiness only when you are Happy from within, try and talk to ur partner, and pray God helps us all no matter what if u believe in him...pls do this :)
2006-08-28 08:53:15
answer #5
answered by Mozomo 2
Holy cow!! You think your hubby is unfaithful and you're waiting for the man of your dreams... Why don't you guys call it quits and get on with it. Get educated (if you're not) get a good job that pays and the rest takes care of itself. There's no such thing as good fairies so stop wishing, get off your duff and get to it.
2006-08-28 08:50:01
answer #6
answered by canela 5
Start working hard and belive in urself and don't wait for the opportunities just make the opportunities
2006-08-29 08:30:24
answer #7
answered by aashishjmehta 2
The answer is with you.First of all you decide what exactly you want.How much money you want at what time.I can advise you how to achieve.
2006-08-28 09:07:41
answer #8
answered by Prem N 1
NEVER! MONEY is never an answer to a peaceful life. Man by nature is never contented!
2006-08-28 08:49:30
answer #9
answered by oasis 1
do u think so it will ever happen. as money will increase ur resposibilities and tension to save it will increase. be content in whatever u have... this doesnt means stop trying for more..........
2006-08-28 09:06:47
answer #10
answered by hanspie 2