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2006-08-26 11:42:16 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

23 answers

Of course! Who do you think made the universe?

one of the ways to know if there is a God indeed is by proof.

read this long-but-worth-reading article:


To those who declare I do not believe in God and His son Our Lord Jesus Christ, or to those who reject the Bible as the Word of God, or to those who piously declare I have an open mind -- I address these few lines on Bible Prophecy.

Dr. Gallup declared that for all of this to be a mere coincidence, the mathematical odds work out at such astronomical figures to be a certainty.

The hundreds of prophecies in the Bible are mind boggling for any other explanation than, they are truth revealed by God.

Let us examine some of these. You see it is vital that you accept the Bible. To do so is to accept God. The only gateway to the Godhead is through His son our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To accept Jesus is to accept Salvation. We live here on Earth for time; with the acceptance of Jesus we live for Eternity.

One way by which we accept the Bible is through its prophecies. There are many other ways, but let us look at "Prophecy."


Now the Bible differs from the other alleged holy books in the world, in one significant aspect; The Bible tells us prophetically what is to come, and indeed, one-third of the Bible consists of prophecies.

A very long time ago God himself stated the criterion for the acceptance of His Holy Word. In Isaiah 41:21 He states, "Present your case, says the Lord. set forth your arguments says Jacob's King. Bring in your idols to tell us what is going to happen. Tell us what the former things were so that we may consider them and know their final outcome. Or, declare to us the things to come. Tell us what the future holds so we may know that you are gods...''' What God is setting forth is the criterion, the means whereby, you and I can test the Word of God.

If God can tell what will happen tomorrow then He is truly God, and His word is truth. If the other would-be gods, Confucius, Buddha, Mohammed, Joseph Smith, if they or anyone else can predict accurately what is to come to pass; and if it does come to pass in every material particular then, and only then, cold any of those persons claim to be God.

Nostradamus for example was heralded as a person who correctly predicted World War 1, but if you were to examine Nostradamus' predictions, you would find that he never condescended to particulars so that one could unequivocally say, "yes," he has predicted this event or that event, in detail.

Now let us examine some of the predictions set forth in the Bible - for prophecy to be accepted, it must be shown:

a. That is was made before a certain event was predicted

b. That that event subsequently occurred

c. That nothing which was predicted failed to come to pass

In other words, proof must be confined and strict. Let us look at the first coming of Jesus. There are literally scores of prophecies foretelling where He was gong to be born; when He was going to be born; His village name and His life and death are all accurately prophesied. Satan knew all of this, yet he could not even alter one simple aspect such as the betrayal of Jesus for 30 pieces of silver to make it read 29 or 31 pieces of silver.

If I were to say that a thriving city, while it was thriving, would become a bare tock, and the very dust scraped off from her, and this did take place, everyone would shout what a tremendous prophecy; but this is exactly what happened in God's god-breathed word, the Bible. In Ezekiel 26:4 God said He would make Tyre, a thriving city, become a bare rock. This came to pass when Alexander-the-Great literally devastated that city, and it may be read in the Bible at Ezekiel 26:4.

In Ezekiel 26:5 God said its stones and temples are to be laid in the sea, and the city will never be rebuilt. History reveals that Tyre was devastated, and he has never been rebuilt.

Let us take Samaria God said, "I will make Samarian a heap of rubble." Look at Micah 1:6, and we find that hundreds of years later this prophecy was fulfilled as predicted. Vineyards now occupy the site, and this was as prophesied. On and on I could go. There are prophecies about Jericho and Gaza and Ashketon; all came to pass. Re Jericho four prophesies were made by God;

1. Jericho would be destroyed.

2. One man would rebuild it.

3. The builder's eldest son would die when the work started.

4. His youngest son would die when the work was completed.

This happened exactly as was predicted. For those who are interested in history; in 1936, when the excavations of Jericho were in progress, Garstana found that the walls fell outward and not inward so that what is stated in Joshua 6:20 came to pass. "The wall fell so flat that every man charged straight in and took the city." The walls had so righted themselves to permit of this invasion as was prophesied, by falling outward, so they went straight through and did not have to climb over.

For Palestine, historians today cite confirmation of Biblical prophecy. See Lev. 26:3-33 written in 1491 B.C. and Ezek. 36:33-35 in which the following predictions appear:

a. Palestine shall become waste. It happened.
b. Sanctuaries and lands will become desolate. It happened.
c. Enemies shall inhabit the land, and the Jews shall be scattered. It happened. Moslem took over the land.
d. The sword shall go out after the Jews. Do you recall Hitler's massacre of multi-millions of Jews
e. The Jews shall return to Palestine.
f. The city shall be rebuilt, and its soil tilled.

God's word foretold in the Bible the twice destruction of Jerusalem. It foretold that the Jewish people, those scattered for their iniquity, would never lose their identity. The Jewish people remain Jews although there are none of the old biblical tribes such as the Moabites left.

The Bible foretold that the state of Israel should be reborn. This came to pass on May 14, 1948, and the day of the gentile came to an end with the Six Day Ware in 1967. With these factors satisfied, the Rapture or Return of Jesus for us, his saints, his church, could take place even as you read this. The Bible prophecies declare this could happen at any time.

On and on I could go setting out prophecies and their fulfillments. The naming of Cyrus King of Persia who would lead the Jews back to their land was actually predicted 150 years before Cyrus was born; yet, he is named in the Bible. All the Bible prophecies are so numerous as to make accidental fulfillment impossible. God is true to His Word whether it is in big things or small things. In Exodus 12:14, speaking of the passover, the Lord proclaimed, "This day you are to commemorate for the generations to come. You shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord - a lasting ordinance."

The aspect, however, about prophecy that fascinates me is the one which I write particularly for children. The Word of God reveals that He who created the world, creation is His, and all this talk of evolution is arrant nonsense. Evolution is an unproven theory. I accept the Bible wholly and in every respect. I accept creation, and cast aside this ridiculous theory of evolution whether it be the big bang theory or the little whimper theory. Let me say here, those wiseacres who proclaim evolution should seek to explain how the theory of evolution fits in with the second law of thermodynamics. Evolution says everything is building up. The second law of thermodynamics says everything is running down. Again, although you have mutations, as for example a yellow butterfly becoming a dark brown butterfly, you have no transmutation of a butterfly becoming a dragonfly, etc., etc. The foolishness of God outweighed all the sagacity of mankind. Let the 'wise ones' of this world explain to me how you can have a common ancestry between a jellyfish, an eagle and a rhinoceros? But, let me return to my topic of prophecy. Among the things prophesied by God's Word foretold by the Creator, declared by Him who made Heaven and Earth, and the following predictions upon which I refer to as being clearly deduced from the written Word.

This I write particularly for children:

1. God declared the Earth is round.
2. God declared the hydraulic cycle.
3. God declared atmospheric circulation.
4. God declared the vastness of the numbers of stars which He deemed as countless.
5. He foretold the sending of messages by electricity and radio communication.
6. He proclaimed the center of the Earth was on fire.
7. The birth of the automobile.
8. He prophetically stated that television will be utilized one day by man.
9. THE MISSING DAY is proven

There are many other things which the Word of God reveals that God decreed, but let us examine in some detail these outstanding predictions made by Him who placed mankind on this Earth who said if you accept my son, Jesus, you will have life Eternal. Reject Him, and you have Death Eternal. The choice is your, life or death. You do not have to work to obtain Salvation. Salvation is a free gift from God - yet in developed countries where people are so well-off, they want to hang on to materialism and self-created gods and to abandon the only true and living God.

God speaks to us now by His word. The word in the Holy Bible. The word that proclaims Him as the only God. Your soul is in danger; reject God and die. Accept His Son as your personal Lord and Saviour, and live.

The Earth is Round

For centuries man believed the Earth was flat. The ancients believed that the Earth was on the back of a gigantic turtle, and that if you ventured near the edge you were in danger of falling off. This belief continued until the days of Columbus around A.D. 1500 when discovery was made that as you traveled on the seas you were doing so in a circle.

This was an amazing revelation, for although Christians had read this in their Bible, they never accepted the Word of God literally.

