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Okay, I HAD a foolproof objective arguement against the arguement "Abortion is murder" because murder was simply defined as the "unlawful killing of another human being" (wherein it's not murder because it's legal; if anything, it's an execution). Unfortunately, Dictionary.com now recognizes the definition murder as including "inhumane or barbarous killing (or slaughter)"

So that means all the "Fur is murder!" and "Abortion is murder" arguements can't be dismissed based on an arguement of semantics anymore. Crap.

Obviously, Prolifers consider abortion inhumane (the arguement for barbarously doesn't really fall through: "uncivilized" just doesn't work considering the procedure). So the question is:

Is abortion lacking pity or compassion? If the abortion will save the life of the mother, then we have compassion for the mother. So the abortion is murder arguement only works in cases where one needs not be compassionate to the mother. Correct?

2006-08-26 19:51:44 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

BTW people: when LIFE starts is irrelevant. Bacteria is life. Plants are life. Cows are life.

The question is at what point does the "entity" become a "person."

And quit with the buzzword arguements people. And don't use try and say those head cutting off arguements as if they're the norm: most people will agree the most gruesome of abortions are uncivilized, but that's not the norm, it's just one method. There's a lot of misinformation out there (mostly on the prolife side as it works to their favor more, but I'm sure there's plenty of misinformation on the prochoice side as well).

2006-08-26 20:24:25 · update #1

Okay, allow me to explain this question, because no one here got it. The point is, if something needs to meet "X definition" in order to be murder, and it only meets said definition on occasion, then only on those occasions is it murder. "Well, that definition can't cover the real extent of murder." Fine language is determined by how we use it, not what's in the books. But that being said, "abortion is murder" becomes a circular arguement, because you just redefine murder to include abortion to use murder (which is one of those emotional buzz words) in your arguement! It would be a lot more logically valid to say abortion is slaughter, or an execution, but you stick with the term murder, which is a LOT harder to prove. Why? Because a rational arguement isn't what pro-life fanatics want to use (it's not their strongest point). And I personally like reason.

But still: Why wouldn't the words "Slaughter" or "Execution" be acceptable instead of murder?

2006-08-27 07:06:25 · update #2

22 answers

"Unlawfull killing of another human being" is where the catch is. "Fur is murder" is obviously outruled here, so if that is one of your concerns, consider that settled. The question you need to ask yourself, and this is where it gets sticky, is when you think a fetus is a human being.

As for my two cents, abortion is not murder.

2006-08-26 20:06:10 · answer #1 · answered by youngliver2000 3 · 0 4

wow. so if someone told a lady with ner newborn in her arms about to drown in the ocean,"The situation is dire.We can only save one of you. Throw the baby in the sea and you can go on with life as normal." we would applaud the compassion of those who spoke it? I mean nobody really knew the baby anyway, right?

HUMAN life taken without acknowledgement of the human beings right to live IS murder no matter how you slice it. ALL the dictionaries in the world cannot justify shooting a kid in the face because the mother or father did not want it, because the father was a rapist, or the mother was 13. It is the eqivalent of stabbing a baby in the back of the head and pulling the body parts out one piece at a time like they do in partial birth abortion, Is that any less heinous? What has the baby done to deserve that? Can a baby pick it's parents? Why does it have to bear the brunt of the consequences?

FETUS=BABY. Anything with a HEARTBEAT is ALIVE. Dead things don't move in your belly. People crack me up trying to call it everything but what it is. Is abortion wrong? Cut the semantics and talk to a woman 2 weeks after she has had one and ask her how she really feels about what she has done regardless of the reason or her stance on the issue prior to. I haven't met one that was proud of it even if it relieved lot of pressure to have gone through with it.

2006-08-27 03:17:43 · answer #2 · answered by A. K. 2 · 0 0

The current US abortion laws are insane and fundamentally unconstitutional. They do not apply to everyone equally.

Why is the right to life granted at the moment of birth? Under current law, a child born prematurely 6 months after conception gains the right to live at that moment, but his twin brother who is carried to full term doesn't gain the same rights. He can legally be aborted at any time during the next 3 months before he is finally born. That makes no sense.

The right to live should be granted to everyone at the same amount of time after conception. Whether that time is 1 second or 9 months, that is debatable. Personally, I believe it should be granted before brain development starts. Anyone who believes killing a cat or dog is wrong should not be willing to kill a human life that has a brain.

The "life of the mother" argument is also irrelevant. If the child must be removed to save the mother's life, then why must it first have its brains sucked out? Human children are born premature every day in the US and most of them survive with the help of modern medicine. Children should not be killed simply because they are inconvenient.

