No God does not exist. God is just another fake creation by man.
Humanity has created many Gods, for example – Gods of Olympus, Ancient Egypt, Babylon and so on. Most of us are atheists about most Gods humanity has created, except the latest craze, the current God in the Bible. Learned atheists have also rejected this version of a God, but some hard-core believers still hang on, presumably until a better image of God is created by man.
Faith in God seems to be nothing more than humans attempting to run away from reality, an excuse to avoid thinking and evaluating evidence. Faith is just an emotional escape and really just a substitute for opening your eyes to reason.
Believers talk about God creating man in his own image. It’s in the Bible so it’s fact – get a grip, get real. The facts suggest the exact opposite. Man created God in his own image. I’m sure humanity will disregard this God, as they have disregarded all previous Gods, it’s just a matter of time before humanity creates another God that better serves their emotions and image.
No religion is the correct one, and all religions have got it wrong.
There are many major religions in the world, such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, and so on. Within each major religion there can also be many minor religions. For example, within Christianity there is Catholic, Protestant, Anglican and so on. Within Islam there is Shiite, Sunni etc.
In summary there are many hundreds of different religions in the world all with their devoted believers and followers. Talk to any devout religious person and they will almost emphatically insist that their religion is the right one, it’s fact, and any non-believer is doomed.
Commonsense and logic would suggest that if there was any truthful or factual basis to religion, then only one of these religions could be correct, not all of them. However, in my view, it’s highly unlikely that any of these man-made religions bear any resemblance to fact or the truth, and are more likely to be the result of simplistic human intelligence looking for an escape from reality.
2006-08-26 11:11:42
answer #1
answered by Brenda's World 4
Gee, let's see....can we all decide on the prettiest flower? How about the best movie? Maybe the one right color to wear? We are all different and that it how it should be.
You state that this is the only question that matters, but I would say that it is the one that matters most to YOU. Well. you will have to figure out whether or not god exists for you and which interpretation to adhere to. But whatever you decide, I'd love to have tea with you (especially if you have biscuits).
2006-08-26 18:07:23
answer #2
answered by Medusa 5
If God EXISTED, wars wouldn't have been able to fire off. Plagues, diseases, and lying politicians wouldn't exist.
Religion is made up to just indenture and placate those people who are weak-minded and lacking any courage or will to lead a life of their own--without being led around on a leash.
And as far as I can tell, none of the current religions have the correct interpretation.
2006-08-26 18:08:39
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
If you ask me, God exists in spite of religion.
Historically, and presently, there has been far too much blood spilled in the name of religion for it to have any relationship to God. Religion is a tool created by man to control other men. And I'd say, it's working pretty well so far, wouldn't you?
2006-08-26 18:07:50
answer #4
answered by CaptainCrunch 5
you know what, God exists.. coz if not then everything will not be possible! and about the religion? religion is only a man-made concept which distracts you to the real thing.. religion is not important, what is important is your relationship with God and as long as you follow everything that's in the Bible you'll do fine.. and you should also establish a relationship with God coz that's the most important thing about all this thing.. you'll be able to hear His voice, instructions and guidance when you established a relationship with Him.. and He will open your eyes and heart to the truth about Him too!
2006-08-26 18:16:25
answer #5
answered by keiCh 2
Maybe god exists. The correct religion?
You think on that a little while.
2006-08-26 18:15:12
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Yes, God is in the heavens knowing all things. God sent us all the prophets( muhammed, Jesus, Moses, abrahim, ...etc) to tell people about God.
God sent us the last prophet who is Prophet Muhammed because the chstian modified the message of Jesus. They modify the bible by their own writing and there are lots of evidences.
If you want to know morw about the God names and God description. you will find it in this site
2006-08-26 18:09:21
answer #7
answered by amroamro2000 2
none of them are correct. they each have a piece of the puzzle. god is everything. he's good and bad. he will reveal himself in different forms for different people. and the different paths you take will lead you to a different place prepared by god.
2006-08-26 18:07:52
answer #8
answered by loseribe 2
The god that has the highest probabilty of existing is none.
2006-08-26 18:03:43
answer #9
answered by Kirtap 2
I would like to share with you the research I have been doing that leads us to the point of the 6th trumpet. The 6th trumpet is explained in Revelation 9:14-21 now 9;14 states "saying to the 6th angel who had the trumpet, " Release the four angel who are bound at the great river Euphrates" Well the Euphrates river runs about 70% through Iraq. But what happens next could have never happened before until now Rev.15-16 states that a army of 200 million men was released to kill a third part of mankind. That would be over 2 billion people. Now China who just recently told the U.S. to shut up about it's big military spending has a 2.3 million man liberation army. But it also seems to describe what may be a nuclear war in 9:17 with tensions so high in the world right now this could happen at any time.