Isaiah wrote 700 years before the birth of Jesus, this statement of God: Isaiah 40:22, "He sits enthroned above the circle of the Earth." Go and read whole of this passage. Isaiah sets out the might of God, "He stretches out the heavens like a canopy and spreads them out like a tent to live in. He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing....lift up your eyes to the heavens, who created these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and strength not one of them is missing....The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the Earth." Isaiah, Chapter 40.

Just as how man at first doubted that the Earth was round, some men in their arrogance doubt that God is the creator of the Earth. Just as how you cannot have a design without a designer, you cannot have creation without a creator? So to conclude, if man had acknowledged the Word of God, thousands of years ago he would not have remained in ignorance and thought that the world was flat. He would have known that it is round, a circle as the Bible describes it; for the Bible is the Word of God.


Many years ago there lived one Ptolemy of Alexandria, a Greek-Egyptian scientists who specialized in astronomy and physics. He ordered his wise men to count the number of stars in the heavens. Man used to believe that all that was required was a very clear night and that you would be able to see all of the stars, and then could count them. "Almagest" was Ptolemy's best work, and books 7 and 8 catalogued the stars. Ptolemy followed the lead of another great astronomer called Hipparachus who listed 850 stars. He stated this number was wrong. It was not 850 but 1-22 stars. Both were wrong.

In A.D. 1600 when the telescope was invented, man explored the heavens and realization was born that the vast number of stars was truly countless; impossible to count. Once again proving that thousands of years before in the Holy Bible which is God's Word, written by God who inspired and revealed Himself to man to write therein, it is written in Jeremiah 33:32, "I will make the descendants of David my servant and the Levites who minister before me a countless as the stars of the sky and as measureless as the sand on the seashore."

Yes, God knows, He knows that the stars could not be counted and were as measureless as the sand on the seashore. Once again God was right and what He said then was proven right.


Today scientists and weathermen speak of atmospheric circulation and they draw maps to trace the currents and flow of air, but all of this is today in the 20th century.

For years man just treated the atmosphere as something that was there and which he accepted without questions.

Yet in God's Word, the Holy Bible we read in Ecclesiastes 1:6 written by Solomon under the anointing of God, these words: "The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes ever returning to its course." By atmospheric circulation large scale wind systems encircle the Earth, and this is what the Bible proclaimed.

Then we find just below in Verse 7 of Ecclesiastes, when scientists declare today to be the HYDRAULIC CYCLE and this is set out, at a time when man was completely ignorant of such a principle or law which God instituted to govern his affairs. V-7, "All streams flow into the sea, yet the sea is never full, to the place the stream comes from there they return again. Yet, He who made all things knows of this because He made it.

In V-10 we are reminded, "Is there anything of which one can say 'Look this is something new?' It was here already a long time ago. It was here before our time."

The hydraulic cycle which involves the continuous circulations of water in the earth and atmosphere was known by the creator for He made it so and it is so written centuries before man made the discovery that confirmed this state of affairs.


It is within comparatively recent times that scientists have come up with the knowledge that the center of the earth there is fire.

Let us look at the oldest book in the Holy Bible, the book of Job 28:5, there is written: "The earth from which food comes, is transformed below as by fire."

Yes, the Bible reveals, because God knows, that the earth which provides us food is transformed below as by fire.


Did the Bible really predict and forecast that one day we would be able to transmit messages by radio and not depend on man or man on horse to send messages? Yes, it did.

Let us examine Job 38:35. In this passage in Job, the Lord is speaking personally to Job and pointing out the wondrous things of the Creator. Read the whole of Job. It is fascinating. The verse cited reads, "Do you send the lightning bolts on their way, do they report to you, 'Here we are'?" God is here declaring that only God can send electricity so that a message may be transmitted, and note the message is recorded in italics "Here we are."


In the days when the Bible was written, there were of course no motor cars. God could have stated that these will come to pass 'motor cars,' but none would understand what He was speaking of so He utilizes the vehicle of the day, chariots and graphically describes chariots ablaze with fire which could only be referable to the horseless carriage or the motor car.

