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The oldest fact of America is that America wa a land inhabited by Native American "Indians" indigenous to the land.
Basically, without sugar coating the story... White/Europeans came to America, subjugated the peaceful tribes and raped Indian women - diluting their blood and giving them diseases they had not previously known.

Then thy built this land known as America on the backs of Indian slaves and African slaves - FREE LABOR - which allowed America to grow and thrive faster than almost every other country in the world (less than 400 years).
I guess so since Labor was Free.

The Imigration system is RACIST against hispanics - setting up all types of quotas and such. Many of these people from Mexico are leftovers of Native Americans and Chicanos and various other groups.

These people existed in the americas long before the White man.

HOW THE F*CK can White people claim right to the land known as America and say who can and can't immigrate?


2006-08-24 16:39:06 · 42 answers · asked by neoconbush 1 in Politics & Government Immigration

42 answers

What bothers me is how subtle racism has become. Now instead of calling mexicans WET****S they are called "illegal's" as if the word only refers to them. No mention of the illegal North Koreans and Chinese smuggled in daily to work in the sweatshops.

Every single person on this continent including the NAtive Americans are immigrants if you accept the theories of transmigration. Its just that the dominant group - White americans - feel they own everything, are entitled to everything and no one else is if it challenges their position. Lets see how they feel when they are a minority.

2006-08-24 18:48:58 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 4

"The oldest fact of America" is that the "Native Americans" were also immigrants. They just got there earlier. They were not "peaceful tribes"; they fought each other constantly and violently, just like other groups all over the world have always fought.

The US was not built on the backs of slaves - where do you get this silly garbage? Some Southern states' economies depended for a while on slave labor, but that was long after the US was a successful country. There were no "Native American" slaves in the United States. If you want to criticize Caribbean countries for that, go ahead.

US immigration has no racial quotas, certainly not against Hispanics. Where did you get this crap? Here are the categories of immigrants; where do you see race?

The "quotas" are category-wide and are based on citizenship, not on "race." However, years ago Congress decided, in the interest of fairness to all who want to immigrate, to separate certain countries of origin out. This was done because there was so much demand for immigration for a few categories from a few countries (China, Mexico, India and the Philippines) that there would be almost no opportunity for others to immigrate. Now your Honduran, Congolese, Dominican, Egyptian, British, Canadian, Korean, Kenyan, Bangladeshi, Greek, Nigerian or whatever relatives are more likely to be able to immigrate. Racist? How?


As you can see, any member of any "race" of nearly any category of immigrant can still enter as soon as his or her number comes up.

You write, "these people from Mexico are leftovers of Native Americans and Chicanos and various other groups." In the first place, what the heck is a "Chicano?" Not a race, for certain. In the second place, ALL "races" in the world are mixtures of all kinds of ancestry. There is no pure ethniticy.

Finally, "White people claim right to the land known as America and say who can and can't immigrate" because they own it fair and square. Every "race" in the world has immigrated at one time or another - usually many times - displacing the people who had immigrated before them, and eventually either getting kicked out or assimilated by those that come after. Right now, white Europeans are the majority in the US, just as Greeks are in Greece (they didn't spontaneously generate there - they invaded), Mexicans are in Mexico (ditto), Icelanders are in Iceland, Russians (mixture of Slavs and Scandanavians) are in Russia, etcetera. So whoever is in charge at any time is the group that gets to make the rules.

Go read a history book before you spout stupidity.

2006-08-24 17:07:55 · answer #2 · answered by dognhorsemom 7 · 2 0

Yup! I love the fact that we get told off for something our ancestors did. Guess what! I didn't steal the Native Americans land. I am tired of hearing about how I am not a real American. Guess what.. there are many countries in the big world where people from other countries took over and now are the main citizens. It isn't just America. Why should we be put down because it happened here too? Oh, I know why... because it is America and for some odd reason, other people love to hate America until they need money or help of some sort.

Immigration is what America was founded on. LEGAL immigration. I do not see why we should be "bad" for wanting people to come into this country LEGALLY. Other countries have immigration laws. Are they bad guys? Nope, just America because we are just "awful" people!

If you want to become a citizen... please, I welcome you, just do it LEGALLY!

2006-08-25 03:33:57 · answer #3 · answered by mommato4boys 3 · 0 1

White people won the Indian wars and ownership of the land, much like President Polk won the American southwest from Mexico in a war. The world is a mean unfair place, and nothing will be yours for long if you can't defend it.

If white people weren't good at defending their land in the US and Europe it would have been taken over by the Chinese, Japanese or somebody else a long time ago.

