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I'm writing an essay about being vegetarian, and I have this one book called The Vegetarian Way, which I am quoting in my essay, but that book quotes another person named Ralph Waldo Emerson. So technically I am quoting Emerson, but since I found the quote in The Vegetarian Way by Virginia and Mark Messina, I'm pretty sure I need to cite them as well. Can somebody please help me with how to cite the source? Thank you!

2006-08-22 08:43:28 · 4 answers · asked by CathyH 3 in Education & Reference Quotations

4 answers

Does "The Vegetarian Way," have a footnotes or endnotes section, I would suggest you site it as Virginia and Mark Messina sited Emerson.

Or you could do
(Virginia and Mark Messina 2000, pg3, translated from Ralph Waldo Emerson)

But yeah you do have to give credit to Emerson.

2006-08-22 09:00:52 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would give Emerson credit in the text, and in the citation list only the Messina book.

eg. Emerson argued vegetarian is great (Messina 240).

2006-08-23 09:38:56 · answer #2 · answered by Danielle 2 · 0 0

Ur question reminds me of my school and college days when I used to do homework assignments. I also used to seek the help of elders, seniors to write some essays. At my time, internet was not available but now a days Internet is a rich source of information on any subject. The following websites will not only provide the essays to u on different topics but also u can learn how to write good essays. U will come to know many intricacies of the essays which will improve ur performance remarkably in ur institute and ur career. This learning will add a feather in ur cap. It will help in ur personality development too.
Please visit the above pages. I hope, it helps u.

2006-08-23 03:27:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

If bringing up a e book... He reported "blah blah blah" (author, web page volume). in the different case use the author if a source does no longer use paper pages. He reported "blah blah" (author). If no author is for sale, use the identify of the source or element of it. If the identify is lengthy, use element of the identify. She reported "blah blah" (identify). also comprise a web page volume if the source is a e book. If no longer basically use a identify.

2016-11-26 23:22:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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