Have you held a job for a couple of years. Apply for the aid yourself. When you file your taxes, mark on the form that no one can claim you as a dependent. Speak with your student financial counselor. They should be able to lead you in the right direction.
2006-08-26 10:02:09
answer #1
answered by pretty_brown_eyes 6
tell them u need it. go on line to tax site type in theri ss numbers u can get from their old tax return forms from a file in their file place where they keep things how old are u if ur under 21 they can claim u but u need to let them know u need financial aid whats wrong with them.. if this is the case they wont do it then ask for them to emancipate u so u can be on ur f-ing own adn then u are emanicipated thru the state and get free aid ur on ur own live with someone else .. u need theri tax preparers palce and those papers u need to tell them u dotn want to be a dead beat bum u want ot better ur life for gods sake u need this info tell them to apply with u
2006-08-26 17:04:20
answer #2
answered by gypsygirl731 6
Then, either they make to much for you to qualify, and it is a 'done' deal, or your parents are ignorant of the potential you present, in which case, it is a 'done' deal!
Ur screwed, blued, and tatooed!
U get to Work your way thru college!
Aw, it'll do ya good!
Or, join the military, an work yourself through college, it'll do ya good!
2006-08-26 17:03:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
imancipate yourself. then that means you are not getting any help from your parents at all.
2006-08-26 17:41:20
answer #4
answered by RSonee 2