In Nahum 2:4 we find, "The chariots storm through the streets, rushing back and forth through the squares, they look like flaming torches, they dart about like lightning." Is this not a graphic description of our cars today, especially at night, rushing back and forth through the squares.


The prophecy that really gets me is the one that concerns television. Let us look at Revelation, Chapter 11, there it is written in the Revelation given to John on Isle of Patmos, "I will give power to my two witnesses and they will prophesy for 1260 days clothed in sackcloth." Then when the two witnesses have finished their testimony the beast will attack them and overpower and kill them, then comes the prophesy V-8: "Their bodies will lie in the street of the great city, which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt, where also their lord was crucified. For three and a half days, men from every people, tribe language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. The inhabitants of Earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth."

How could men from every people, every language and every nation gaze on the bodies of the two dead witnesses? In other words the whole world would be seeing these two bodies dead for three and one half days. How could they be seen? How could the world witness what happened in Jerusalem?

There is only one way and that is by TELEVISION. God's Word says this is what will happen. It does not use the word television but that the whole world could witness two dead bodies on the street, could only be done via television. As we know today, what happened in one part of the world is seen all over the world.


Finally, we come to "The Missing Day" which defies any explanation, save to say "God." Bob Gooding on Channel 8 News after giving appropriate credits and thanks to the Duncanville, Plainview, Longview and Post newspapers set out these facts which I reproduce verbatim.

It concerns a missing day in time discovered and related by Harold Hill, president of the Curtis Engine Company in Baltimore, Maryland and a consultant in the space program. Mr. Hill stated that he thought one of the most amazing things that God has for us today happened to our astronauts and space scientists at Green Belt, Maryland. They were trying to determine the position of the sun, moon and planets 100 years and 1000 years from now. In order to do this they had to plot the orbits through past centuries.

They ran the computer measurement back and forth over the centuries and suddenly it came to a halt. The computer signaled that there was something wrong either with the information fed into it or with the result compared to the standards. They called in the service department to check it out and found nothing technically wrong. The computer still came up with the same discrepancy....a day was missing in space in elapsed time. The scientists were dumfounded. There was no answer.

One of the team remembered a reference to the sun standing still in the Bible. Upon checking, they found in the Book of Joshua a pretty "ridiculous" statement for anybody who has "common sense." According to the Scripture, Joshua was concerned because he was surrounded by the enemy and if darkness fell they would overpower him, so Joshua asked the Lord to make the sun stand still. "So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day." (Joshua 10:13). There was the missing day!

They checked the computers going back to the time it was written and found it was close but not close enough. The elapsed time that was missing back in Joshua's day was 23 hours and 20 minutes....not a whole day. They again read the passage and there it said, "about (approximately) a whole day." This still did not account for the other missing 40 minutes. The 40 minutes had to be found because in projecting special orbits it would be multiplied many times over.

Again the man remembered somewhere in the Bible that it said the sun went backwards. In 2nd Kings, Chapter 20, Hezekiah, on his death-bed, was visited by the prophet Isaiah who told him that he was not going to die. Hezekiah did not believe him and asked for a sign as proof. Isaiah said, "....shall the shadow go forward ten degrees, or go back ten degrees?" Hezekiah replied, "It is a light thing for the shadow to go down ten degrees: nay, but let the shadow return backward ten degrees." (2 Kings: 20:9-10) Ten degrees is exactly 40 minutes!

Twenty-three hours and twenty minutes in Joshua, plus forty minutes in 2nd Kings make the missing twenty-four hours the space travelers had to log in the logbook as being the missing day in the universe.

The story of the Missing Day should be broadcast far and wide. Here it is without comment and exactly as it came over Channel 8 television.

I spoke recently at NASA and there the experts of the space program confirmed that the problem of the missing day was only solved when their computers kept signalling error, and the technicians had rechecked their data and found there was nothing technically wrong, but it was not until they turned the pages of their Bible, they found Joshua's day Joshua 10 and 13 accounted for "about a day." It was actually 23 hours and 20 minutes, and 2 Kings 19 and 20 accounted for 10 steps or degrees = 40 minutes. Together we have the missing day.

God reigns today as He did throughout time.

