Why is our president
trying to avoid dealing with the illegals in our country?
What makes citizens of a country
submit to the demands of people
who are not even citizens?
What is it that makes people
here for decades and centuries
cower in front of those here illegally,
arriving only yesterday?
What is it that makes people unwilling
to lay claim to their own land and country?
It is guilt.
It is fear.
It is a brainwashing that has convinced so many
that every member of the world
is entitled to U.S. constitutional and welfare “rights”.
It is a society that no longer believes in itself
as a specific culture or even a sovereign country.
Worse, it is a society so emotionally weak
that it will accept disease, terrorism, crime, bankruptcy
and the disintegration of its own chosen laws
rather than being called racist,
even though such charges are false.
Forty years of sick liberalism
has created a public so unsure of its own legitimacy
yet so sure
of every OTHER culture’s and nation’s goodness
that it can not say “No”
to anyone perceived outside the mainstream .
Being an outsider proffers today a nobility
and entitlement to “rights”
that are beyond the scope and hope
of those viewed as merely regular Americans.
In fact, in today’s America,
the more hostile one is to the country
and the more brazen against its historic mores,
the more protection and concern comes one's way.
Because what greater way
to demonstrate one’s “tolerance”,
“sensitivity” and “understanding”
than when given precisely to those
who are your greatest threat.
Showing goodness to your own is labeled “tribalism”
while being tolerant of those that differ
and even despise
is the most shining example of “tolerance”.
In today’s America,
tolerance is God,
and the faithful will sacrifice all
--- even their security –
to their secular God.
Never in history has there been such a need
for people to feel good about themselves
as is happening in the West.
Ironically, as the West becomes more post Christian,
its need for verification
and some form of identification grows.
Never have a people become so insecure
that they feel unworthy
absent the approval of those who deride their ways.
Thus, can the foreigner in the land
rise with impudence against his benefactors,
demanding from them and daring them to say “No”.
Americans are beginning to remind me
of the actress Sally Field
who after receiving an award publicly gushed :
"You like me, you like me".
This national need "to be liked" is embarrassing.
Whereas common sense dictates
that the way to find a criminal
is by investigating the men who match the description
of those seen at the crime scene,
emotionally enfeebled America
searches in airports for benign grey haired old ladies
with blue eyes and dainty cheek bones
rather than young Muslim/Arab men
with angry facial muscles,
simply because to do the rational
may invite the accusation of profiling and thus “racism”,
albeit every terrorist has thus far been an Islamic jihadist,
not to mention how it is radical Islam
that encourages terrorism
not Lenox, Mass., Unitarianism.
NBC’s Dateline looks for racism
not by Muslims against Christians
but in NASCAR Christians against Muslims,
even though North Carolina Protestantism
does not speak of others as infidels
as does today’s Islam, constantly.
NBC represents the corrosive elitist notion
that those foreign are harmlessly noble
while mainstream Christian America
is congenitally racist and must, therefore, every day
prove itself non-racist and tolerant.
This already forty year brainwashing job on Americans
by academia and the media
has created an American public so tentative about itself
and so submissive
that it rarely sticks up for its own rights and needs
when in conflict with a “minority”
out of fear of being labeled a racist
and, worse, feeling that it is indeed racist.
To be sure,
many spearheading the flouting of our laws
regarding immigration
are the Barney liberals
who never believed in an indigenous American culture
or a truly sovereign America.
They, in fact, subscribe to a borderless America.
They are universalists and transnationalists
who view America as nothing special
and have no understanding of how and why
this country achieved its greatness.
Others are simply grownup children,
bereft of any knowledge of history and reality.
Many are old fashioned communists
who take up any cause they see as disruptive
to America, its institutions and its establishment.
Masquerading as human rights activists,
they are fascists craving an America
socially engineered under their hegemony.
while most Americans do not see themselves on the Left,
they have been snookered
by the high-sounding terms of multiculturalism
and unearned “rights for all”
used by the Left to disenfranchise
regular, good willed Americans.
We have become, unwittingly,
complicit in our own demise.
