Your age - gender- 44 male
Level of education - Some college
Rural or Urban - Urban
Did you file a tax return last year - Yes
Have you ever voted in a PRIMARY election - Yes
Registered Democrat/Republican, Have you ever voted against your party - Registered republican, but I'm more like some variant of a libertarian. I have voted for democrats and even campaigned for a couple to keep their republican opponent out of office.
Do you CONSIDER 'Freedom of Speech' a right or a privilege - it is a right, but it has limitations when it starts to infringe on others' rights. It is not a simple issue.
Who would you choose to spend one day with if you could - My deceased father.
Was the USA justified invading Afghanistan following 9/11 - Absolutely.
Should the USA refrain from coming to the aid (militarilly) of
foreign countries where its citizens are being exterminated - In most cases we should do what we have to to prevent genocide.
Oust Saddam or leave him in power - I thought we should have canned his butt in the first gulf war. Now it's a mess, but good that he has to answer for his crimes against humanity. It is not our fault that the "religion of peace" isn't. Make no mistake about it, 70% of the Islamic world supports Islamic terror, either actively or passively. Do you honestly think that having America hating nutballs who obviously want to or do posses WMD like Saddam or Mahmoud Ahmadinejad running oil-rich countries is a good thing for this world?
Fight terrorism abroad or deal with it once it comes to US - Those are not mutually exclusive. It is likely we will be attacked again and I believe we have to be as proactive against terror as the rest of the world will tolerate and sometimes we'll just have to go it alone. The terrorists will never leave us alone no matter what we do. Fundamentalist Islam dictates that its followers must convert the infidels or exterminate them. Most of the Islamic world were dancing in the streets when they found out about the 9-11 attacks, MOST OF THEM! Acceding to terrorist demands is perceived as weakness by the terrorists. We must hit them hard and hit them often wherever we can find them. That includes their sponsors, state or otherwise. Make no mistake about it, the vast majority of the followers of The Religion of Peace want all of us infidels exterminated.
CNN or Fox News - Fox even though it leans right. CNN leans so far to the left that you rarely get a good picture of what's going on. At least Fox lets liberals tell their version without muddying the waters. On CNN or MSNBC, as soon as any conservative starts to make a good point, the host does anything they can to change the subject or take a cheap shot at the guest. Just watch any pof the prime-time talking heads, Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman are perfect examples of that.
Tony Blair or Jacques Chirac - Blair. Chirac seems to be motivated more by power, spite and money than by what's best for his people and the world. Blair is willing to stand up for what he believes in even if it is to his own politiocal detriment.
Libya or Syria - It's a toss up. At least Muammar Qaddafi can see the handwriting on the wall, but I wouldn't trust him at all. I'd have to give the edge to Libya at this point because Assad appears to be securely under the thumb of Iran's wacko Ahmadinejad.
Ted Kennedy or Joe Liebermann - Joe seems like a pretty decent guy. Even though he votes party line liberal 95% of the time, he seems to be genuine. Kennedy is such a transparent power mongering hyprocrite that his credibility is less than zero with anyone who isn't a radical leftist. The fact that the democrat party has excommunicated Joe simply because of his support for the troops in Iraq is a very bad sign for for the future for democrats. When a party's hate for a President drives its decision making process much more than what's right or wrong, honest voters cannot support that party. Democracy is undermined when a party eats it own like that.
Pro Life or Pro Choice - This is not a yes or no question for reasonable people. Partial birth abortion is just awful. How anyone can support it as a purely elective procedure is beyond me. Obviously when the mother's life is in danger that takes precedence, but doing it just because she has second thoughts, well, that smells too much like murder. In the first couple of months of gestation it is regrettable, but I honestly don't think of an embryo as a person and it should be up to the parents whether they want to keep or abort it. After that, it's a fetus, recognizable as a future person rather than a bunch of cells. Still, for the next couple of months, I have to say it is a decion for the parents and not society. We're supposed to be a free country and we seem to lose a little more freedom to big government every day. After 4 months I admit I'm pretty squeamish about it. once the fetus is capable of living outside the womb I am totally agaist aborting it, that smells way too much like murder. I guess I'm not pro-life, but I'm certainly not pro-death either. Call me Pro-Reason.
Bill Cosby or Jessee Jackson - No brainer here. Je$$e Jack$on has repeatedly demonstrated that money and power are far more important than doing the right thing for black Americans. Bill Cosby is willing to say what needs to be said even at his own expense. 70% of black babies are born to single parents, that's a huge problem Je$$e ignores.
UN Security Council or US Dept of Def - The [U]seless [N]ations has, for so long now, been such a corrupt body of posturing fools which values slapping up the U.S. more than it values helping the rest of the world. The U.S. foots a full 25% of their bill every year just so the UN can spit on America time and time again. When is the last time that the UN brokered any lasting peace anywhere that didn't require the Big Stick of the U.S. behind it? Why are the current nuclear crises of North Korea and Iran the fault of the U.S. and not the UN? What exacty has the UN done to resolve these global disasters? "RESOLUTION: YOU WILL BEHAVE OR WE'LL BE FORCED TO PASS ANOTHER RESOLUTION!" That's been really effective in the past several decades. I sure wouldn't want the U.S. DoD running the world, but they'd probably do a much better job of it than the Useless Nations.
What should be the last name of our next President - No matter what happens, I am sure it will another case of The Evil of Two Lessers. Look at all the ridiculous political posturing by all the idiots in BOTH parties. How can any American honestly feel that they will have a GOOD choice in November of '08? The republican and democrat parties have forced such a level of polarization upon us that we now seldom see any meaningful bipartisan compromise. The two parties expend so much effort on making each other look bad that nothing of any consequence ever gets done. The U.S. is smack dab in the middle of an idealogical civil war that nobody seems to know about. It is ironic that despite the best efforts of the far right and left fringes, the vast majority of the entrenched D.C. politicians have moved toward the center to the point that you couldn't tell who is in which party without being told. Both sides rail about how evil and crazy the other is, yet they both look more and more like each other every passing year. Republicans are supposed to stand for SMALLER GOVERNMENT and LESS GOVERNMENT INTERFERENCE IN OUR LIVES, yet spending is totally out of control and blue haired grandmas from our heartland can't take shampoo with them on an airplane. Spending Bill Earmarks (read PORK) have increased 27 bazillion percent since 2000, education spending has doubled (and the kids still don't learn jack schidt in school) and the SS, Medicare and health insurance crises are bigger than they have ever been. We're more dependent on foreign oil than we have ever been before and our skilled jobs are still streaming away to China, India, Mexico and just about every other underdeveloped foreign country in the world. I'm sick of telling telemarketers that I don't accept calls from India! The last name of our next President? ABOVE, as in "NONE OF THE ABOVE."
What would it take for you to join the military - Foreign boots on the ground on U.S. soil. Al Qaeda marches down my street, I'm happy to greet them with a Browning Auto-5 shotgun.
Would you put your life on the line to protect another human - Absolutely, just not an Islamist. Religion of Peace my @$$. Wake up and smell the coffee everyone, they want you to be dead.
2006-08-23 04:53:50
answer #1
answered by OzobTheMerciless 3
Your age - gender
39 Male
Level of education
Bachlors Degree
Rural or Urban
Did you file a tax return last year
Have you ever voted in a PRIMARY election
Registered Democrat/Republican, Have you ever voted against your party
I'm an Independent
Do you CONSIDER 'Freedom of Speech' a right or a privilege
Who would you choose to spend one day with if you could
Thomas Jefferson if dead people are allowed
Ray Nagin, Mayor of New Orleans, if only live people are allowed
Was the USA justified invading Afghanistan following 9/11
Should the USA refrain from coming to the aid (militarilly) of
foreign countries where its citizens are being exterminated
Oust Suddam or leave him in power
His ouster was unjustified
Fight terrorism abroad or deal with it once it comes to US
We need a mixture of both
CNN or Fox News
Neither, I perfer the BBC
Tony Blair or Jacques Chirac
Not being a citizen either France or the UK, I do not have all the information to answer this question
Libya or Syria
Not being a citizen of either, I do not have all the informaiton to answer this question
Ted Kennedy or Joe Liebermann
Kennedy has always stood by his principals and never flip flop,
Pro Life or Pro Choice
In my personal life Pro-Life. In the politics the Supreme Court has already decided this case and this country is Pro-Choice
Bill Cosby or Jessee Jackson
These men have at times been both effective and ineffective in what they are doing. So I give them both enough rope and then wait to see if they hang themselves. If they don't, good for them. If they do, it's on them not me.
UN Security Council or US Dept of Def
The UN should always be respected over domestic interest. We don't live in this world alone.
What should be the last name of our next President
Last names are not important. What is important is their leadership.
What would it take for you to join the military
Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Would you put your life on the line to protect another human
2006-08-23 02:56:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Your age - gender
28 F
Level of education
College Degree
Rural or Urban
Did you file a tax return last year
Have you ever voted in a PRIMARY election
Registered Democrat/Republican, Have you ever voted against your party
Republican and No
Do you CONSIDER 'Freedom of Speech' a right or a privilege
Who would you choose to spend one day with if you could
My Father
Was the USA justified invading Afghanistan following 9/11
Should the USA refrain from coming to the aid (militarilly) of
foreign countries where its citizens are being exterminated
Oust Suddam or leave him in power
kill him
Fight terrorism abroad or deal with it once it comes to US
fight abroad to keep it away
CNN or Fox News
Tony Blair or Jacques Chirac
Tony Blair
Libya or Syria
Ted Kennedy or Joe Liebermann
Pro Life or Pro Choice
Bill Cosby or Jessee Jackson
Bill Cosby
UN Security Council or US Dept of Def
What should be the last name of our next President
Giuliani, Rudy
What would it take for you to join the military
nothing could make me leave my children
Would you put your life on the line to protect another human
my Children
2006-08-23 02:09:07
answer #3
answered by Heather 5
Your age - gender 48 F
Level of education BS
Rural or Urban Suburban
Did you file a tax return last year Yes
Have you ever voted in a PRIMARY election Yes
Registered Democrat/Republican, Have you ever voted against your party None
Do you CONSIDER 'Freedom of Speech' a right or a privilege Right
Who would you choose to spend one day with if you could God, if he exists
Was the USA justified invading Afghanistan following 9/11 No
Should the USA refrain from coming to the aid (militarilly) of foreign countries where its citizens are being exterminated Yes, unless under UN sponsorship
Oust Suddam or leave him in power Leave him in power - the region was stable
Fight terrorism abroad or deal with it once it comes to US - Fight it abroad with intelligence and good will; never with the military
CNN or Fox News CNN
Tony Blair or Jacques Chirac - Jacques Chirac
Libya or Syria - Neither
Ted Kennedy or Joe Liebermann - Kennedy
Pro Life or Pro Choice - Pro choice
Bill Cosby or Jessee Jackson - Bill Cosby
UN Security Council or US Dept of Def - Neither
What should be the last name of our next President - Gore
What would it take for you to join the military - An invasion of our country - to defend our country and way of life here.
Would you put your life on the line to protect another human - yes, depending on the circumstances. Not in an illegal war.
2006-08-23 02:06:04
answer #4
answered by ceprn 6
Your age - gender.. 44 male
Level of education.. Associate degree x2
Rural or Urban.. raised rural, live urban now
Did you file a tax return last year.. every year for the past 38 years
Have you ever voted in a PRIMARY election. many times
Registered Democrat/Republican, Have you ever voted against your party... I don't have a party, I generally vote republican, but I will vote for any person I think will better my community, my life and my country.
Do you CONSIDER 'Freedom of Speech' a right or a privilege... It is a right that is guaranteed through the blood of or service men and women, that comes with responsibilites that are often forgotten.
Who would you choose to spend one day with if you could.. I spend most days with her over the past 25 years she has been my wife.
Was the USA justified invading Afghanistan following 9/11... Yes
Should the USA refrain from coming to the aid (militarilly) of
foreign countries where its citizens are being exterminated.. We have an obligation to assist those needing protections
Oust Suddam or leave him in power... moot question its already done
Fight terrorism abroad or deal with it once it comes to US... moot question, look around folks its already here
CNN or Fox News... don't trust either one to give me all the facts
Tony Blair or Jacques Chirac.... Tony stands with us, Chirac sells to the terrorist....
Libya or Syria... Libya has learned that lesson already.
Ted Kennedy or Joe Liebermann... wouldn't give ya a nickle for either.
Pro Life or Pro Choice: I can't get pregnant, therefore I can't get an abortion, there for I remain neutral
Bill Cosby or Jessee Jackson... Cosby understands the human race, jesse only understands money.....and publicity
UN Security Council or US Dept of Def.... the UN is a useless organization that is not prepared to enforce their own resolutions
What should be the last name of our next President... it should be some one that is committed to finishing........
What would it take for you to join the military.... Passing 20 years and will probably go a bit longer....
Would you put your life on the line to protect another human... I have and I will
2006-08-23 08:17:37
answer #5
answered by Chief 3
woah, that's a lot of questions. but here goes anyway:
1. 17, male
2. currently in year 12 doing the international baccalaureate
3. urban (sydney, australia)
4. nope. no job, so no tax yet
5. nope. only 17, so no voting either
6. not registered so N/A
7. right. definitely
8. anyone? probably einstein, it'd be interesting (if a little confusing)
9. i don't think i have all the facts, but so far i don't think so (i don't realy think anyone is justified in invading anywhere)
10. i think they should do what's necessary to save lives. if saving american lives means killing more non-americans than would be saved, i don't think it's a good idea
11. leave him in power but put him under strict observation
12. deal with it internally. nobody want's "team america" to actually happen
13. don't care (don't get either here in australia)
14. don't care (don't care for any politics). maybe tony blair simply because i see him on the news more
15. ummm libya. why not
16. never heard of either of them
17. pro not whining about other people's decisions
18. bill cosby. he's funny and (from what i understand) jesse jackson is some kind of crazy racist (?)
19. UN. all the way. only a world governemt can fix the whole world
20. ummm something interesting. like poppyswatter. hehehe, imagine seeing that on the tv: "president poppyswatter.." *newsroom breaks out in laughter*
21. some sort of guarantee that i wouldn't get killed for at least 15 years
22. maybe, but i think only if it was *extremely* important (like the person was going to be responsible for world peace)
whew, that was quite a marathon. i get the feeling, though, that that was intended for US citizens of voting age. oh well :)
2006-08-23 02:16:42
answer #6
answered by visionary 4
Your age - gender.......................................Man
Level of
Rural or Urban.............................................Urban
Did you file a tax return last year.................Naturally
Have you ever voted in a PRIMARY election........Yes
Registered Democrat/Republican, Have you ever voted against your party......................................................Independant
Do you CONSIDER 'Freedom of Speech' a right or a privilege
................Im beginning to question the wisdom, on this point, it is a right.
Who would you choose to spend one day with if you could......Jessica Simpson
Was the USA justified invading Afghanistan following 9/11...Yes
Should the USA refrain from coming to the aid (militarilly) of
foreign countries where its citizens are being exterminated....NO!
Oust Suddam or leave him in power......He's oughta there!!
Fight terrorism abroad or deal with it once it comes to US.....Duh! Abroad
CNN or Fox News........???
