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I'm a white British lad who wants to find out more about Islam as I have read an English edition of the Holy Qu'ran and would like to learn as much as I can about Islam- I do not know if it would be correct for me to visit a Mosque in the Middle East as I have friends in Jordan and Egypt who can arrange this- what would you recommend? Thanks!

2006-08-23 23:58:53 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

32 answers

Assalaamu alaikum,

Start by visiting a Mosque in Britain.

Yes you can visit a Mosque in the Middle east.

2006-08-24 01:10:00 · answer #1 · answered by Layla 6 · 0 0

Hey Im a British muslim!

If u are wanting to learn more about islam and whish to visit a mosque you can do it I would recomend you go with ur friends that are arranging it for u, it will be better that way otherwise u'll probably end up feeling totally lost!

And if u want some background info on the mousque and the way of worship (not that ur gonna have to pray when u visit u can just watch!) visit this website it pretty much covers everything:


Also try visiting a local mousque first instead

2006-08-24 01:12:05 · answer #2 · answered by bluewatr111 4 · 0 0

First of all I just wanna say how happy it makes me as a Muslim to see someone interested in Islam.

I'm a nineteen year old Jordanian and I can tell you it's OK for you to visit a Mosque! Most mosques welcomes everyone! You'll be more than welcome to go to the men's part of the Mosque!

In order to respect the atmosphere and those around you, dress appropriately (no shorts) and respect the customs of the mosque like taking off your shoes when you enter (only enter bear foot or with socks).

Also there's another catch, usually anyone who enters a mosque should be clean/presentable. Usually Muslims do something called the Wudu (the act of washing parts of the body using clean water performed by Muslims, as part of the preparation for ritual worship, salah).

But don't worry, your friends will be more than happy to make sure everything goes smoothly! So I recommend just letting them know that you'd like to go to the Mosque and they'll arrange it for you! I had some christian friends who used to do the Wudu and pray with some other Muslim friends at school! :) If you'd like to see Muslims pray or learn how to, ask a friend about it and go to the Friday Prayer service at the Mosque!

I also recommend you check out http://www.beconvinced.com It's an excellent website that helps non-Muslims understand Islam!

http://www.islamonline.net and http://www.islamreligion.com/ are also good websites!

Why don't you check out your local Muslim community/mosque? They'd be more than happy to help you out!

http://www.ic-el.com/english/ is the website for the Islamic
Center of England.

http://www.muslimdirectory.co.uk/ and http://www.salaam.co.uk/ are guides to Islamic services in the UK and more info about Islam.

Here are some more websites that could help you out in learning more:


I wish you the best of luck!

Oh and check out Harun Yahya's Conferences in UK (August 12 - 28, 2006)

2006-08-24 00:40:27 · answer #3 · answered by Yaz 3 · 0 0

I think that before going to a mosque so far away you should visit a local mosque, learn more about the true Islam because there are so many misconceptions and deviant sects that you should look thoroughly into everything, the best of luck and may Allah guide you...

Here are some websites...


2006-08-27 06:34:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous 2 · 0 0

Hey James

I'm not a Muslim but it seems to me that your first step should be to visit your local Mosque and speak to someone! They would be able to discuss your ideas, faith etc with you and point you out in the right direction without having to travel so far away!

2006-08-24 00:07:18 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

why do you need to go to the middle east to visit a mosque- is there not a local mosque near you. as long as you are clean and you have your head covered you can go to any mosque. try speaking to someone in your local mosque.

2006-08-24 00:06:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is nothing wrong in you visiting a mosque anywhere. There are many Islamic book shops you could go to.


2006-08-24 00:10:43 · answer #7 · answered by mumtaz 6 · 0 0

I would recommend that you just go to the mosque. On the way there you will meet someone who will help you. Speak to that person and explain your interest. Then if you are willing enage and participate in the next congegrational prayer.

2006-08-28 00:02:04 · answer #8 · answered by akashan 2 · 0 0

God bless u brother,
I am really glade to hear that u want to know more about this great religion...U can always visit a mosque and u can search on the internet,I like this website and i want u plz to visit it..it is really cool and informative..
thank u for trying to know Islam and God bless...

2006-08-24 00:34:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Basicly,,any one can choose his religion or try to know
better about any subject
But please notice that:-
_Islam describes christianity ,as a religion of kindness,
bless,,so many high values
_Islam gives ability to muslims to marry christian women
with their own religion (christianity)
this means that his children have oncles(muslims and
and aunts (muslims and christians) and they present
all celebration of christians,mulsims
so I think Islam respects all religions,
_Please keep in mind that all islam societies are like any
other human societies ,always there is a gap between
actula & theoritical situations,so don't be shocked when
you see actions and behaviour of muslims
_Also their bad economical conditions ,which is common
for all (Hindus..in India,Buddhists..in India
and china & inbetween,,,christians ,,in east Europe and
South& middle America&africa,Muslims in most countries)
which belongs to political probblems(either enternal or
external) ,and due to global exploitation,which sucks
their wealth,and elites that keeps actual situations as they
so u will find a gap between Islam in Quran
and human Islam which is applied on life,
_please notice that all their economical,social prblms are
solved in Quran( I mean easily can be solved if gvrmnts
_In Islam no borders between political,social,economical
religious affairs,which is not common for all religions.
_Muslims have one way in thinking(this life leads to the
other life :after death),so most of their behaviour can't be
understood of other ppl who act in one way each
_Their religion orders them not to be silent against any
unfair or unjustice,but to struggle even if they are weak
outwardly,,,they feel the power is in an other way
_As any other religion,the explination of Islam is deformed
during the past 1500 yrs,
so you can find some differences between their visions
to not the main matters,but sub,so don't be confused or
shocked if you face something like this,
I think if you keep this in mind you can understand them
and their religion in a better way,

2006-08-24 00:48:42 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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