Not me... anyone who thinks PETA real goal is simply to stop people from hurting animals visit
When someone's goal is "The complete liberation of animals", you have to question their mental capacity. If they stuck to helping neglected, beaten animals then their name would be justified. But when a group feels that ethical treatment means euthanizing 86% of the animals it comes into contact with then they need a dictionary. They paint a beautiful picture, mainly for children and uneducated youth. But just like everything else, they are a marketing machine that receives BILLIONS in donations. When you use someone like Pamela Anderson (were those animal tested?? I think so) as your official spokesperson you really need to move to France. I like to hop on my Harley and ride by the protestors with my leather jacket. I might even hand out pictures of the 12 point buck I killed last winter and show what a Christmas Fiest it made! While i'm at it, I will send them pictures of all the pets I have owned in my life... oh... all those poor animals with a large home and open space, exercised daily and fed in return for their loyalty, love and work they provide. People involved with PETA need a better hobby because they have way too much free time.
2006-08-28 08:39:03
answer #1
answered by Dustin 3
Peta talks out of both sides of their mouths. While they say we need to stop killing animals for food the kill 90% of all the animals they take in, they believe in better dead than fed. They tell us not to use medical treatments that are tested on animals, their founder had no problem using them when she had Cancer or the VP from using insulin from cows because she can't use the man made stuff. They are out raged when cities kill pest like rats, I point out once more they kill 90% of the pets they. They say we do the same thing as the Nazis did to the Jews when we kill chickens for food. They give money to known terrorists groups. And PETA have said they would like to see the bombing of fast food places. Newkirk as come out for the mass killing of all pit bulls and wants to make it where we can not own pets. I can back up this with quoits by new kirk herself.
The first web site is about PETA and the second is a video done by Penn and Teller, There is swearing.
2006-08-28 03:39:16
answer #2
answered by raven blackwing 6
PETA was a good idea, but the people who are running it have gone way beyond what anyone thought it would be.
They tank a good idea of treating animals with respect and have turned it around to be a hate filled, hipocrite riddled business that is really in it for money.
They have some good ideas still, but you have to look beyond their extreme approach and take from it what you can if anything. Their videos are disturbing and eyeopening, but I am 100% sure that the whole of PETA's hired workforce/employees are NOT vegans, own no leather and use no animal derived product. So until they practive what they preach 110% I will never follow them or take anything they say literally or to heart.
They are just too far out there and it is really too extreme.
2006-08-28 00:01:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It isn't just PeTA either. HSUS, DDAL, IDA, ADL, etc ALL have the same agenda, they are just better at hiding it.
To all you PeTA supporters - "Better dead than fed", is THAT what you believe in? Are you aware that the agenda of these groups is to END ALL pet ownership? Is that what YOU want to support?
CF - Whoever told you they don't want to kill animals? They kill about 90% of the animals they 'rescue'. Haven't you been following the lawsuit in NC (or is it SC?)? The one where they lied to get the animals from people, killed them in the back of their van, and threw them in the dumpster. They even told a Vet they would rehome a litter of kittens if he let them take them, yet they were killed instead. And this had been going on for months. What do you think they use their huge freezers for?
Connie - No pay??? They recieve MILLIONS in donations. They do not do the attention getting antics for the animals, they do it for FUNDRAISING. The ones that do not get paid do it because they agree with their radical animal hating agenda.
2006-08-28 00:16:13
answer #4
answered by whpptwmn 5
I think you fine upstanding PETA members should really stop and look at what you stand for .... or think you stand for.
How many animals did PETA put down after Katrina because it was more "cost effective". I thought you were suppose to be for the animals, OH sorry, money talks doesn't it.
2006-08-28 00:11:00
answer #5
answered by Couto 2
Undoubtedly there are PETA members who are well intentioned. However the national PETA organization has a radical agenda I can not support.
And I enjoy eating meat, thank you!
2006-08-28 00:00:15
answer #6
answered by carl l 6
some of what they say is good but alot is overboard and they are hypocrites..
because they dont want to kill animals yet they drive vechicles with squashed bugs on the front
they dont want to eat meat because of animals being killed for food... yet animal habitat is destroyed to grow SOY or whatever they are eating instead
they dont want people to wear leather (a by product from the beef industry that other wise would be wasted) but encourage cotton - a product responsible for the loss of an entire sea and all fish in it (The ARAL Sea)
they dont want people to even drink milk but if people stopped drinking milk Millions of cattle would be slaughtered
they should teach people that if they want to stop cruelty people should kill themselves or not have babies..
2006-08-27 23:56:01
answer #7
answered by CF_ 7
Are you against being kind to animals, or what? Peta's kind of crazy, and I can say that because I'm a member (probably the only sane one). They had a good idea, but they took it a bit too far. They forgot, i suppose, that being kind to animals also means being kind to people. It's not the worst thing to come along, though. Most people would do with being a little more considerate to people and animals.
2006-08-27 23:57:11
answer #8
answered by jerrri 4
I am against animal testing. We are way too advanced to have to blind a monkey in order to know if a hairspray is safe. I'm actually a PETA member. (Not a vegetarian, though. So, figure that one out).
2006-08-27 23:58:34
answer #9
answered by kimberlee 1
not me!
there the ones banning all kind of breeds for dumb *** reasons.
they ban pits for there background.
they even banned boston terriers cause 1,000 F-uckin years ago they use to fight,
Peta is a joKE!
wanna save animals????? KILL A PETA MEMBER
CASEY-your an idiot.
2006-08-27 23:52:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous