tell your husband to get off his *** and hook that stove up... but! try toasted tomato sandwiches (simple toast your bread add mayo and tomatos, salt and pepper to taste) as for pasta you can make it in the microwave get a microwavable dish fill it with water and let it boil, add the pasta and microwave it for 10 minutes after 5 stir it and keep it going until it cooks. try making mushroom rice... (you can add veggies mixed in the rice too) get your rice, use a can of mushroom soup.. one can to about 1 1/2 c. of uncooked rice. cook together and VOila!!!
2006-08-26 13:42:58
answer #1
answered by ♥ღαмαиdα♥ღ 7
2016-05-12 20:06:25
answer #2
answered by ? 3
Yes, I've cooked pasta in my microwave. You just have to remember to keep enough water in the container, keep it covered and watch it. After 3 minutes take it out stir it, check to see if it's done, if not put it back in for anywhere from 2 - 3 more minutes. Sure hope this works for you, oh, cooking time will also depend on the wattage of your microwave.
2006-08-26 12:30:28
answer #3
answered by Cheryl D 1
Totally, I just did my Kraft Dinner in the microwave for lunch.. Just use a big container, i use this big glass jug that looks like an 10 cup measuring cup that came with the micro. Fill it, like 6 cups, of water. (well depending on how much pasta, use the same amount of water you would normally use. Set it for 10 min. to boil. When boiling add pasta, a little oil and set for 9-10 mins. to cook, maybe stirring once if the pasta starts to stick to itself....beeeeeepppp! done. Same as stove top.
2006-08-26 12:29:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Just buy some Easy Mac from Kraft. That works great in the microwave and it comes in different flavors.
Or just heat up some spaghetti-o's.
2006-08-26 12:27:35
answer #5
answered by grahamma 6
I'd go for the rice cooker; better texture. Just heat the water in the cooker for 10 minutes and then put the pasta in.
2006-08-26 12:51:20
answer #6
answered by nora22000 7
Yes. Tortellini is easy: boil a big bowl of water in microwave safe bowl, add tortellini, keep boiling...every 6 minutes check for tenderness. when its 'al dente' sauce it, heat another minute, enjoy!!! An alternative way-boil water in bowl, pour water into big plastic bag, add pasta, in 8 minutes, puncture and drain.Re add to bowl. Sauce and dress pasta, reheat for 11/2 minutes. Toss. Add cheese. Eat.
2006-08-26 12:28:22
answer #7
answered by robert r 5
For the best answers, search on this site
Packing a lunch for school and/or work can be a challenge. Often times you don’t have access to a microwave or refrigeration. Eating the same thing every day can get old after a short time as well. My suggestions for lunch are listed below. Consider taking an insulated lunch bag to keep some of these things cold until it’s time to eat. You could also freeze your beverage (water, juice, etc) and use it as an ice pack if you don’t have a lunch box. Wraps, salads, and sandwiches are good for the “entrée course” of your lunch. Use different deli meats and cheeses every week so you don’t tire of the same flavors. It’s good to make homemade dressings or switch up the condiments on these items as well. Use as many fresh ingredients as possible to increase the nutritional value as well. Another idea would be to cook chicken breasts, fish, and pork tenderloins in large amounts over the weekend and keep the cooked meat in the fridge or freezer as an addition to your sandwiches, wraps, or salads. It’s a nice change to deli meat. My family also enjoys chicken, tuna, or ham salad sandwiches every so often. And you can never go wrong with peanut butter and jelly! As the “side dishes” for your lunch, I would suggest any of the items listed below. fruit, yogurt, pudding, or jello cups fresh vegetables with ranch dressing granola bars popcorn trail mix chips (take salsa or a cheese dip for tortilla chips) pretzels 100 calorie snack packs (cookies, brownie bites, etc) special K cracker chips dry cereal fresh fruit (like apples/bananas with peanut butter, orange slices, grapes, etc) tasty cakes (Little Debbie brand) bologna and cheese cubes broccoli, macaroni, pasta, or potato salad crackers (goldfish, animal crackers, cheese or peanut butter filled sandwich crackers) dried fruit (raisins, craisins, banana/apricot/apple chips) deviled or pickled eggs cheese curls or cheese balls fun sized candy bars mixed nuts gummy candy marshmallows
2016-04-10 08:15:57
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
please don't do it in the microwave oven.It will turn rubbery,and some parts of your pasta wil be cooked more than others.Go to your grocery store and buy Barilla Pasta,it is the best on the market.Boil some water,with a dash of salt, than add the pasta of your choice. The instructions on the box will tell you how long to cook it. El Dante' is the best way.Good-luck,trust me it is better cooked on the stove than in your microwave oven!!!!!
2006-08-26 12:27:21
answer #9
answered by FELINELOVER 5
Yes you can!
Boil your water in the micro and put in your pasta, cover it and let it sit, still in the micro, for 15 minutes, stirring it once or twice. Check for doneness and go from there with the sauces over top or whatever you want to put on it.
2006-08-26 12:31:13
answer #10
answered by Nisey 5