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Which of the following do you enjoy eating: heart, kidney, liver, stomach, lungs, testicle, intestine, brain, blood, ?
Were you brought up eating it as a child or did you choose to start eating it as an adult?
If it is a popular traditional food where you live, in what country & region do you live?
Do you enjoy it's natural flavour & texture or do you try to disguise it as much as possible by adding other ingredients?
(I'll eat most things, including tongue, foot, tail & eggs, but not animal organs or blood).

2006-08-26 09:10:11 · 22 answers · asked by Quasimojo 3 in Food & Drink Cooking & Recipes

I suppose the tongue is an organ, but it is mainly muscle tissue like normal meat... and yes so is the heart, but that's different!

2006-08-26 09:21:58 · update #1

22 answers

I get so fed up with the current yuk reaction to offal. It tastes good and it does you good if it's cooked correctly. Liver - beautiful and tender - plenty of potassium. Don't overcook until it's like shoe-leather. Kidney - different treatment for different animal. Grill lamb kidney, use pig kidney in devilled sauce, use ox kidney in steak and kidney pudding and pie - long slow cooking. Stomach - use it to wrap a haggis and put minced and spiced bits of other organs into it. Blood - what else makes black pudding?
I have no quarrel with vegetarians but I do get cross with people who will eat animals but reject these bits for some ridiculous type of squeamishness. The animal has been killed for you to eat - you owe it the honour of respecting and tasting all of it. You might be surprised.

2006-08-26 10:36:39 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I think that if you are going to eat meat (and i do) then you should not decide which parts of the animal in question you want to eat by any other reasons than you dont like the taste or it is actually inedible. Offal is traditionally mixed with meat to produce sausage and blood is used for black puddings, both of which are absolutely delicious.

I eat anything else apart from tongue, which i do not like the taste of.

2006-08-26 22:10:16 · answer #2 · answered by jademonkey 5 · 0 0

I'll eat heart, kidney, liver, testicles, brain, blood sausage. I don't eat much, so in a restaurant I would always leave about a quarter of the food on my plate. My husband always asked, 'have you finished with that?' and eat the rest.
One of the last times we ate together before the divorce he asked his question and my reply was, 'Yes, but you won't eat that.' 'Why not?' 'Because it's tripe.'
Watching my husband getting fatter was not a reason why I should always eat tripe when we went out to eat.

2006-08-26 10:07:40 · answer #3 · answered by cymry3jones 7 · 0 0

I'm 100% with you on this one, Vallaw!

I completely respect vegans and vegetarians - I couldn't do it - but, If you're going to eat an animal, the least you can do is respect all the edible meat that comes off it. Darn tasty some of it is, too!

2006-08-26 18:38:42 · answer #4 · answered by Sabatier 1 · 2 0

I like Baby Beef Liver - and Pickeled Pig's feet and that's about as far as I go as far as animal innerds. My mom gave us Baby Beef Liver as long as I can remember (not all the time) just once in a while and my dad got me to eating the pickeled pig's feet - I know it sounds groose but it's the best between the toes' - euuuuuu. ha ha

2006-08-26 09:15:53 · answer #5 · answered by You'llneverguess 4 · 0 0

All of the above, YUM
Especially fond of Kidney, Liver, Testicles and Black Pudding (Blood)

2006-08-26 09:15:18 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

mostly, i do not eat dogs meat and could in no way eat it. It in basic terms would not interest me. notwithstanding, the dogs that the Koreans eat are more beneficial like "wild" dogs - they don't look the hairy loving domicile puppy that maximum human beings imagine of. In different words, they don't look domesticated domicile pets. they are bred soley for meat. they don't look dealt with like a puppy. a twin of cows and pigs. they don't look domesticated as pets - no matter if some must be.

2016-11-27 23:20:04 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Im sorry but isn't the tongue an organ?
Why won't you eat organs or blood?

2006-08-26 09:13:53 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't really like red meat that much though I do eat it but not often as I much prefer chicken.
peppered steak and cumberland sausage are a must though,
I also really like lamb but I feel guilty eating it.

2006-08-26 09:17:53 · answer #9 · answered by KU 4 · 0 1

only kidney with steak in a pie. my dad was bought up to eat these he loves them, gladly i did not have to eat them. cannot stand liver tried it once never again...

2006-08-26 20:55:20 · answer #10 · answered by bigfatz 2 · 0 0

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