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i have a drug problem. cant afford treatment center. been snorting coke about 10 months now. no body knows although i think they have their suspecisons. how can i kick this awful habit. serious answers only please. i need help.

2006-08-27 15:18:24 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Mental Health

13 answers

i used to do that crap man, its tough to quit but it can be done, i would really suggest looking up outpatient treatment centers, there are many free ones in all major citys, they will help in getting sober, and youll have other people in the same situation there to talk about it with. better to get to it NOW the longer you go the harder it is to kick it my friend. dont let it get the better of you, a good life is better then a good high i promise you that.
good luck.

2006-08-27 15:28:08 · answer #1 · answered by None 4 · 1 0

12 step programs are a start for someone who can't get into treatment. The meetings are free and in most populated neighborhoods and you might be able to go several times a day if you are in a large metropolitan area. If one REALLY works the 12 steps sincerely,humbly and in a state of submission and surrender, then there is a chance. Narcotics Anonymous has toll free numbers in your phone book. With sincere effort, commitment and working the program FULLY some are able to live a clean and sober life. 12 steps is a spiritual program (not religious). Unless a program has that spiritual component, there is basically no recovery. Most people just shift from one addiction to another! So unless you work on your "spiritual bankruptcy" as the CORE-ROOT CAUSE of the symptoms of addiction, then one will not make the changes or recovery. One must surrender to something greater than oneself, whether you call that God, Jesus, Buddha, Krsna, etc.

With "enough" pain and suffering, you may start asking the most important questions in life, like:

Who am I really?
Why am I here?
What is the REAL purpose of life?
Why do people suffer?

You are an eternal spirit soul who is here to work on spiritual perfection so that you can get back to your true eternal nature and go Home. You are not this body, this mind or this story, including the story of addiction. As soon as you can stop identifying with the addiction drama story, your body, your personality and all the designations of life you have been taught by a sleeping culture, then you can start recovering and awakening! You must come to know the difference between:

matter and spirit
temporary and eternal
illusion and truth

For help with these wonderful questions, go to:
Blessings to you. Feel free to contact me thru this site.

2006-08-27 22:42:52 · answer #2 · answered by gopigirl 4 · 0 0

If you can't afford treatment you can go to the ER, preferably an Er at a large teaching hospital , they have a psych ER, that may be the first step, maybe they can admit you for a few days. If you have no insurance, alot of times they can get you state insurance if you qualify. It is the only thing I can think of. That is the only thing I can think of off the top of my head. Coke isn't as addictive as other things so you have that in your favor. Good luck dude, I wish you all the best. You deserve a better/more fulfilling and healthier life.

2006-08-27 22:44:16 · answer #3 · answered by spartan_117 3 · 0 0

Narcotics anonymous is free. Go every day for the next 90 days, no matter what. If a loved one dies, go to a meeting before the funeral and after if need be. Make no excuses for not going. You would go get coke no matter what, so go get help no matter what.

Get a sponsor. Also free.

Also, I don't buy that you don't have money for treatment. You do seem to find the money for coke.

2006-08-31 09:45:02 · answer #4 · answered by adamsjrcn 3 · 0 0

go to a na meeting and get some help .people in the program are always willing to give someone that really wants to quit help . if you live in a bigger city try just the county detox .It's not a treatment center but dry out and then hit meetings .I t will be hard but if you want it there is help

2006-08-27 22:24:51 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

This is not a problem that will go away on it's own. Neither is it a problem that you can take care of alone. Look for free clinics. There must be some. Don't most addicts have problems with funds? And yet they do find treatment. Please seek it. And know that you are in my prayers.

2006-08-27 22:26:58 · answer #6 · answered by xxthespianxx 5 · 1 0

goodness, this is a big subject... one thing i could suggest to you is to dis-associate yourself from the people that use cocaine. and also delete the telephone numbers of your dealers from your cell phone. I wish i could be of more help, although i am sure there will be some helpful answers and suggestions that could help you. All the best dude.

ps. I found that a specific chat forum was very useful for me when trying to quit smoking cannabis ... i typed this is to google "help me to stop smoking weed"

2006-08-27 22:28:33 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You need to admit yourself into a detox program and do everything that they suggest and from now on anytime you are offered it say no. That wasn't meant to be smart but you need to start saying no before it ends up killing you or does something to the point of no return, Please for your sake and others say no.

2006-08-27 22:26:19 · answer #8 · answered by Mickey S 4 · 1 0

There should be places in your local area that offer free treatment, you can also contact a local church and see if they can help you or maybe they can hook you up with someone who can

2006-08-27 22:25:00 · answer #9 · answered by HaushinkaCool 3 · 1 0

I'm pretty sure that some places you can get help for free. You know, non-profit organizations. They want to help you.

You have the power to stop. All you need to do is try. Just stop buying it and stop. You can do it.

2006-08-27 22:24:01 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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