God gives His testimony in I John 5:9-11. He says, I have life that life is in my Son. He who has my Son has Eternal Life. He who does not have my Son does not have Eternal Life..

2006-08-26 12:02:37 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'd say that depends on your definition of the term "God". If, for example, "God" is defined as "love", as some people do define the term, then, if love exists, so does God. If, however, the definition of "God" includes attributes that are mutually exclusive, then that God cannot logically exist, and so does not exist.

For instance, if God is defined as having the attribute of "omniscience" and also the attribute of "free will", then that God cannot exist, since omniscience and free will in the same being are mutually incompatible. This is because, if God knows, and always has known, exactly everything "He" would ever do, then "He" can never change "His" mind about anything, and do something else, and hence "He" has not got free will.

2006-08-26 11:57:43 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, but it's up to you to define what "god" may be. Maybe it's through one of the organized religions that will offer you a definition that will sound right, or maybe not. Just like anything else out there in the world, don't believe the first thing you read and question everything.

2006-08-26 11:50:16 · answer #3 · answered by Zzyzzxzzyx 2 · 1 0

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Christopher Sia, the writer of this guide put everything he realized in to Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery, a class that shows beginners the essential skills and methods had a need to become very good pencil face artists. Christopher retains his plan can be achieved by anyone, whether they've a background in artwork or not.

2016-05-02 01:47:48 · answer #4 · answered by bess 3 · 0 0

I will say the typical.No,there's only love and love is what u should believe in.Love love love.Love is in the air.U don't have to believe in a god to have a meaning.Care about people and life,nature and stuff.Life is great,with a god or not.

2006-08-26 11:51:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Psa 14:1 [[To the chief Musician, [A Psalm] of David.]] The fool hath said in his heart, [There is] no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, [there is] none that doeth good.

2006-08-26 11:46:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

No body knows for sure..And these lame losers on here dont know either..The only thing we can know is that we are here..us humans are here..Just try and live a "good" life, and worry about that other stuff later..

2006-08-26 11:48:16 · answer #7 · answered by pentalityism 3 · 1 0

who really knows for sure but look at it this way. if there is and you live a horrible life you end up in hell. if there isn't one and you live an honorable and just life, you still can die knowing you did the best you could. thats the way i look at it.

2006-08-26 11:50:50 · answer #8 · answered by Chrissy R 1 · 1 0

Consider this: An archaeologist digs deep into the desert sand and finds a piece of an old clay pot. After his investigations, this archaeologist can tell us - from this little old piece of dusty clay - so much about the civilization that existed thousands of years ago that produced it. He can tell us about the types of ovens, temperatures, and dyes that they worked with, the raw materials that they used, and thus assess the level of their artistic skill and technological ability, etc. All this from a small piece of clay lying in the desert.

• Did this archaeologist ever see the civilization that produced this pot?
• How does he know that it ever existed?

He knows because he saw that the piece of clay was produced by someone who designed it, and shaped it, and had the intelligence to be able to heat it and produce the pot, and not only that, they also had the ability to color it and make it look beautiful.

A Design needs A Designer

To the archaeologist the existence and intricacy of the piece of pottery is conclusive proof of the existence, intelligence and ability of the people who made it.

Look around you, at the beautiful sunset on a summer evening, at the moon and the stars on a cloudless night, at the water that you drink, at the trees and how they grow from tiny seeds. Think about yourself, your eyes with which you see, your ears with which you hear, your tongues with which you taste and talk, your hands and your feet, your heart and your brain. Consider how these things are so complex in themselves yet work together in such perfect harmony.

From the movement of the galaxies to the complexities of the interaction of molecules, from the dynamics of eco-systems to the intricacies of DNA, all lead to the obvious fact of the existence of the great wisdom, knowledge and power that allows our Universe to exist and function.
To any perceptive human being the existence and intricacy of creation is conclusive proof of the existence, knowledge and wisdom of the One who creates, organizes and sustains it.

Most people naturally recognize the existence of the Creator, and we find reference to the Creator in all cultures and religions. Even the atheists, communists and (disbelieving) scientists cannot avoid this reality, but avoid the term 'creator', for phrases like 'Mother Nature' and 'the amazing way nature has designed...'

How strange in the face of this, that many today reject the belief in the existence of the Creator. Perhaps this is due more to fashion and the desire to justify a materialistic attitude to life rather than real observation and comprehension of reality.

Can Creation be the Creator?

Something stranger still (and perhaps another reason for the trend to deny the Creator), are those who claim that a man, or men, who walked on the earth, breathed air, who had bodies and souls subject to the Laws of the Universe, are the Creator, or manifestations of the Self-Subsistent One.
This is of course a complete contradiction in terms. Something cannot be the Creator and created (the creation) at the same time (simultaneously), sustaining on air, food and drink and being self-sufficient, being temporary and eternal.

We were created from a drop of despised fluid, in which was a microscopic sperm, which fertilized a microscopic egg and we grew in our mother's womb in stages predetermined, over which we had no control. We came from our mother's womb, urinating and defecating, needing constant attention and care. Without food we will die, without air we will die ... and then such a one is God?

Natural instinct tells us there is a God.

Indeed any intelligent person would recognize exactly how dependent life, the universe and everything is on its Creator. Our dire need for His help makes itself plain in times of great distress.

Imagine yourself in an aeroplane and you know it is going to crash...
Or on a ship in the sea, thrown helplessly up and down by towering waves...

Who do you turn to for help then?

There has been a situation at one time or other in your life when you called upon your Creator alone, forgetting everyone and everything else, hoping, trusting, wishing that the Being you know in your heart and soul that has power and control over all things would help you. The only One you know can save you.

O creation of God, contemplate upon these verses:

«"Behold! In the creation of the Heavens and the Earth; In the alternation of the night and day, In the sailing of the ships through the Oceans for the profit of mankind, In the rain which God sends down from the skies, and the life that He therewith to an earth that is dead; In the beasts of all kinds that He scatters through the Earth, In the change of the winds, and the clouds which they trail like their slaves between the sky and the earth - Indeed these are signs for a people that are wise."» [The Qur'aan 2:164]

«"It is He who has made the sun a shining glory and the moon a light of beauty and has measured out their stages, that you might know the number of years and their reckoning. Allah did not create this but in Truth. He explains His signs in detail for people who understand. "» [The Qur'aan 10:5]

«"He has created the heavens and the earth with Truth. Far is He above having the partners that they ascribe to him. He has created mankind from a sperm drop; and behold this (same) man becomes an open disputer! And the cattle, He has created them for you; in them is warmth (warm clothing) and numerous benefits, and of them you eat."» [The Qur'aan 16:3-5]

«"Blessed be He who sent down the Criterion to His servant that it may be an admonition to all creatures. To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth; no son has he begotten, nor has He any partner in His dominion; It is He who created all things and gave them their due proportions. Yet they have taken besides Him gods that can create nothing but are themselves created; that have no control of hurt or good to themselves; nor do they control life nor death nor Resurrection."» [The Qur'aan 25:1-3]

«"Were they created by nothing or did they create themselves? Or did they create the heavens and the earth? No, they have no firm belief."» [The Qur'aan 52:36]

«"He it is who enables you to travel through land and sea, until, when you are in the ships and they sail with a favorable wind and you are glad about that. Then comes a stormy wind and the waves come to you from all sides and when you think that you are encircled by them, you call upon God making your faith pure for Him alone saying,’ If You deliver us from this we shall truly be grateful.' But when He delivers you, behold! You rebel in the earth wrongfully. O mankind, your rebellion against God is only against your own selves - a brief enjoyment of this worldly life, then in the end unto Us is your return We shall inform you of that which you used to do."» [The Qur'aan 10:22-23]

2006-08-26 16:01:27 · answer #9 · answered by BeHappy 5 · 0 0

Is there really you out there. If you're definitely sure you exist then the one who gave you life also exist.

2006-08-26 11:46:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

there's definitely some type of force out there. You just need to decide if and how you want to represent it.

2006-08-26 11:45:12 · answer #11 · answered by Kaiser32 3 · 0 1

fedest.com, questions and answers