I know a woman with 4 daughter, they are grown and 3 of them want nothing to do with her. She treated the baby (Melanie) to designer clothes and private schooling. The other ones got garage sale stuff and public schooling. She never told them she loved them. She never told any of the child except the youngest she loved them. She was extremely physically abusive and mentally abusive to the middle girls. She used the oldest to take care of the other children. She is hateful, manupulative and mean to everyone. She told them she hated them and wished they would die. Even the youngest one, don't like to be around her. Out of the 2 middle girls, one is a alcholic and drug user, the other one has mental breakdowns. No knows the abuse they went through like the eldest one. She lived her life taking and trying to protect them from her. Even as adults they still crave a mother. I hate people saying they should see her, that is their Mother. I think they are better staying away.
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asked by
kitty cat
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