Though I bear no ill will to the illegals
and know many of them,
I’m disturbed by how this issue
has revealed an American weakness
that if not reversed imperils our longevity
as a specific and distinct culture.
I speak not of race but values;
not of place of origin
but a common American ethos
and love and pride in Americanism.
I fear what will happen to an America
ruled not by its republican laws
but emotion,
not by what is right and legal
but by who screams the loudest --
mob rule,
the jungle
A people no longer able to assert its right to say “No”
out of fear and guilt
as to what others will say or charge
is a nation that is allowing its mores and habits,
its heritage and distinctiveness,
to be determined by those accusing the loudest.
Not only will America loose the immigration issue
but the war on terror itself.
Watching America fold to LA RAZA
and other race mongers,
how afraid of America can the jihadist enemy be,
knowing that Americans will not protect themselves
if by so doing they are accused of “Islamophobia”,
the latest concocted form of “racism”.
To think, a great and powerful nation brought to its knees
not by a power stronger militarily
but simply because it was afraid of being called a name,
simply because it craved its enemy’s validation
over its own security.
There is no room in this country
for hyphenated Americanism.
The one absolutely certain way
of bringing this nation to ruin,
of preventing all possibility
of its continuing to be a nation at all,
would be to permit it to become a tangle
of squabbling nationalities.
— Theodore Roosevelt,
speech before the Knights of Columbus, 1915, New York
There are none so blind as those who will not see.
While the mainstream media
heaped praise on the "peaceful" May Day protesters
and newspapers plastered sympathetic photos
of the pro-illegal alien "sea of humanity"
all over their front pages,
freelance photographers, bloggers and radio interviewers
captured a sea of open-borders militancy nationwide.
Uninformed political observers delude themselves
into thinking that these sentiments
are relegated to the fringe.
But the core concepts of reconquista
(the "re-conquest" of the Southwest by Mexico)
have spread wide and deep—
from San Francisco to Los Angeles
to Milwaukee to Arkansas and beyond.
In Denver, a large banner read:
In Albuquerque,
Latino activists held up a provocative sign asking aloud:
Our borders are sieves.
We are at war with Islamofascism.
And these seething demonstrators are still griping
about the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
while our government prepares
to grant a massive amnesty
at Mexican President Vicente Fox's behest.
While left-wing socialists and anti-war Bush-bashers
are indeed helping coordinate
the open borders movement,
it is a foolish, patronizing mistake
to characterize the reconquistadores
as hapless pawns of the American Left.
The homegrown multiculti-mau-mau-ers
know exactly what they believe,
and they know exactly what they are doing.
They aim to mainstream the "Stolen Land" mantra
and pervert history.
They aim to obliterate America's borders
by sheer demographic and political force.
And they are succeeding.
President Bush may finally be coming around
to beefing up the border with National Guard troops,
but it's not stopping foreign governments
and activist judges
from interfering in the enforcement
of our immigration laws.
We are told
we are one of the dumbest countries in the world.
We are also globally despised as a government.
Yet, at the same time,
we are told that we live in the greatest nation,
have the best educational system in the world,
and are the beacon of “democratic” freedom.
What’s wrong with this picture?
Actually, the answer is quite simple.
What’s wrong with this picture is that we,
as American people,
1) are governmentally ignorant,
2) prefer denial to truth
like all good addicts
(television, drugs,
genetically modified food and water additives, etc.),
3) Remain locked
in a prescribed televised loyalty to partisanship.
have become incapable of processing information
apart from mass media.
We have become incapable
of processing big pictures, such as politics,
economics, regionalization, and globalization.
may in fact be the dumbest people in the world.
We have lost intellect, the capacity for learning,
the ability to care about the continuance
of freedom and liberty and justice,
and hence,
the inability to discern fact from fiction and to act.
American people have redefined freedom.
Freedom now means the ability to act
and with a refusal to hear or listen to others.
Arrogance has become a far greater need –
an arrogance that replaces compassion and knowledge
with attempts to nurse insecurities, wants, fears,
and the demand to be right even when we’re wrong.
