Make the parents more responsible for their children's behaviour. Allow schools to kick out disruptive students, allowing teachers to focus on the kids that want to be there... that would make a high school diploma more meaningful.
2006-08-27 08:45:06
answer #1
answered by jh 6
I would change the relationship between parents and teachers to a more effective and positive one.
Most of the problems with students misbehaving and with parental involvement is due to a lack of effective communication on one or both parts.
In order for children to receive a positive and rewarding education both teachers and parents much reach out and offer ideas, suggestions, and strategies.
The ideas must be put into use. It must be realized that parents have many other burdens besides school, and it must also be realized that teachers are not super-human, nor are either of them mind readers.
The one thing I would change would be teacher-parent teamwork so that children would know exactly what's expected of them and would excell in school and be more successful.
2006-08-27 15:44:40
answer #2
answered by Julie 2
I'd like all students, not just AP or Honors, to have quality teachers. In my school, regular students don't like Honor students because we have better teachers. Whenever I'm running errands for Honor Society (which is all the time) I see regular ed teachers not paying attention to their students and teaching them things well below their grade level. "Screw the kids, we want our money." That's what one teacher said at a regular education school while on strike. Maybe there would be less hate between us and the regular kids if they had better teachers.
-Iman J.
2006-08-27 15:50:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I would make the educational criteria and the background checks for primary, middle and secondary school teachers much more stringent. Entrusting our children to teachers is really important because of the influence they wield over our children. There are way too many people who become teachers that have NO business teaching. Tied in with the more stringent criteria I would pay teachers much more than they currently make. It's a shame to me that a professional rookie athlete can make more money on a 3 year contract than teachers will see in a lifetime. Now THAT is sad to me.
2006-08-27 15:44:59
answer #4
answered by nquizzitiv 5
Put prayer and God back into the schools. i belive that he needs to be there because there would be a lot less problems in school and get rid of gangs stop them before they start. And a good swat accross the but does not hurt on for a while , but not a beating
2006-08-27 15:48:41
answer #5
answered by Medic 21 2
Apart from insisting on proper spelling and grammar, I would like to see basic finance and economics taught in high school. Nothing fancy, just some of the basics of money, banking, credit, stocks, and bonds. It's frightening how ignorant our high school grads are.
2006-08-27 15:54:33
answer #6
answered by szydkids 5
Seriously - I think that teachers should be reconsidered. I am seeing more and more teachers "teaching" just b/c they can get the summers off and a good paycheck. In my high school, there's only a few teachers that can actually teach. And I'm not saying this b/c I hold a grudge against any of them - I'm a very tolerant person - but, I think teacher's who take the job should be able to do their job...not just sit and wait for the paycheck!
2006-08-27 15:41:35
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
grammar, grammar, grammar.
I cannot believe how horrible people's spelling has gotten. Even teachers. Spelling ability has declined rapidly since the age of the Internet and even i am guilty of "typing the way i talk" or using abbreviations. But that is still no excuse for misspelling words continually, using bad grammar or asking questions that others can't even begin to decipher!
2006-08-27 15:48:20
answer #8
answered by annie 3
as mentioned before school supplies
teachers should give a good ecduation the princples and stuff dont even care about how they teach!
my algebra teacher DIDNT TEACH AT ALLLL!
he made the test super hard that are worth 100 percent of ur grade!
2006-08-27 15:43:14
answer #9
answered by Someone 3
I think religion and evolution should both be taught at school because the more a person knows about life and ideas, the more open-minded the person will become. Also, people won't be so sheltered and society might become better if everyone can accept beliefs, (they don't have to accept them as their own of course, but at least understand different ideas).
2006-08-27 15:43:29
answer #10
answered by Sapphire 3