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Why are some of us so close-minded, stubburn, literal and unwilling to be enlightened, as to understand this? Or am I being a blasphemous sinner again!?

2006-08-24 23:50:15 · 16 answers · asked by afriendof CLIFFy D 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

"I Design Over Time and Space"

2006-08-25 01:30:37 · update #1

16 answers

ID is not compatible with Evolution.

ID argues that anything we cannot explain today must be explained with a creator. Aside from the impatience this demonstrates, it leaves open the need to invent "creators of creators", for certainly a creator of life is even more complex than the life it creates.

So we need a creator for the creator, and a creator for the creator of the creator...ad infinitum.

ID explains nothing. Evolution has already explained a great deal and will continue to do so.

2006-08-24 23:55:05 · answer #1 · answered by bobkgin 3 · 0 2

It's always good to see someone trying to steer a middle way between extremes. I guess that from the point of view of both views you are talking about, you are being blastphemous. I don't know about being a sinner as well, unless blastphemy is sin. (I'm not au courant with theological nitpicking.)

Anyway, at the metaphysical level, as explanatory principles, both evolution and creation are compatible as principles, but they are not logically compatible. One asserts that more complex life forms develop out of less compex life forms; the other asserts that each life form, and specifically the human life form did not develop, but was created ex nihilo. Using the binary logic dominant in the West, A and not-A are contradctions and cannot both be true (that is, cannot be compatible). If you want to argue compatibility, you must introduce a ternary logic of at least three terms: A, not-A, and both-A and not-A; a four part logic could add a fourth posibility, neither A nor not-A (neither creation nor evolution).

So, a three-part logic could be used to claim compatibility at the metaphysical level. But these two are not just principles of explanation, they are also hypotheses, and as hypotheses they must be testable by experiment and fact. Evolution can be tested and supporting evidence shown for it, but with creationism, there is no fact or evidence in support of the idea. Hence as scientific hypotheses, creation and evolution are clearly incompatible--one is possibly supported by the evidence and the other is based only on vague imaginings and no evidence whatsoever. I know that many people today speak about creation science, but this would be like speaking about a round square or George Bush the genius or Israeli-Muslim egalitarianism or any number of other logical impossibilities.

2006-08-25 07:19:01 · answer #2 · answered by Pandak 5 · 0 0

Intelligent Design is a belief, not a theory. It assumes the existence of a supreme being (God) as explain by the scientific method. This means that there a facts (an observation made by two or more persons independent of location) that collected form a theory. So what are the intelligent design facts?

Let me digress for a moment. God reveals, man observes; revelation versus science. By revelation, we have the bible that gives us all the information regarding God. We know God is spirit. We know that God existed before and create all the we can observe. God existence is assumed. We either choose to accept or eject this revealed truth.

Science (comes from the Greek word to know) uses a method that takes facts into theories. Facts are man's observations. They are limited by what we can observe. Science can not derived anything without facts. For example, science can neither prove or disprove the existence of God.

Now back to intelligent design. It makes a claim base on what we can observe that there is a supreme being. It facts is how the universe works. However, one can argue that the universe just as it is. No supreme being. This means intelligent design can have both supreme being and no supreme being at the same time. This is a contradiction of the Aristotelian two valued logic which means we can derive one or the other.

Intelligent design is from philosophy not science. It is an exploration of why and how we came into being. It works beyond what we can observe; in fact, it is what we can speculate.

Evolution is a scientific theory that explains the facts observed by Darwin et al. It is science best attempt of weaving facts into a theory. Like all scientific theories, evolution must explain any new facts observed. When a scientific theory lacks the ability to explain the facts, new theories are formed.

The bottom line is there are two belief systems: Revelation and Science. Intelligent design is a belief of a reveal concept, supreme being, and evolution is a scientific theory (a scientific belief) based on facts.

There is nothing wrong in believing in both intelligent design and evolution, but your belief comes from two different belief systems.

2006-08-25 07:25:42 · answer #3 · answered by J. 7 · 0 0

ID is a completely slight and completely unimportant compromise between Evolution and Creation.
The Bible states the God created man. There is nothing in concrete in it's pages that says that God didn't create man by putting animals on the earth that through evolutionary mechanism and divine guidance became man. The human animal is such a singular wonder that it's increadible to think that we evolved completely through the process of creative entrophy, even over hundreds of thousands of years.
Evolution presents evidence that we are the process of trial and error genetic pairings where good traits are bred into the species and bad are bred out. There is no evidence where this process began or even the mechanics of how it works. God could certainly be both the creator of this miraculess mechanic and it's administrator.
Without more evidence only a fool would rule anything out.

