About 3 months ago me and her were really close, we really both liked each other. It was obvious. But she's only 13, and I had just turned 15. Well, people started talking about it, and she backed off. So about a week later, I asked her out, afraid of her backing off further, she said I Dont Know. I took it as a nice way of saying no, but didnt understand why she would say no, I mean, we were so close, more than friends. So she continued to back off, at that time she told her friends she might date me, that she just wanted to see if I could stick with her, cause i've had many girls. Well fast forward 3 months. Now she barely even talks to me, she seems to really like this other guy, and like I dont even exist anymore. I dont knowy why? I mean i didnt do anything to push her that far away. And now she is telling her friends she doestn like me at all, she just dont wanna hurt my feelings. Ok, heres where it gets confusing. Her and her mom are REALLY REALLY close, they tell each other everything. Well her mom likes me alot, she told me, that if she could pick anyone for her daughter to date, it would be me. But, she also said that her daughter was REALLY scared, because we were so close, and she is afraid that if we ever break up, it will totally ruin the friendship, which I can understand. But her mom said that if I really really like someone else, that i should move on, but if I really really like her daughter than i should continue to pursue her. I know her mom isnt lying to me, she would tell me straight up, if her daughter dont like me. Well heres the problem, I am so confused, i feel like I am putting this first priority in my life. Ahead of God, I dont want to, but I really really have strong feelings for this girl, and i just cant let her go. My question is, what should i do? I mean what do you think? Do you think she likes me, or she just dont wanna hurt my feelings, or what? I mean one day it will seem like she totally wants to takl to me, the next, she wont even reply to my email, that she sent the day before. .. Please tell me what you think she is doing, thinking about me, and what I should do if I have any chance left with her, I know I sound crazy, but , I really really care for her, more than anyone I've ever known.
but i mean now, she barely noticicies im there, i mean..why wouldnt she like me anymore.. i didnt do anything to make her stop
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