Tony Blair or Jacques Chirac...........Tony
Libya or Syria.........War w/ Syria
Ted Kennedy or Joe Liebermann..............neither, but probably Joe
Pro Life or Pro Choice .............................Life
Bill Cosby or Jessee Jackson.................Cosby
UN Security Council or US Dept of Def.......USA
What should be the last name of our next President......M."e"
What would it take for you to join the military......been there done that
Would you put your life on the line to protect another human ....already have would do it again, it's human nature.
2006-08-23 02:21:42
answer #7
answered by battle-ax 6
Your age - gender***************35-F
Level of education***************Some college
Rural or Urban******************Sub-urban
Did you file a tax return last year*******Yes
Have you ever voted in a PRIMARY election********Yes
Registered Democrat/Republican, Have you ever voted against your party*************************Registered Independent Absolutely Yes, I do not vote for my party, I vote for what is best
Do you CONSIDER 'Freedom of Speech' a right or a privilege
Who would you choose to spend one day with if you could
*****************too hard to narrow down just one person
Was the USA justified invading Afghanistan following 9/11
*************Not enough info. 9/11 was not legally, an act of war.
Should the USA refrain from coming to the aid (militarilly) of
foreign countries where its citizens are being exterminated
*********************Only if we ourselves would consider it a blessing for other countries to sit idly by as we are exterminated.
Oust Suddam or leave him in power
*************** Not enough info, I do believe that he should have been tried for his crimes against humanity though, which would necessitate his removal from power.
Fight terrorism abroad or deal with it once it comes to US
********If it gets to the US it's too late.
CNN or Fox News
Tony Blair or Jacques Chirac
*******HMMMMM, whoever is more logical today
Libya or Syria
**********HMMMMM, whoever is playing more nicely with others today!
Ted Kennedy or Joe Liebermann
**********Joey's, not a bad guy, neither is Teddy, but I both agree, and disagree with them at different times.
Pro Life or Pro Choice
***************** Pro-life is actually anti-choice. Abortion is not for me, but I'm not going to force my opinions about it onto someone else. It's a medical, or religious issue that has no place in legislation. Leave it to God, and your personal physician, and keep your nose out of it if it isn't you.
Bill Cosby or Jessee Jackson
***************Bill Cosby
UN Security Council or US Dept of Def
*****************HMMMMM, either or, or both, depending on the situation
What should be the last name of our next President
What would it take for you to join the military
**************** A great desire to serve my country
Would you put your life on the line to protect another human
***************** If it were necessary, and just, yes.
That was cool, what's the catch?
2006-08-23 03:18:14
answer #8
answered by niffer's mom 4
28 male
some college
suburban to urban
Filed tax returns last year
voted for clinton the second time and bush the first time. Opted out of the last election for reasons I wont divulge.
Republican and yes I've voted against the party
freedom of speech is a right that we are priveledged to enjoy
Sec. of State Condoleezza Rice
Yes we were justified in invading afghanistan
no we should not hesitate to get involved militarily when our citizens are being exterminated
Oust Saddam
Fight terrorism abroad and here
CNN and Fox News
Jacques Chirac
Joe Leiberman
Pro choice under specific circumstances. NO ARBITRARY ABORTION!!!!!
Bill Cosby
Department of Defense
No Comment
A working right hand
Without a second thought
2006-08-23 02:13:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Nice try, do you work for Bush at the NSA? You do know A Federal Judge, Anna Diggs has told you to stop that "data mining" and that it is un Constitutional, right? You need a warrant according to the laws on the books now. Bush has ask Congress to make his illegal acts legal.
2006-08-23 02:13:35
answer #10
answered by jl_jack09 6
22 - Female
Anthony Hopkins
No Comment
No Comment
No Comment
No Comment
No Comment
No Comment
No Comment
1 Trillion Dollars, No Taxes, Eternal life and youth
2006-08-23 02:05:11
answer #11
answered by neiako 1