2006-08-25 07:13:42 · answer #4 · answered by W0LF 5 · 0 0

The pseudoscience of "Intelligent Design" as a movement is a smoke screen to give credibility to Creationism. If "Intelligent Design" were compatible with Evolution, it wouldn't be as hot of debate as it is now, and if you are to refer to an "Intelligent Design(er)" that is compatible with evolution, you'd be speaking of Modern Deistic Philosophy (Basically that god is just an architect that created laws in the universe then just let it be without any further involvement); which would make no sense in promoting inside biology books.

The problem with "Intelligent Design" being taught is that it has no basis beyond: "We can't explain it, so a creator, god if you will, must have made it," which is no different than greek times when thunder was attributed to the Gods for being unexplicable.

Therefore, Maintstream "Intelligent Design" is incompatible with Evolution and vice-versa, yet Modern Deistic Interlligent Design can be compatible.


Mack-Mack wrote: "Wrong. Evolution is completely dependent on design by accident which is directly contrary to intelligent design. "

That is untrue in a sense. Evolution does depend on design, but that design is natural design. Intelligent Design suggests that there in a consciousness involved. So no contradiction there.


The person below me, vickyv, wrote: "Charles Darwin once stated that the thought of the eye, and how it could possibly be produced by natural selection, made him ill."

He forgot to add the following paragraph by Darwin: "When it was first said that the sun stood still and the world turned round, the common sense of mankind declared the doctrine false; but the old saying of Vox populi, vox Dei, as every philosopher knows, cannot be trusted in science. Reason tells me, that if numerous gradations from a simple and imperfect eye to one complex and perfect can be shown to exist, each grade being useful to its possessor, as is certainly the case; if further, the eye ever varies and the variations be inherited, as is likewise certainly the case and if such variations should be useful to any animal under changing conditions of life, then the difficulty of believing that a perfect and complex eye could be formed by natural selection, though insuperable by our imagination, should not be considered as subversive of the theory." Therefore, it didn't make him ill at all.

2006-08-25 07:07:52 · answer #5 · answered by Alucard 4 · 0 0

There are only two options, Biblical creation or evolution. I don't like "intelligent design" because it is a wimpy way out, like being a political moderate. Creation and evolution are polar opposites and are not compatible at all. Both are philosophies, beliefs and world views. Neither can be proven using true scientific testing methods. We both have the same evidence, it is just a matter of interpretation. Evolution teaches there is no God, no sin, no intrinsic purpose for our lives here, no redemption, no need for Christ. It teaches there was death before sin. Biblical creation states there is a God who is the creator, sin brought about death, we need a redeemer from sin, and that Christ is that redeemer.

2006-08-25 07:02:39 · answer #6 · answered by BrotherMichael 6 · 1 1

I agree, even the most knowledgeable scientists state the odds that life beginning on this planet are astronomical. And to top it off that any intelligent life forms to eventually evolve must have had some help.
So many things would have had to been just right, many times over, for evolution to take place.

2006-08-25 06:58:57 · answer #7 · answered by amish-robot 4 · 0 0

Ideally yes, if people open their minds to come closer to truth and to friendly cooperation.
But in reality, not everyone has the same understanding about these two theories. People advocating Intelligent Design fear that among Evolutionists there are still people who strongly deny God. People advocating Evolution fear that the mass of believers may remain in superstitions and prejudices!
Pray that more people will humbly seek love rather than hatry!
Although there are still people rejecting prayer, but I think that they will rethink about this too.

2006-08-25 07:14:09 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. Evolution describes a process in which natural selection works on the raw material of random mutations in the genome and results in descent with modification. If there is intelligent 'tinkering' with this process (as in the breeding of farm animals and crops in order to achieve greater yields, for example) then this is no longer evolution.

2006-08-25 06:59:20 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

afriendof CL,once a persons conscious mind "sees" what it believes to be "the answer"then deposits "the answer into the subconscious mind,it shuts the door to further seeking on the matter,now having a rock hard "opinion",becoming "there are none so blind as those who will not see". "YES" evolution is the proof that GOD created everything. LOVE Whistle Britches

2006-08-25 07:45:11 · answer #10 · answered by Weldon 5 · 0 0

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