Terrorism is often inspired by religion. AIDS isn't the result of human "corruption", it's an equall opportunity illness. Crime and murder, those ARE bad things... but "sexual perversion"? I assume you're refering to child molestation and rape... yes, those ARE bad things too. If you mean "gay" sex, "kinky" sex, I gotta say I'm not with you on that one.
Society HAS been evolving towards peace and love. I know we're still fighting amongst ourselves, but the Dark Ages are over, the Holocaust defeated, and now the only tyrants threatening the existence of a kinder, better world are those who think they're receiving instructions from a higher power (Jesus or Allah). Maybe THAT'S a problem, eh?
2006-09-03 08:00:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
All that you describe was prophesied about 2,000 years ago. God knows the heart of man (and woman), and has had a plan in place from the very beginning. This is why judgment has already started for this planet. Just watch the daily news. Has the things going on today ever been in the past ? I hope you find the answer that you seek. Recognition is the first step in solving the problem.
2006-08-26 17:55:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I know what you're saying. I'm sorry you're not religious, but I'd say your eyes are open to what's going on in the world. Well, more open than other's.
The reason for the obsession over material gains, worldwide warfare, terrorism, crime, murder, and sexual perversions can be summed up very simply. The Lord gave us all freewill. AND The Devil deceives us, tempts us, tricks us, influences us. The result?? When the Devil does all this, many of us make the wrong decisions.
How do some Muslims react when they think America is corrupting the world with sex and commercialism? They fly planes into office buildings killing thousands of husbands and wives and fathers, and mothers. WHO do you think was influencing those Muslims? WHO do you think deceived them into believing that Allah would want that? That's right. Satan.
And when the planes struck the World Trade Center, WHO do you think influenced us, the Americans, to strike back "in the name of freedom and justice"? WHO tricked us all into believing it was the right thing to do? The Devil.
HE WILL TURN BROTHER AGAINST BROTHER. The Devil is the reason for ALL our pains. War and Murder and Adultery. Sex, "bling bling", guns, being a thug or a gang banger, being a "pimp", "fo-tay inch rims" on yo' ride, all that stuff . . .is the Devil's influence.
Your question is, Is God disgusted with us? I'd say NO. God loves us. We are the victims of the Devil. He's been preying on us all our existence. No, God isn't disgusted with us, He's disgusted with the Devil.
God bless you. Good luck my friend.
2006-08-26 17:50:25
answer #3
answered by Hank 3
I think the world is getting ready to be shaken up a bit in order to wake people up. The sooner the better.
We are living lives of materialism, we have made ourselves into gods. We go to Church to celebrate ourselves and entertain our egos. The days of worshiping God at a Church are almost gone.
It's all about psychology, and a feel-good philosophy.
There is also the health and wealth gospel being pushed on the spiritually poor souls which only fuels the humanistic/materialistic beliefs.
2006-08-26 17:53:49
answer #4
answered by mr_mister1983 3
Don't focus on the hate and negative. There are so many good things happening. I know that God is pleased with many, many things that are happening right now. Across the world religion is becoming more neutral (less contention and wars as were in the past), people are becoming more aware of the harm they can do to their bodies and generally think twice before making harmful decisions. Despite the bad that is happening, there are those who are good--very good people. And their convictions are stronger and stronger for doing the right. The best thing we can do is to focus on the good, for there will always be the bad. Praise those who do well. Smile more. Share a word of comfort or good-will. Commit yourself to making this world better. I can assure you that God will be happy if you do.
2006-08-26 17:41:31
answer #5
answered by ikikochan 2
mankind sure is corrupted but i don't think God is disgusted with us and he will never be. He created us and that fact will always remain the same. The reason why He's not interfering right now and changing us back to the way we were before is because His giving us a chance to change on our own. There is a perfect time for every single thing, and the time for mankind to go back in God's leadership shall come to the right time.