Hispanics are racist against white people too.. Try being a white man in the heart of Mexico and see how many hispanics try to rob you or otherwise take advantage of you.

There should be quota's, and lots of them. We're already on track to have 400million people in the US by 2050. If you think traffic is bad and housing is expensive now, it's going to be insane soon. There was also a survey in Mexico where they came up with the statistic that 60% of all mexicans want to live in the US. Sorry, we don't have room for all of you- you're just going to have to try to fix the country you already live in.

2006-08-24 17:20:15 · answer #4 · answered by Jason 6 · 2 1

ok, ill just start with your a moron, you did make a very good point about the indians but as for slavery they were slaves in africa too go beyond a text book in your hichscool class and realize that a "chicano" is not a flippin race and then consider the fact that the mexicans took land from the indians yes the white man took it but so we stole stolen land if you want to say the indiand and mexicans are one in the same then why would mexicans take land from indian the borders should be closed because of ignorant think you know it all border jumpers such as yourself i have nothing arainst hispanics but web backs, where you fit in should not be allowed in this country we get a pass port to go to mexican you can do the samn this now shut up and do a little bit of research before you prove your ignorence to the world

2006-08-24 18:50:35 · answer #5 · answered by Keith Q 1 · 1 1

So sorry you are so confused...but I do feel sorry that you have yet to learn all of the History..Please..Allow me..

Yes, there are those who hold their views on immigration for racial reasons—on both sides of the issue. (For every David Duke, there is a Congressman Gutierrez.)
This does not mean, however, that immigration is a racial issue.

And while the immigration issue does attract racists, it is our experience at ProjectUSA that most of these racists are to be found amongst our pro-mass immigration opponents—in particular, among the ethnic-identity pressure groups and politicians.

To those (sometimes) well-meaning but confused people who insist that immigration is a racial issue, we always ask: "Well, then, since you are absolutely certain one's position on immigration is all about race, what are your racial reasons for supporting this current flood?"

This question often causes confusion.

We believe that the confusion arises from our nation's unfortunate muddle-headedness on issues of race and culture. The current dogma of the "multicultural" ideology has convinced many Americans that "culture" and "race" are the same things. Just think of the endless paeans to multiculturalism in advertising, political speech, academia, etc.: they are always illustrated by a photo of people of different races.

This is dangerous and wrong.

While a black American and a white American might be different colors, they are equally American, i.e., they share the same culture.

Modern "multiculturalists" are the true racists when they elevate skin color to a place as primary as culture.

If we have racial problems today, how will our problems improve with a half billion people struggling to survive in an overpopulated country? Shouldn't we first resolve the racial problems we have instead of continuing with an immigration policy that will double our population and risk exacerbating an already increasing tendency in our country toward group identity politics? Those who fear racial conflict or the rise of fascism should support, as we do, an immigration time-out in order to take a breather, reassess what we are doing, and give the assimilation magic time to work.

The idea that only "Native American" have the right to oppose immigration to the United States ignores the concept of "nation." There was no such thing as the political entity known as the the United States until the Founders created it in 1776.
Furthermore, there are not grades of citizenship. One is either a citizen of this country, or one is not. We are not more or less citizens of the United States based on the number of generations preceding us on these shores.

And, particularly, we are not more or less citizens of this country based on our skin color or ethnicity.

Since everyone in the world has ancestors who immigrated from somewhere else, the immigration history of one's ancestors is probably not relevant to the formulation of wise public policy.

yup ==we are nobody..nobody with a voice to be heard..nobody who pays into the country year after year after year...and guess what the whole reason you are so upset is because all these Nobodies are sick and tired of being walked on day in and day out...go ahead and compare how things were in the past and compare them to 2006..go ahead makes you look real smart about your debate. ---signed Nobody

2006-08-24 17:13:49 · answer #6 · answered by 69Stang 4 · 4 1

Don't be ridiculous. You obviously don't feel bad enough to leave this country. How can you live with yourself knowing you are benefitting from the ill-gotten gains of the "white man." Do you tithe to the poor people of Mexico because you are living on their land called America?

Check your history. Mexicans are not indigenous. Where do you think their blood lines come from? ( Here's a clue, Mexicans speaka Spanish) And if you really must, know, the White-skinned Europeans that you are referring to, were not English whites, but Spanish whites. Yes, Virginia, Spanish people are White skinned! And where did you say Chicanos were indigenous of? (I thought East L.A.) The European that came here and terrorized the Aztecs, Incas, etc. were not ONLY from England.

