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The problem lies with getting the cream to sit on top of the coffee and not sink down. I use single cream straight from the tub. I had heard that stirring the coffee fast then touching the surface with an up turned spoon and running the cream off that was meant to work, but it just sinks no matter what. Any suggestions?

2006-08-24 08:19:34 · 10 answers · asked by wee stoater 4 in Food & Drink Other - Food & Drink

10 answers

You have to make sure the spoon isn't IN the coffee, it can touch the top but only BARELY touch. Then (as others have said) you have to be very patient with the Irish creme. The thicker the Irish creme, the better your chances of succeeding. Bailey's tends to work better than Jameson's only because it's a tad thicker. But a slow pour and patience are the keys!!

2006-08-24 08:43:51 · answer #1 · answered by dougzinboston 4 · 0 1

At least 2 tsp of sugar in the coffee. Whip the cream til it thickens slightly. Pour slowly onto coffee, over the back of a spoon. Don't stir at all!

2006-08-24 09:06:08 · answer #2 · answered by Clodia 2 · 0 0

Back of a teaspoon just touching the coffee and pour slowly. You will get a bit sinking but most will stay on the top. OR, the cheats way, squirty cream.

2006-08-24 08:22:11 · answer #3 · answered by Pookie 4 · 0 0

Use a spoon. Posistion the fringe of the spoon on the comparable point because of the fact the juice. Pour the liquer very slowly into the spoon. enable the spoon overflow onto the suitable of the juice. prepare. take excitement in. It nonetheless style solid

2016-12-11 14:41:32 · answer #4 · answered by hayakawa 4 · 0 0

slightly whip the cream and don't make the coffee at boiling point or if at boiling point let the coffee stand for at least 2 minutes then releasing some of the thus helping the cream to stay in position.

2006-08-24 08:51:52 · answer #5 · answered by rickfishherring 1 · 0 0

Irish Coffee

1 (1 quart) container heavy cream
4 tablespoons dark brown sugar
6 fluid ounces Irish Mist liqueur (or more)
fresh brewed coffee (non flavored)

Place 1 tbsp brown sugar in bottom of each clear goblet.
Add jigger of Irish Mist to each glass and stir.
Place teaspoon in bottom of glass and slowly pour coffee into goblet until about 1/4" from top of glass.
(The spoon wil protect goblet from cracking from heat of coffee) Move teaspoon to edge of coffee on top of glass.
SLOWLY pour heavy cream into spoon allowing overfill into glass.
If you do it correctly, the heavy cream will float on top of coffee.

2006-08-24 08:22:37 · answer #6 · answered by Irina C 6 · 0 0

pour it very slowley over the back of a spoon with only a small bit of the spoon in the coffee

2006-08-24 08:23:14 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ya got to slightly whip it so its kinda thick,then run it off the back of a spoon slowly!

2006-08-24 08:22:33 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

pour cream slowly on upturned spoon

2006-08-24 08:32:42 · answer #9 · answered by mad manc 4 · 0 0

it could be down to the coffee..

2006-08-24 08:22:33 · answer #10 · answered by super b 4 · 0 0

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