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About 3 months ago me and her were really close, we really both liked each other. It was obvious. But she's only 13, and I had just turned 15. Well, people started talking about it, and she backed off. So about a week later, I asked her out, afraid of her backing off further, she said I Dont Know. I took it as a nice way of saying no, but didnt understand why she would say no, I mean, we were so close, more than friends. So she continued to back off, at that time she told her friends she might date me, that she just wanted to see if I could stick with her, cause i've had many girls. Well fast forward 3 months. Now she barely even talks to me, she seems to really like this other guy, and like I dont even exist anymore. I dont knowy why? I mean i didnt do anything to push her that far away. And now she is telling her friends she doestn like me at all, she just dont wanna hurt my feelings. Ok, heres where it gets confusing. Her and her mom are REALLY REALLY close, they tell each other everything. Well her mom likes me alot, she told me, that if she could pick anyone for her daughter to date, it would be me. But, she also said that her daughter was REALLY scared, because we were so close, and she is afraid that if we ever break up, it will totally ruin the friendship, which I can understand. But her mom said that if I really really like someone else, that i should move on, but if I really really like her daughter than i should continue to pursue her. I know her mom isnt lying to me, she would tell me straight up, if her daughter dont like me. Well heres the problem, I am so confused, i feel like I am putting this first priority in my life. Ahead of God, I dont want to, but I really really have strong feelings for this girl, and i just cant let her go. My question is, what should i do? I mean what do you think? Do you think she likes me, or she just dont wanna hurt my feelings, or what? I mean one day it will seem like she totally wants to takl to me, the next, she wont even reply to my email, that she sent the day before. .. Please tell me what you think she is doing, thinking about me, and what I should do if I have any chance left with her, I know I sound crazy, but , I really really care for her, more than anyone I've ever known.

but i mean now, she barely noticicies im there, i mean..why wouldnt she like me anymore.. i didnt do anything to make her stop

2006-08-26 12:25:07 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

7 answers

No, you didn't do anything to make her stop liking you --but it happened anyway!

The MOUSE PACK has zoomed in on her to dissect the situation and she needs the approval of her 13 year old girl acquaintences, who dissed you very effectively.

And she listened -- so it's over!

It's cruel, it's trippy, it's gossipy, but that stuff is important to your ex-girlfriend. Her mom isn't rude enough to tell you this, so she watered it down as a statement that it was ok for you to look around and date others.

2006-08-26 12:33:49 · answer #1 · answered by urbancoyote 7 · 0 0

Well it sounds like she got too close to you and got really scared. She might've saw you as a potential boyfriend and then was scared of comitment. Maybe you were ready, but she wasnt. Personally i think you should move on, because someone that inconsistant could really break your heart in the end. You could put your feelings out there and she wouldnt care. However, if you want to pursue anything then back off a little, and try to be friends first then go to the next step. If she thinks youre desperate then she'll want to stay away from you. Dont listen to her friends. if you want to know anything go directly to her because even friends screw with the facts and it could be them that doesnt like you, not her. But I go back to what i said before, sometimes its just better to move on. First loves come and go. Youre young so theres plenty of more fish in the sea.

2006-08-26 19:39:25 · answer #2 · answered by Shayla 2 · 0 0

Hey!!!...First...take a deep breath!! and relax!...Well at that age (13) girls can be super confusing...they have to go through many emotional and physical changes. So understand that it won't be easy to really find out whats going on in her heart or mind ok?
I think you should keep talking with her. She seems to like you and even her mom has told you so. Don't worry too much...just be confident of yourself! she eventually will notice that you are a good catch right?...Show her that you care for her lots! but at the same time don't ever stop of looking after you too!...You also have feelings and if she doesn't respect that...well...maybe she is not worthy of your love right?
Talk to her about your feelings. And also give her a chance to express her emotions. The more you are interested in what she feels the more she will be notice you care and that you don't want to hurt her.

Wish you the best!...and please try not to stress to much about it. I am sure everything is going to be allright! :)

2006-08-26 19:40:20 · answer #3 · answered by There! 2 · 0 0

I feel the same way for this guy... he is everything and I feel breathless when I know that something is happening between us. And I think she really likes you but is just scared of your friendship. You dont know the whole deal of whats going on in her life, and there is prolly something thats making her back away that really dosent relate to you. Just talk to her and tell her straight up how you feel, and maybe she will tell you whats going on with her, and you guys can get it straightened out. I know the only thing holding me back from throwing my arms around this guy is his friends; because they really arent his true friends and they are complete jerks. Me and him both know that if we went out, his friends will start rumors and talk bad about us and make our lives miserable. But now that we are getting closer, hes ditching his friends. The point is, it really might not be you, and if you talk with her about it, she might not care about that anymore. Good Luck

2006-08-26 19:45:51 · answer #4 · answered by sometimes you just get lucky 2 · 0 0

Maybe you should get her to have a talk with you and just be really honest with her. Ask her the questions you just asked on this forum. She is the only one who can answer them honestly. Anything anyone can say on here would only be guess work.

You need to tell her that you feel she is giving you mixed signals and that you just want to know the truth, once and for all. You need to tell her the way you feel, and if she doesn't feel the same, you need to be gracious about it and move on. But if she really likes you and is afraid, then you need to ask her to take a chance on you and reciprocate your feelings.

2006-08-26 19:40:23 · answer #5 · answered by Rose 4 · 0 0

Approach her and ask her if she even likes you as a friend and why she has been avoiding you in the past few months. Talk to her directly, not by her friends about your true feelings toward her. Tell her that you're willing to take the risk of losing your friendship with her in order to be in love with her.

2006-08-26 19:34:19 · answer #6 · answered by pureessence 2 · 0 0

omg she reminds me of 1 of my ex friends shell do it forever shell make everyone back off you so when she needs you shell come to you all shell do is use you i no you love her dont get mad i no youll never be over her but if you let her do this shell always do it but maybe itll work for you juss from my exprerence she keep doin it

2006-08-26 19:33:52 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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