2006-08-27 03:12:09 · answer #3 · answered by scifiguy 6 · 1 0

to me, a lifetime prolifer and an adoptee, I think all abortions are murder. mothers are give up their lives in order to save the baby's. the mother's duty of being a mother is to give life. I know many will hate me for saying that but giving ones life for another is pure love and unselfish. but i've never been in that situation so i honestly don't know what i would do.

abortion is terminating the life of an unborn child. killing. murdering. the child is dead. and suffers pain during it. the problem now lies in defining human life. some say at moment of conception and some say at the point where the unborn child could live outside the womb and some say at the moment it takes it's first breath. that is what we are arguing now. once a sperm enters an egg it immediately bonds and divides into two separate cells and those 2 cells divide into 2 more. etc. when these cells come into form it "knows" if it's going to be a skin cell, a brain cell, a red blood cell, etc. to me that is life. those tiny cells are dividing and forming into a human. it just needs several months to complete the process but it is a life form.

2006-08-27 03:05:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Statistics show that 98 percent of abortions are for the "health" of the mother--which usually means mental health from not being "inconvenienced" by a child. Never mind the destruction that abortion wreaks on a woman's body (since a woman's uterus was never meant to have anything unnaturally ripped from it). I challenge anyone to come up with cold, hard statistics that show that most abortions are to save the life of the mother--the argument used by most people to keep abortion on demand up until the moment of birth. Actions have consequences, but even in the horrible case of rape (can I see statistics on the number of pregnancies from rape??), why should the baby be killed just because its conception was violent?

I also don't want to hear any pro-choicers crying about Social Security being in trouble, because if the U.S. hadn't had 40 million of its unborn taxpayers killed off since 1973, we wouldn't be worried about how the Baby Boom (ironic, isn't it?) generation will survive in their retirement years. Where has compassion been since Roe v. Wade? I can't see it.

2006-08-27 03:28:52 · answer #5 · answered by Pastor Chad from JesusFreak.com 6 · 1 0

Or if a young Christian girl gets pregenant at a young age!

I personally believe in prochoice, its the womans (and the mans) right to decide if they want a termination. It just so happens that the Christian right in the US is making it an issue that will become illegal. The question is not compassion or pity (as I do have that for those who make the difficult choice) but the interference of the Christian right into increasing the debate to the detriment of womens health, mentally and physically and the influence of the Christian right to determine the rights and wrongs of other people in the US's, of other religions domination's or lack thereof, choice wheter the practice is illegal. Im glad that I live in the UK as we will never stand for such blatant religious interference in politics.

A person who for instance is raped and fall pregenant, Christian right want to refuse her the choice.....WTF? A few postings have argued that the foetus is living in the body, so what if they caught and STD/STI, an infection, cancer, parasite, what is the difference in taking medicine to rid body of the unwanted 'living' bacteria inside and aborting it? This is how they are playing, devoid of emotional and mental wellbeing.

P.S Christians have Bibles not dictionaries!!!

2006-08-27 03:44:02 · answer #6 · answered by A_Geologist 5 · 0 1

Abortion is always murder. If an abortion is truly required in order to save the life of the mother, which is very, very, very rare, it's still murder, but murder with extenuating circumstances.

2006-08-27 09:22:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Fur can't be murder. You can't be inhumane to a non human.

Second if pulling a baby part way out cutting the back of it's head open with scissors and sucking out it's brain (which is what they do in a partial birth abortion) is not uncivlized and barbarous then nothing is.

2006-08-27 02:57:58 · answer #8 · answered by pastorJ 3 · 5 1

No... i dont believe that abortion in any case is compassion. Abortion's root word is ABORT, if you abort something, you are not sure of what will be the result. Deciding the life of un-borned child is not your business, God is the creator of human being not you or anybody else. Human being usually rely on sophisticated machine now a days that can detect the inner activity in human body (ultra-sound). WHY? whom do you think will decide in every humans life? YOU? we are not GOD, remember we are just creations of God, So let God decide to what ever thing he gaves us..ah by the way, having a child is a special gift from God, Remember as a parent our role decided by God is for us to be a Guardian only of our children, a protector and provider base on thier human needs. So for me Human must not think about abortion may this helps or not help you. Its not your business, Its Gods business and its God who will decide...Human decission is defirent from spiritual decission....Be watchful if you are in Christ.

2006-08-27 03:11:53 · answer #9 · answered by ROMULO M 1 · 1 1

Let me ask the murder---errr---abortionists this: If you have a baby on your lap that is 1 month old and you didn't want it could you cut its throat??
Now--- what about a baby that is born 3 months premature? Now this baby that is LIVING should by all means still be INSIDE the womb! This would be a baby YOU would kill only if it was inside someones womb?? But here is a baby, alive, born 3 months premature... You can kill it inside because you don't have to see the baby's face.

2006-08-27 02:59:06 · answer #10 · answered by musingaloud 2 · 3 1

OK, abortion is a poor solution, but what if you knew that not having a child would significantly be beneficial to other children? What if you knew that the survival of mankind is dependent on slowing the birth rate of children significantly? What if you knew that solving some of mankind's pressing problems now would greatly improve human beings chances in the future?

2006-08-27 03:05:49 · answer #11 · answered by zclifton2 6 · 0 2

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