Mistakes in dating and mating:
1. They always play hard to get. They think all guys love challenges.
2. They try desperately to be someone else to attract the guys.
Honestly, guys love girls being themselves
3. They always think that guys should call them. That's so outdated.
4. They think by having sex with the guy, attraction can last.
It won't and they get worried about it, hoping that the guy would call.
5. They try to push the guy and make the guy look so wrong.
6. They want guys to buy them gifts. They never had the word , "Its the thought that counts" in their minds.
7. They always try to connect to the guy and ask questions that would even break Superman. "Lets talk about our relationship, I think there's something wrong with it" when there's nothing wrong with it.
8. They want their guys to be the exact same clone of them.
9. They listen too much to their girlfriends and bitches. That really screws things up.
10. They don't want their guy to watch other women, porn or anything. Guys should have their freedom.
Yeah, I'm a girl. A 16 year old one.
2006-08-26 03:14:16
answer #1
answered by MissIndependanceday 3
If what you are doing is no longer working then it's about time you take that to another stage with assistance from a person who has been around your sneakers and perfected the art of attracting and influencing women, Joshua Pellicer and the answers you will discover in his book Tao of Badass here https://tr.im/AXlIN
Joshua Pellicer is really a relationship professional, who reveals men all of the techniques behind finding the lady they would like to get and Tao of Badass is an on-line program that tries to exhibit guys getting any attractive and warm person they desire.
With this particular amazing guide you will also get six bonuses, including the web video Human Body Language Mastery, alongside three free advantage books.
The many films are also exceptional, particularly the Body Language Mastery series. These contain some very nice data that most people only don't know about. As soon as you do know, but, you'll question how you got by without it.
2016-05-18 21:57:17
answer #2
answered by ? 2
No, i think its completely the opposite. men between the ages of 15 and 35 are generally looking for sex. Not saying all men, but they don't really care what the girl looks like to a degree if they think they are gonna sex with her. men of a score of 10 will prob go down to women of a score of 4. Where women are are looking for a relationship, and are choosy who they go with. Women of a score of 10 prob wouldn't go down further of a man of a score of 7. true with many of the people i know anyway. Most my friends will be attracted to how they look before even giving a guy a chance to talk to them. Where the guys will sleep with anything that's female to be honest.
2016-03-17 02:57:34
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
1 insecure
2 controlling
3 never give men their space
4 nagging
5 possesive
6 over analyze
7 mind read w/o permission
8 don't have their own life (live a good life of yours, u don't need men, you want them)
9 expect returns
10 too materialistic
11 never tell what's expected and expect men to know what you need
12 no self worth... the list goes on...
2006-08-26 03:16:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
1. Trying to change the guy
2. Comparing him to you ex
3. Being insecure
4. Sharing intimate details with your friends
5. Being too clingy
6. Being to desperate
7. Listening to your friends advice over your own gut feelings
8. Putting yourself down
9. Nit picking and nagging
10. Expecting the guy to guess what you want or what's bothering you
2006-08-26 03:13:11
answer #5
answered by grrlgenius5173 2
1) start talking marriage to soon
2) try changing the man
3) dictating his daily routine
4) criticizing him
5) putting down his friends
6) taking him for granted
7) talking too much
8) wanting all his attention
9) letting themselves go (looking bad)
10) spend too much
2006-08-26 03:18:42
answer #6
answered by sassywv 4
1,behaving like a ****,
2, being rude
3. dressing like a ****
4, swearing
5, eating more than me
6, not offering to pay
7, eating unhealthy food
8, drinking too much
9, being too easy
10, looking at other men
2006-08-26 03:18:10
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
# Acting diffently
# Jealously
# getting cross when the guy doesnt call or text
# Sleeping with them straight away
#Go over the top with make up, hair and clothes
# Talking about commitment to soon into relationships
#Talking about ex's
Generally not been themselves
2006-08-26 03:22:36
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Possibly apply to both sexes:
1. A relationship is a team, dating is like looking for an attractive team player. Therefore not acting like a great team player
2. playing games
3. obsessing
4. lack of responsibility in what is said and done
5. lack of self respect and respect for others
6. shutting out etc, games to get what they want, generally not looking for win-win results
7. not supportive enough, we all need support as we live our lives
8. not consistently making a guy wrong for doing what what the girls want, much better to let the guy know why it didn't work
9. getting attention through drama and tears and being generally high emotional maintenance.
10. expect the guy to do it her way, give the guy space to do it his stuff his way, it might lead to a pleasant surprise.
2006-08-26 05:22:20
answer #9
answered by lifeontrack2006 4
excessive jealousy
head games
pushing too fast
trying to change the other person
being a gold digger
none stop talking
excessive jealousy
not listening
ill mannered and vulgar
bad hygiene - body and oral
bad car
living at home or a mama's boy
no source of income
moving too fast
acting macho
2006-08-26 03:15:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
trying to drink there date under the table
breaking wind after dinner
scratching there bits
chatting up a better looking guy than she's with
fiddling with her moustache
clipping her toenails at the table
do i need to go on
2006-08-26 03:11:14
answer #11
answered by ♥fluffykins_69♥ 5