This is America now. Get used to it. Quit your crying! Don't act like you care a damn about what Black and Native American people went through. This is just another sorry way to justify all these illegals sneaking across the border.

2006-08-24 17:03:25 · answer #7 · answered by ihaftaknow 3 · 4 1

What about white people? You've got a race chip on YOUR shoulder, that much is obvious, and furthermore, we've got LEGAL immigrants from just about any country you can think to mention, the issue of the day is ILLEGAL immigration, the same thing that american hispanics and native americans and dutch/german/irish/african americans are taking issue with.

We've got laws, let's see them followed, and let's see Congress take the lead on this one and nail down ALL the corners this time, make it really clear how immigration WILL and WILL NOT be happening, take the extra time to make it lawyer-proof, and then start doing some common-sense enforcement initiatives.

Let's have a national hotline, let's have the ICE out there doing what they do, let's see MORE lawsuits against people that deliberately hire illegal aliens to work for cheap, let's have the border fence done, and the Border Patrol beefed up to the point where they're able to do their job quickly, thoroughly, and professionally, and more of those town hall meetings to get the views of the MAJORITY on the issue. America's already pretty darn diverse, so the 'white people' thing doesn't wash with me,
it's time to start getting realistic and lawful in regards to illegal immigration, no more sob-stories, just start enforcing the damn laws that've been on the books now for DECADES.

Sit down and ask yourself WHY it is you support illegal immigration, and what kind of impact unchecked illegal immigration might one day have on YOUR community, YOUR family etc.Say what you want, believe what you want, it's a free country, but be realistic, too. Going on tirades about the evils of white people doesn't impress me.

2006-08-25 06:25:24 · answer #8 · answered by gokart121 6 · 0 1

White people are civilized humans. What are you?

A while back, there was an immigration-overpopulation conference in Washington, DC, filled to capacity by many of Americans finest minds and leaders. A brilliant college professor named Victor Hansen Davis talked about his latest book, Mexifornia, explaining how immigration - both legal and illegal - was destroying the entire state of California. He said it would march across the country until it destroyed all vestiges of The American Dream.

2006-08-24 22:16:32 · answer #9 · answered by The Evil Eye 1 · 0 0

First of all its not just whites that think that they can.. Every person that is a citizen has the right to vote... And the majority of the votes sounds like to me that we do not like people that are illegals stomping and marching over our lands and demanding rights.. The illegals broke laws and now that they want something in return? that really makes no since to me.


3RD please understand history that they were also Spanish explores that landed on the US soil too.

2006-08-24 17:01:42 · answer #10 · answered by LA LA 6 · 3 1

Excuse me? Did you say "peaceful tribes?" Some were, certainly; others were as warlike as any European peoples. What European whites just brought to the New World was a sense of territorial ownership and conquest that was inimical to few, if any, Indian tribes. The Indians certainly didn't deserve their fate at the hands of Whites, but don't ascribe to them mythical virtues they didn't have.

But, for all their technological superiority, Europeans' conquest of indignous tribes was not accomplished through use of firearms and violence, but DISEASE. Whites brought deadly infections -- chiefly SMALLPOX -- to the New World, ailments to which Indians had no natural resistance. In this, White explorers and settlers wrought a biological holocaust that rivaled the Black Plague's effect on on Mediaeval Europe.

As for immigration in the U.S., the reins of power in this country are still held by a white majority. Certainly much of the current hysteria over the issue is being fanned by a vocal, xenophobic minority, and one hopes that cooler, more compassionate heads will eventually prevail (not likely as long as the Republicans rule Washington), but we do need a reworking of immigration laws. Unrestricted entry into the U.S., and blanket amnesty for illegals already here, will not work.

Still, there is NO CURE to be found by criminalizing illegal entry to the levels demandede by that xenophobic minority. Illegals come here because of the dire ECONOMIC conditions in their own countries. Those howling for reform are advocating measures that will merely address the symptoms, and not the cause. Until those economies are reformed, reducing or eliminating those incentives to come to the U.S., illegals will continue to stream northward.

Only the U.S. has the economic clout in this hemisphere to reform those economies, but we can't do that until we put our own economic house in order. And Republican fiscal policy -- tax breaks for the wealthy, immense deficits, endless spending on a pointless war in Iraq -- makes that IMPOSSIBLE.

Bottom line: Illegals will continue to assail U.S. borders until the Republicans are no longer in control.

2006-08-24 17:01:33 · answer #11 · answered by The Sage on the Hudson 2 · 2 1

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