He created us for His glory. The point is that in all things, God is glorified.
2006-08-26 09:32:42
answer #1
answered by Hope 5
Because like us, God is highly creative and loves to create. But he also wanted that creation to be very diverse and have the choice of loving him; as opposed to making a bunch of human robots that had no freewill or self-determination.
Ever since then it has almost been like a chess match with us fighting against God and God countering by punishing us and cursing us. Doesnt sound goood? Well for those of us that DO choose to love God, he has a special reward in store for us and a blessed life (not a cursed life) coming in its time. All of this is possible through the New Covenant!
2006-08-26 09:36:09
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Good questions Ahmed. I think there are good and bad people in every religion. The good people are trying to learn about God and follow his will; the bad people are not trying to learn about God and reject his will. It is the bad people, for the most part, that inflict misery upon the good people. The point is to have faith, hope, and charity. Follow the Golden rule by doing to others that you would like done to you. Remember that people are Created in the image of God and no other creature (angels, demons, animals, plants) has the honor of being created in God's image. It is in this truth that the dignity of every human being rests. God bless you and your family.
2006-08-26 09:47:55
answer #3
answered by Search4truth 4
It's true to say," It's done for His glory." The Glory of God is His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus the Son of God, glorifies the Father.
On top of all that, He knew what would happen before He created the heavens and the earth. He decided to come after those that He wanted before there ever was an earth for us to live on.
We, out of our own choosing, wtih many, many options, decide to come to Him. Even though we cannot see Him, we still respond and are glad of it. We defy the spiritual blindness we have, and choose to trust Him, without anything to go on other than His word(the Bible) and His Spirit to guide us. All to His glory.
2006-08-26 09:42:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
He created you and me and everyone to have relationship with us. He loves everyone on this planet beyond comprehension. Sin is in our nature, it's been there since the beginning of time. Why? Adam and Eve kind of brought that upon everyone. How? When a parent makes a bad decision and the child suffers, is it fair? No, but it is reality. They made a bad decision and we suffer for it. Is that fair? No, but it's reality. And that's the whole point of the cross. That's the whole reason for Jesus. He knows we aren't going to be perfect, He knows we've got sin, so why would he let it happen, judge us for it, and send us to hell? He wouldn't, and He doesn't. Get to know Him, you'll see :) Nothing but love.
2006-08-26 09:38:48
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
God or the higher being created us as souls to begin with ,he wanted to experience through us what it would be like to be in the flesh ,he gave us free will.
we foolishly chose to become flesh and learn our soul lessons on this heavy ,sometimes very negative planet ,we experience great joys and sorrows and the creator can experience through us what different aspects of humanity each one of us unique souls brings .
we choose to become the creators companions ,and i feel we are not JUDGED except by our own selves ,when you cross over you will see all deeds ,good and bad and most likely will come back for another lesson [which to me is really hell].
there is no point in one life and trying to perfect and going to some glorious place simply by saying i beleive .
i believe their is some sort of spiritual creator ,do i KNOW what he looks like ,do i walk around dreading the day i will be judged ???NO!
one has to try and make good and decent choices in life and stop worrying about judgement day .......................i do not feel a creator would simply sit up there and let his PEOPLE flounder around and then simply throw them in some pit or something ???
talk about fantasies ,they acuse others of ridculous things well half of what is expounded by organised religion is just as crazy as any other therory isnt it ,
there is NO POINT if one believes they die and get judged and go straight to hell or because they said a few words they enter into a kingdom come on ,,,,,,open up and allow your minds to think or at least to listen to others .
anyway best to you
2006-08-26 09:50:56
answer #6
answered by pj333 3
He created us because god wanted a part of him on earth meaning we are created in his image. That's why he gave us a brain a conscience the ability to think. because its our responsibility to know what's right from wrong and believe in him and his word and go by it to see if we are faithful because there is a lot of evil that will stop you from doing that. Its hard to put it into words, but I think thats part of the point for creating us.
2006-08-26 09:46:46
answer #7
answered by twin 02 1
the point is to tell as many people as we can about our God so others won't go to hell on judgement day. we are here to help others know about Christ.
2006-08-26 09:46:28
answer #8
answered by musicfish93 3
For His purpose. He gave us free will. He sent His only Son that we do not have to be separated from Him because of our sins. Jesus died for all of our sins,every one of them. We need to repent and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. If you do not want to be with God after you die, you do not have to. Fair enough?
2006-08-26 09:37:12
answer #9
answered by SeeTheLight 7
Salam (Peace)!
God (Allah) created life for a test. This life is a test for us. And the judgment day is the Day where our deeds will be decided. God has given us directions (Holy Qur'an) and told us what is right, what is wrong, who is our enemy (satan) and everything. He is there to guide us always. Just turn to Him and supplicate.
Seek the truth. God willing you will find it.
2006-08-26 09:34:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous