You might have some great success with FireFox, so go to and get this free download.
Then go back to the Download section of and look in the Internet section for Internet Explorer version 6 with SP1. Get that download and try reinstalling that.
I always recommend that people WAIT on Beta versions of software. Let the GEEKS of the world get this stuff, and HACK away at getting their computers to work again.
2006-08-26 02:40:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
ok let me just know what operating system u use and is it geniune or not but because u said u uninstall the IE 7 that means u got valid one so let me say u can do that go to the microsoft site:
and then check the internet explorer icon
and then download the old IE6
and it'll make ur old one IE 6 missed information back again.
if that didn't work u should restore ur computer from the CONTROL PANEL just click with ur mouse on the start,then control panel,then system,then u'll se at ur left the words restore and the making new acunt,u pick te restore and then u restore to the period u had ur computer working ok with old IE
hope that helps:).
2006-08-26 09:45:23
answer #2
answered by joe m 3
Use Control Panel --> Add/Remove Programs --> Add/Remove Windows Components
Unselect Internet Explorer then click Next
Then come back to the same screen and select Internet Explorer and click Next.
This should reinstall IE.
Note: Windows XP CDROM will be asked for whilst doing this.
2006-08-26 09:44:32
answer #3
answered by Sharanam Shah 2
I recommend what danuitti stated. Firefox is an amazing program, that is much safer than IE. IE has the nasty habit of downloading spyware directly do your hard drive without you knowing. Mozilla Firefox does NOT do this at all, and is much safer for your computer, though it is still getting bugs fixed.
2006-08-26 09:43:19
answer #4
answered by Atmonauti 2
IE 7 deletes some files used in IE 6. Therefore you have to reinstall IE 6. Go to for the file.
2006-08-26 09:44:12
answer #5
answered by Dick M 3
go to your start panel, then go to your accessaries then go to
system tools then go to system restore.
Put that you want to restore your computer to an earlier time when it was working....
try it, it won't hurt to try.
it's the safest thing really.
Make sure you run a virus check, go to microsoft windows update your computer.
after u restore it go to tools then internet options then delete cookies then delete files... it cleans all the sites you went on u should do this once a week and virus scan too.
hope it works if it doesn't work right a way try again.... don't give up
2006-08-26 09:46:47
answer #6
answered by thought 4
Re-install IE also check your it Vista,
Beta software shouldn’t be installed on live working machines, it’s quite simple practice. Beta’s are installed at everyones own risk
2006-08-26 09:40:56
answer #7
answered by dewman_byju 4
I done this also and had to restore system to fix problem.
2006-08-26 09:39:38
answer #8
answered by American Pride 3
call you internet service provider, u probably need to re-install
2006-08-26 09:42:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous