It depends who tells the joke, that's the problem. If I know the guy is a bit racist (or whatever), I'm not going to laugh at the joke because I know he actually means what he is saying.
But otherwise, yes, I laugh. I mean, political correctness is a pain in the ***. People get offended a bit too fast. A joke is just a joke. Jokes are based on stereotypes, that's all.
2006-08-22 11:50:33
answer #1
answered by Offkey 7
People look for any reason to get offended these days. I say, if you can't take it, don't listen. Because seriously, it is my RIGHT to tell a racist, sexist, ethnically or religiously offensive joke. Just as it is your right to walk away or not pay attention.
What you're seeing is the result of handing out trophies to everyone, even the losers. No one can handle anything anymore. Time to toughen up people!
2006-08-22 09:46:35
answer #2
answered by Goose&Tonic 6
It's not really a question of maturity or hypersensitivity on the part of the hearer.
The joke teller needs to know his audience. I am sure you know some jokes that you can tell your Dad but would never consider telling your Mom. It's the same standard used for sexual harassment. Yes, I can comment to Diana that I love how her blouse displays her puppies and she and I will laugh, but if Ken says the same, he is up on charges. And rightly so.
Know your audience.
2006-08-22 17:50:16
answer #3
answered by AnotherJackAss 1
It depends sometimes the joke goes WAY too far. Although people of all nationalities make jokes of others but then get mad when jokes are made about them, which personally I find stupid. I f you are able to make jokes what makes others so different? Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
2006-08-22 07:19:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
All you have to do is spend five minutes on Yahoo Answers to know that their are PLENTY of immature folks around just waiting to be offended...
2006-08-22 07:19:22
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
a racist joke is still racist. just because you laugh at the end doesnt mean that it isnt mean.
That's like when someone says "you're fat" and then laughs. You start to wonder if they really meant it.
2006-08-22 07:23:51
answer #6
answered by olayak 3
i agree with you. people get offended too easilly.
2006-08-22 07:20:27
answer #7
answered by Anonymous