2006-08-26 17:40:51
answer #6
answered by <--tsk--> 3
As an atheist I can understand how you feel. People claim to be one thing and act another. I think that is one reason for the surge in atheists. Personally I have never had a religious experience which is why I am atheist. But I often wondered why A God would allow humans to be as they are. That seems to be the atheists bigest objections to religion. Why if he can stop it does he allow all the bad things you mentioned. I really think a God could control his creations or has developed them act as they are acting.I think religion was a developed idea for control by men and it has proven to be just that ever sence.
We really are living in a better world than ever before.
people live longer, have life easier. Had I raised my children 75 years ago two of them would have never lived to adulthood due to such sickness as appendicitis which is an easy operation now but was a killer a few years ago. People than had a simpler life, but died much earlier and suffered much for it. If you think about when a person could buy a pair of shoes for a buck but worked all week for that dollar it wasn't such a good time to live. The average person in 1900 died at 48 years old and I would not want to go back to that time.
I think it's our culture. As the world become smaller due to transportation, and we get in people who do not wish to be americans,or wish to bring their culture and religion with them we are becoming a huge kettle for trouble ever day.
Over population here and world wide especially in the countries and cities which can least afford it along with leaders whose entire object in life is their own profit are making this world what it is. Not God. as you said it's humans doing in them selves. and unfortunately in todays time frame religion has become a huge contributer to the problem.
christinaity at one time was where Islam is now and people suffered for that in europe, america, south and central america.
Were it not for law in the constitution we would be as much at each others throat over religion here in america as we were 4 to 500 years ago.
Unfortunately it isn't just religion now, It's energy, soon to be water, and land. These are things we can't do with out and God has to appear and straighten it out or change will only be for the worse. Humans are not going to share cultures, lives, or values any time soon.
2006-08-26 18:36:36
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I believe God is heartbroken over His creations lawlessness and rampant sin through out His Creation.Even how we treat our planet, He created. The devil is evil and he captures and destroys lives. But, his days are numbered and He will be judged and spend eternity in Hell with His demons and those that did not choose a life in Christ.
There will be peace and no sorrow, nations will practice war no more.When the new Heaven and earth come down and Christ Jesus resigns supreme.
Come Lord Jesus Come.
2006-09-03 16:53:07
answer #8
answered by Faith walker 4
God has been heartbroken since the day Eve ate that fruit. I pray for all people on this planet because we are literally destorying humankind. And have made tons of animal species extinct. God created animals also. I would not want to be God. To created a person in my image and watch him/her disobey my every word and even stop believing in me.
God without man is still God. Man without God is nothing.
2006-08-26 17:52:07
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
God is angry with the wicked everyday. That's written in the psalms of the bible. No one is righteous, no not one. That's also in the bible. Basically, God knows that because Adam ate the apple when he was PERFECT (of all things!) with God, sin entered in through Adam due to Satan, and has been passed on down to mankind ever since.
God's watchin' it all happen, and while I could just put everyone to sleep with a long long long long long long explanation about the bible, suffice to say, God sent his Son to pay for our sin debt that we would owe to him. He was your representative, your substitute, your ambassador, if anything when he went on that cross before God, and paid for your sin, my sin, and the entire world's sin with his blood.
"Will we as a society ever see the light and return to a better, kinder way of living with each others differences" You say? Not until Christ returns. Until then, it gets worse, and worse and worse and worse and worse. It's like telling a rotten apple that it has to get better. It can't! It's nature (already being rotten) is to just keep on rotting!
A better example, would be if you took an apple tree. One day after years of the tree bearing the fruit that it's beared, you decide, "I don't want apples, I want oranges". So you cut the tree just so that the branches are gone. Well, when it all comes to growth again.....think you're getting oranges? NOPE. It's the trees nature to grow apples!
When Christ died on the cross, there was ANOTHER nature put inside of us. A spiritual nature, for every single believer in Christ to recieve at the true moment he/she believes in what Christ did for them on the cross. Now....the spiritual nature sits WITH the nature that wants "to destroy ourselves because we follow the leadership of men with the power to push a button."
Don't follow masses, popes, cardinals, schedules, rules, religions, regulations, laws, ordinances, priests, etc... follow Christ according to his Word....the bible!
2006-08-26 17:55:00
answer #10
answered by The (1Cor.15:1-4) Ambassador 5