You could die before you lose the weight. I would recommend eating more sensibly. I think you should eat at least 2500-3000 calories/day. If you do a lot of cardio, make sure you are eating enough unrefined carbs and protein to give your body the energy to undergo such activity.
2006-08-22 09:59:53
answer #1
answered by gtn 3
You can't do that much cardio and only eat 500 calories a day. It would be phisically impossible. Your body needs calories as fuel. It would be like your car running on empty...Try 1,500 calories a day and 50 minutes of cardio once a day. You could lose 5-20 pounds in 30 days, just depending on how big you are. More if you are obese or extremely overweight and less if you are average to small size. Besides, even if you did lose weight eating only 500 calories a day, you would gain the weight right back when you started eating normal. In fact you would probably end up weighing more because of the effect it would have on your metabolism...Good luck in your weight loss journey and remember good things take time.
2006-08-22 10:03:56
answer #2
answered by Ruthie 4
I've tried many diets and couldn't make anything work. Since having my first child, I've been carrying around an extra 30 pounds. This diet just made sense and showed me that everything I was doing before was wrong and a waste of my time.
The plan was so refreshing and so simple to follow. I did everything plan said and lost 23 pounds in the first three weeks. I'm now starting the diet again to lose 7 more pounds. This plan has changed my life.
Get started today!
2016-05-14 18:10:20
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes, but eventually the lack of the proper diet will catch up to you and drain you. And unless you are considering taking this on as your life style when you stop dieting your boby will be hungry for the things that you deprived it. When you sleep you also burn fat and calories so if you work out and loose what you have eatin for that dailey calorie in take you will wake up feelin like you never even rested. Be careful. Try cutting out all fast food and sodas and refined sugars. Eat 6 small healthy meals breakfast being the the biggest meal. that should help with cravings. Drink lots of water and work out everyday. 30 to 40 min of a fast pace cardio keep heart rate up all of the 30 min that is the key. Then take another thirty or so and do some toning excercises on the machines. I just had a baby in may I did exactley what I explain And I lost all my baby weight and then some. If you have to snack go to the veggies not the fruit, fruit has alot of sugar and in turn you will crave sugar. If you start your day with sugar your body will crave it all day. So stay away from sweets. after 30 days I would treat myself to one day were I would eat what ever I wanted all day. That helps to trick yor metabolism and you won't platue so fast. It also helps to make you feel kinda gross and then you will want to work out.
2006-08-22 10:15:13
answer #4
answered by LOLITA 1
It all depends on what u eat and the portions of what u eat and when u eat. If u starve ur self which it kinda sounds like u would be - then not only would u be sick but u will gain more wait ten fold as your body well go into a sort of shock mode and well store more than it usually does of things u don't need just 2 survive. If u are concern about losing wait eating less more can b a good place 2 start.
2006-08-22 10:01:06
answer #5
answered by SunShine 2
Losing weight to fast is dangerous and what you are talking about sounds deadly. You wouldn't have the strength to pick up your next fork.You didn't put the weight on overnight so don't expect to lose it that fast.There are lots of safe diets and exercise programs out there.Do it the safe way and stick around to enjoy the weight loss when you've reached your goal.
2006-08-22 10:01:18
answer #6
answered by tea cup 5
Your questions can be best answered through this link so here goes,
If you are serious about losing weight, the calories in the food you eat should be less than the energy you use. You will have to increase your metabolic rate now, and plan your diet carefully.
Formulate your own weight loss plan and you will lose weight faster. More details available at
Good luck
2006-08-22 19:37:00
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It depends on your metabolism. Be careful though if you are not eating enough you may lose a lot of weight quickly but most of it will be water weight and you will gain it all back when you change your eating habits again. Generally speaking losing a lot of weight quickly is never healthy.
2006-08-22 09:58:30
answer #8
answered by ♥♫♥ Crystal ♥♫♥ 4
Yes...yes you will, make sure what you eat benefits the organs and drink plenty of water...and incorporate zero cal Gatorade for the electrolytes...daily. Other than that if you sit down and eat as usual you will regain the weight. But if you know the risk the weight will fall off and then you can start finding better ways to eat without gaining weight back...but I get it...Go for it and let me know how it works for you and for how long
2015-07-19 16:42:17
answer #9
answered by Shaun 2
You won't lose any weight. Because if you manage to pull it off you'll be in a hospital..but most likely you'll binge eat and be worse off then you were before. And anyone around you will hate you!
2006-08-22 09:59:16
answer #10
answered by Lisa 3
2 and 1 2 hours bowling
2016-08-04 03:10:20
answer #11
answered by Melody 3