Well if these are any examples.......guess I would have to agree.
2006-08-24 15:42:36
answer #1
answered by sqwirlsgirl 5
A while back, there was an immigration-overpopulation conference in Washington, DC, filled to capacity by many of Americans finest minds and leaders. A brilliant college professor named Victor Hansen Davis talked about his latest book, Mexifornia, explaining how immigration - both legal and illegal - was destroying the entire state of California. He said it would march across the country until it destroyed all vestiges of The American Dream.
2006-08-24 22:21:17
answer #2
answered by The Evil Eye 1
I think you are full of crap, Pancha. And you are applying a generality to a group of people that you apparently know very little about. Admit it- you are too ignorant to understand the true negative impacts of illegal immigration, and thus, you want to turn the folks who are anti-illegal into being racists, because Racism is a simple concept that even somone of your limited intellect can understand, and try to get people to rally against. But that is not it at all. I have tried to explain it to you before, but maybe you cant read, so Im not going to do it again. Im going to leave it at- illegal immigration is a huge strain on the US, and legal immigration is a huge boon to the country. Kick out the illegals and welcome to the legals.
2006-08-24 17:02:47
answer #3
answered by bmwdriver11 7
Is it Panchita or Pancha grande por que las dos estan Panchonas. (KIDDING) Illegal is Illegal and Legal means legal If Illegal they go out If Legal they stay here. What is so hard about that it's the is running a red light if you don't like to wait does it make it OK to run it.NO you get a citation. Just the same as if I was and Illegal and I didn't want to waiting line with the rest of the Immigrants I crossed Illegally I would get caught and sent back to Mexico. PS The donkey says hi and he Misses you(I was going to say that he has your dick there since last week but I decided not too)
2006-08-24 16:18:12
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
My Dear PANCHA,...
We have batted these issues around for some time now, and it is apparent that we side with different camps with regard to illegal immigrants. Sometimes I was civil about my opinion, and sometimes I was not. But at no point did I never consider your opinions to be less important than my own.
So what do I think, you ask?...
I think you have just belittled my 'main' argument, my opinion, as to why illegal immigrants need to go... I understand your take on this matter and, even though I disagree with almost all of your views, I've always admired and respected you for your die-hard stance with them.
Don't get me wrong, I am not mad at you (just the 'thought' of being mad at you makes me laugh a little). I just thought there might have been a some mutual respect there:... I guess not.
Your friend on the other side,...:-)
The Wanderer's Shadow
2006-08-24 16:14:06
answer #5
answered by Saint Christopher Walken 7
Well, the first half...that we don't want really care that they're illegal...WRONG!!! We care about that MOST!
the second half...that we believe every derogatory thing we've "heard" about illegals...You're probably right!
Here's a list of derogatory things we've "heard" about illegals:
They have no right to be here...meaning their mere presence makes them criminals. (FACT)
They DO overwhelm our social health care, free education for their many children, free school breakfast and lunches, subsidized housing...all of this on the backs of legal taxpayers most of whom do not qualify for these services, despite the fact that they are not rolling in cash. (FACT)
They arrogantly claim they are on their land and come here with a sense of entitlement. (FACT)
Coming in without proper health screenings DOES help spread the diseases that we had all but eradicated in this country. (FACT)
So, yep...I guess you're right.
2006-08-27 04:24:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think you are wrong. I happen to be good friends with a wonderful Mexican lady who is a LEGAL immigrant. We both feel that it is wrong to come into a country and take benefits other people PAY TAXES for. She is upset that she waited and went through the LEGAL channels to get into this country when some of her fellow countrymen just take what she worked for.
I think that racism is wrong but I don't think it is racism to want people living in this country to be legal, tax paying, law obeying citizens.
2006-08-25 03:41:12
answer #7
answered by mommato4boys 3
Some may. And crossing or staying illegally, which is the least and sometimes the totality of what we know about them, is hardly a recommnendation.
However, for me opposition to illegal immigration is based on schools and services impacted by the influx. I assume that most who are for deportation of all have similar concerns, just a different approach to legalization.
2006-08-24 15:43:34
answer #8
answered by DAR 7
I don't know... these facts I found paint a little different story. A bit long but hope you take the time to read it. I don't doubt what you say is true but there are always two sides......