Americans have become cowardly and castrated bullies,
and this is best demonstrated
by “elected” officials who back stab, insult, bully,
demean, and lie for their livings –
all the while creating rifts and divisions
between the American people –
which serve to further weaken and damage
our abilities, futures, and souls.
Americans are left with decades of anger
based upon betrayals
and a lack of intelligent self-control.
Beer and drugs,
anger and complaining,
television and the Internet
are preferred substances
over and above
the substance and sustenance
of faith, truth, and knowledge.
We are an angry and frightened people.
We take out our angers on our
families, friends, neighbors, wallets,
and other nations
whom we know nothing about whatsoever –
all the while watching our nation fall
due to our inability to act and care.
Public and “elected,”
we have degraded into
incapable, raging loud mouths
instead of intelligent and thoughtful people.
Our families have suffered, our nation has all but fallen,
our rights and liberties
have become token political concepts
used for elections of elites,
and our souls are buried in contempt
for our lives and ourselves.
All is blamed on others
so that we can be right.
“Others” are our problems,
but never ourselves and our failures
as compassionate, strong, and loyal Americans.
As such, we elect liars and thieves
to represent our miserable conditions,
and stand steadfastly behind these liars and thieves –
once again demonstrating our self-loathing.
We blame political parties
instead of pointing fingers to ourselves.
We have, in effect,
land-slid ourselves to personal and national destruction.
What a way to go…
and quite a demonstration of misery loving company.
We, the people of this nation,
have betrayed our nation, our freedom,
our children and grandchildren, and ourselves.
We are, in fact, the most pathetic people on the planet –
weak, sniveling, and full of arrogance and blame-rage.
So as we continue to validate our egos
as angry and damaged pit bulls,
the nation falls to the missions of our representatives,
who see us as lesser brethren
to be manipulated, chipped, and perhaps caged
in Halliburton civilian labor camps
for daring to disagree with anything
“they” may say or do.
Well folks,
our mindless insistence to vote following TV’s lead,
and to vote for the only people who can afford air time,
has brought you and yours all the way down,
according to our representatives,
to the level of mental incompetents.
you will receive your representative government’s
prescribed list of interventions.
As mental incompetents, regional governors
and electronic voting machines will ensure that you,
in your current condition,
will not vote.
Your forthcoming Real ID
and your current Patriot Act
will assure that you have no rights,
and that you are traceable as incompetents.
Sub-dermal chipping will guarantee your complete control.
As private property is to be confiscated
in one way or another,
you will be “relocated”
into deed-restricted/planned communities
(if you are a good and manageable serf)
or you will be “relocated” into a civilian labor camp
and put to work under the control
of one paramilitary system or another.
If you are highly uncontrollable or an undesirable,
(such as Terri Schiavo,)
you may be “humanely” disposed of,
much like Terri Schiavo.
(Anybody Remember Ruby Ridge?? Prolly Not)
We must ask ourselves if, in fact,
we are so stupid
that our smiley faced “representatives”
can actually dismantle our Constitutional government,
and at the same time enslave their fellow Americans,
and all without us noticing,
attempting to stop them, or giving a damn.
Or perhaps I’m the fool.
Perhaps we’re already Socialists
and prefer to stay a new union
without freedom, rights, liberty, or happiness.
Perhaps we prefer human settlements,
no private property or guns,
and to be told what we can eat,
how much water we can drink,
and who is worthy to have food, shelter, respect, and life.
Perhaps we prefer weather control,
sub-dermal chipping,
a new god,
and constant surveillance.
Perhaps we prefer Martial Law and military control.
Perhaps we prefer to be treated like herds
instead of human beings,
because it would appear
that we desire to be governed by elites and aristocrats
who demand that we live
according to their whims and cages.
Knock knock…
Who’s there?
What’s America?
Whatever millionaires and billionaires declare…
and they say America ends according to plan.
Well, monkeys, welcome to the world of your choosing.
Just keep sitting back,
enmeshed in debt and anger,
arrogance and apathy,
lies and deceptions,
and listen to your television sets
while your new dictatorship unfolds before your eyes.
2006-08-23 05:05:02
answer #1
answered by Anonymous