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It's probably a tick full with your dog's blood. grab it with tweazers as close to the dog's skin as possible and pull it straight out. Use alcohol on the dog's neck

2006-08-25 14:48:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

If it is a tick, putting some alcohol on it will immobilize it and make it easier to pull off. You'll need some tweezers. Just grab the bug as close to the head as possible (or on the head, if possible) and try your best to pull it out. Don't worry if a small amount of your dog's skin and hair come out with it; that's actually a good thing. That means that you definitely got the head. It will hurt your dog a little, but only for a second and it is definitely for the better because the tick cannot stay in there. If it is not a tick, then you should call your vet. This bug may require some extra techniques to get it off, and your dog may require treatment afterwards.

2006-08-25 15:02:24 · answer #2 · answered by autumnfaerie8 4 · 0 0

The bug is probably a tick, they can get imbedded really well in the dogd skin, thats why it appears swollen around it. The tick is sucking on your dogs blood. To get rid of the tick get a pair of tweasers. Hold the dog down (with the help of someone else prefably) use the tweasers to pry the tick off, immediately wipe the area with alcohol or peroxide and burn the tick with a lighter so they don't get into the carpet or back on your dog (or you).

I hope this helps!

2006-08-25 14:55:52 · answer #3 · answered by americasyankee 3 · 1 0

People have been swearing by this ...if it is a tick-so try it-Just put some dish soap on a wad of cotton and put it over the bug-count to thirty-The tick should come off- I don't recommend pulling it off-cause the head will remain in the animal-If the above doesnt work-light a couple of matches-then blow them out-then put the hot ends on the bug- it will pull out of the animal-my sister is a Vet Tech and we have been doing this for 45 years- no probs. DO NOT JUST PULL IT OFF WITH TWEEZERS> Thats the worst thing you could do. Of course-you could just take it to the Vet.

2006-08-25 15:05:16 · answer #4 · answered by Dexter 1 · 1 0

It sounds like a embedded tick. Here is how I remove them,.. apply fingernail polish to the tick (use a cotton ball or a Q-tip) and saturate the area. Wait for a minute and depending on how embedded the tick is, this will make it retract. When it does this, put a little more nail polish remove on it and then take tweezers and grab hold of it firmly and pull the tick off. The important thing is you must get the entire tick off, sometimes the head remains embedded. If this doesn't work, definitely let a vet remove it completely.

2006-08-25 14:52:26 · answer #5 · answered by Chick with pets 4 · 1 1

You need to take your dog to the Vet-if after hours there are Emergency Vet Clinics open when regular vets are closed-look under Veterinarian in the Yellow Pages for Emergency Clinic-some bugs require special technique to remove for if you pull the jaws,pincers can remain and cause tissue damage. If your dog's neck swollen important he get to vet for a lot of nerves etc are located there and if bug is toxic don't wait for the poisons to get into blood stream. Don't wait -may be minor but may be also very serious-only Vet can tell.

2006-08-25 14:52:50 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Sounds like a tick. Pull it off gently woth tweezers. I cannot believe how many people say take a dog to the vet for a tick!! Come on people! You should ask the vet for some frontline to use to keep ticks and fleas off your dog.

2006-08-25 15:30:07 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

don't freak out or anything but that could be a wolf on your dogs neck. they are common on squirrels, deer, and other animals that are in the woods. it is a sort of larvae {worm} that is a parasite. you can treat it like you would a chigger or if you can see it just under the skin you can pull it out with tweezers, or possibly boil it out with peroxide, then be sure to clean it well and use an antibiotic cream to avoid infection. however, if the place is already really red and irritated looking you would probably want to play it safe from the get go and go ahead to the vet.

2006-08-25 14:56:08 · answer #8 · answered by LYNN A 2 · 1 0

Most likely it is a tick, take rubbing alcohol and douse it with it . take a tweezers and make sure when it backs out all the way, you can grab the thing by the head. make sure once you get it out that you kill it. It will make a bloody mess but it will no longer be in your dog. once out of your dog clean the area with the rubbing alcohol and you might want to take you dog to the vet and have it checked for lime deaise

2006-08-25 15:37:58 · answer #9 · answered by angeleyes32362 1 · 0 0

Sounds to me like a tick. I would take a pair of tweezers, and pull the tick out. Then either take alcohol or peroxide, and clean the wound. Call and talk to your vet, about what to watch for, as ticks carry disease.

2006-08-25 15:22:19 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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