The cost of illigal immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was, (after subtracting taxes), a NET $70 BILLION a year, [Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University]. The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services used) for the average adult Mexican illigal immigrant is a NEGATIVE number.
29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.
If they can come to this country to raise Hell and demonstration by the thousands, Why can't they take charge over the corruption in their own country?
We are a bunch of fools for letting this continue.
THE U.S. VS MEXICO: On February 15, 1998, the U.S. and Mexican soccer teams met at the Los Angeles Coliseum. The crowd was overwhelmingly pro-Mexican even though most lived in this country. They booed during the National Anthem and U.S. flags were held upside down. As the match progressed, supporters of the U.S. team were insulted, pelted with projectiles, punched and spat upon. Beer and trash were thrown at the U.S.
players before and after the match. The coach of the U.S. team, Steve Sampson said, "This was the most painful experience I have ever had in this profession."
Did you know that immigrants from Mexico and other non-European countries can come to this country and get preferences in jobs, education, and government contracts? It's called affirmative action or racial privilege. The Emperor of Japan or the President of Mexico could migrate here and immediately be eligible for special rights unavailable for Americans of European descent.
Corporate America has signed on to the idea that minorities and third world immigrants should get special, privileged status. Some examples are Exxon, Texaco, Merrill Lynch, Boeing, Paine Weber, Starbucks and many more.
DID YOU KNOW?: That Mexico regularly intercedes on the side of the defense in criminal cases involving Mexican nationals? Did you know that Mexico has NEVER extradited a Mexican national accused of murder in the U.S.
in spite of agreements to do so? According to the L.A. Times, Orange County, California is home to 275 gangs with 17,000 members; 98% of which are Mexican and Asian. How's your county doing?
According to a New York Times article dated May 19, 1994, 20 years after the great influx of legal immigrants from Southeast Asia, 30% are still on welfare compared to 8% of households nationwide. A Wall Street Journal editorial dated December 5, 1994 quotes law enforcement officials as stating that Asian mobsters are the "greatest criminal challenge the country faces." Not bad for a group that is still under 5% of the population.
Is education important to you? Here are the words of a teacher who spent over 20 years in the Los Angeles School system. "Imagine teachers in classes containing 30-40 students of widely varying attention spans and motivation, many of whom aren't fluent in English. Educators seek learning materials likely to reach the majority of students and that means fewer words and math problems and more pictures and multicultural references."
WHEN I WAS YOUNG: I remember hearing about the immigrants that came through Ellis Island. They wanted to learn English. They wanted to breathe free. They wanted to become Americans. Now, far too many immigrants come here with demands. They demand to be taught in their own language. They demand special privileges--affirmative action.
2006-08-24 16:10:23
answer #9
answered by crusinthru 6
The original immigrants here just took this land for their own. Then they forced the Native Americans to go on 'death marches,' herded them into 'reservations,' and provided them with blankets tainted with smallpoxes. How did they justify their actions? I suppose it had something to do with a 'holier than thou' attitude.
To the credit of Americans however, this much of history has not been white-washed. These statements can be verified, if anyone doubts their authenticity.
Now your question concerns excuses and derogatory remarks used by the anti's who want 'illegals' outta here? What do I think?
I think that it all goes back to a 'holier than thou' attitude used during an earlier age to justify certain atrocities which just happen to be historically verifiable.
How many 'thumbs down' do you suppose this reply is going to receive, huh? Your question, Panchita, has already been awarded ten 'thumbs down.' Hang in there, at least someone is reading your question! Maybe someone will also read my reply.
Four thumbs down. Wow! And Pancha, you have now been accused of being a low-intelligence shill (someone is resorting to obsolete English, one of the original immigrants, me thinks!)
2006-08-24 16:48:02
answer #10
answered by H 7
I think you've already got your mind made up and you refuse to change it.
Actually millions of crimes in this country have been committed by illegal aliens. Did you know that? Is this the kind of people you want living next door to you? Maybe a rapist or a murderer? Since they are illegal, how will you know what they are? Our laws need to be enforced and our borders secured.
2006-08-24 16:32:25
answer #11
answered by sqwirl_hater 3