Well lets go backwards and start with the most recent trumpet which seems to be the 1991 Gulf war. And lets keep in mind what Jesus said in Luke chapter 21:32 "Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled."
Ok 5th trumpet is explained in Revelation chapter 9:1-11
9:2 "And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit." Well this is a no brainer what did Saddam do when he had to retreat from Kuwait? He set alot of the oil fields on fire. And if I seen this over 2000 years ago I would have explained these things as bottomless pits. When the Iraqi forces did this it caused the sky to become black and it looked like midnight at 3:00 pm. I believe the skies were dark for 3 months if I remember right. If not maybe you remember. Lets continue 9:3 " Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power." Well what are these locusts he is talking about? Well he gives us better detail in 9:9 about the locusts and it states "And they had breastplates like the breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle." Well thats a big help, it is now clear that he was reffering to helicopters. Most likely apache attack choppers. Let's get another dead give away 9:11 states "And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in hebrew is Abaddon, but in greek he has the name Appolyon."
Well both of these names mean the same thing, they mean "Destroyer" Well intrestingly enough Saddams mother named him this because she had lot's of complications during pregnancy. Saddam means Destroyer. The 5th trumpet obviously has passed.
Ok 4th trumpet, Revelation 8:12 it states " Then the fourth angel sounded: And a third of the sun was struck, a third of the moon and a third of the stars, so that a third of them were darkened . A third of the day did not shine and likewise the night." Well God how are you going to do this? Well he already did. He has speeded up the earth and if you feel like the days seem to be going by faster, that is because they are. If you are famillar with Einstein's Theory of relativity, how time and space are related you could figure this out on your own, but if not here is a recent article on how the earth has speeded up. Click if you need proof.
Well lets talk about the 3rd trumpet. Do you remember what happened in April 1986? In what is now Ukraine a nuclear power plant named Chernobyl exploded and it took 700,000 people to put it out and clean it up. They had to bury the fire trucks with bulldozers then bury the bulldozers. That is how bad the radiation was. It was estimated the radiation was 400 times that of the Hiroshima bomb. Well lets see what scripture has to say about this event. Revelation 8:10 " Then the third angel sounded : And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water."
8:11 "The name of the star is Wormwood . A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter." Well by no suprise Chernobyl in the Ukraine language means Wormwood. Now the wind carried this radiation in a dilluted form to the east coast of the U.S. and it caused thyroid cancer to increase by 15 %. The Russian government lied and did not inform their people of the danger of radiation. When the people came in sick to see the doctors the doctors were ordered not to document their sickness with the radiation. So because of the lies there is no real record on how many deaths were caused by this catastrophic event. They said 31 people died ,the U.N is now saying 4,000 and Greenspace says more like 90,000. Either way if it was more radiation than the Hiroshima bomb we know alot of folks died.
alot of the babys being born over there are coming out with deformities or disabillities. And the ones who seem healthy are getting thyroid cancer in their teens. HBO aired a special on the children over there called "Chernobyl Heart" back in 2003 and they still air it from time to time. Also a Japanese guy wrote a book on this event called "Chernobyl : The taste of Wormwood" Coincidence? I think not!
2nd trumpet is explained in Revelation 8:8 "Then the second angel sounded: and something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood."
8:9 "and a third of the living creatures in the sea died and a third of the ships were destroyed." Well what does the atomic bomb look like? If I had never seen one I would say it looked like a great mountain burning with fire. When was the atomic bomb first used? WW II, and if you do the research on all the ships that participated in WW II then you would see that a third of them were destroyed. As for the sea creatures I could not find any records on how many dead fish or what
the population of the sea was before WWII. Bet that made you laugh. Ha Ha
Now for trumpet 1 we have very little to work with Revelation 8:7 "The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all the green grass was burned up." Well lets try to paint a picture here. It seems there was no atomic power in this event and we know alot of stuff got burned up in WW 1. Also keep in mind what Jesus said in Luke 21:32 about this generation will not pass away till all these things are fulfilled. I think it is safe to say this event was WW I because it is in our generation. I think the evidence proves that Jesus and the Holy Bible is the only true religion.
2006-08-26 18:42:37
answer #10
answered by Kasey R 2