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Normally if I ever eat I'll be eating like an apple or black berries or some other fruit and my rents keep saying i gotta get out of that habit.Now my quiestion is why cuz like its fruit.I'm not one of those kids thats always craving a cheeseburger so why is this such a problem?

2006-08-22 07:02:46 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Health Diet & Fitness

ok dudes its not all i eat and yes i do eat a lot of meat

2006-08-22 07:15:33 · update #1

lol ok so maybe i should be clearer.I'm 5'0 and 90 pounds and im pretty sure im almost or all muscel cuz my tummy is flat and my thighs arent jiggly.besides that i surf or go to the beach 2-4 hours a day and spend the whole day from like 9 to 9:30 surfing on the weekends.

2006-08-22 07:20:36 · update #2

27 answers

I don't see why eating fruit would be a problem. As long as you are getting balanced nutrients from the other food groups, snacking on fruits and veggies sounds great to me.

2006-08-22 07:10:25 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I dont see that as a big issue. Maybe eating fruits all the time doesnt allow you to take in all the other vitamins and nutrients that your body needs as well....It's fine if you prefer it over a cheeseburger but treat yourself every now and then...You may become unhealthy if your not eating foods from other groups like dairy, veggies, meats, you know...At least your eating healthier than many others...Thats a good habit you have picked up. And another thing, try eating organic fruits and veggies if your intake of fruits is always going on. The pesticide and other toxic chemicals can disrupt your system later on...Have a nice day!!

2006-08-22 14:10:52 · answer #2 · answered by Cloe 4 · 0 0

Because you are suopposed to eat a diverse diet. Fruits, Veggies and a little meat. Too much of anything isn't good in the long run

2006-08-22 14:10:56 · answer #3 · answered by Reggie 3 · 1 0

Well as a growing kid you need other vitamins and minerals not associated with fruit. It is nice to hear that you like fruit. I would prefer my child to eat fruit than eat a candy bar or something sweet to rot thier teeth. Everything in moderation.

2006-08-22 14:10:15 · answer #4 · answered by thebulktiny 3 · 0 0

it seems to me that all you ever eat is fruit. which is definitely not healthy. you need protein, lipids, and complex carbohydrates, most of which you can't get from fruit. exclusively eating fruit whenever you're hungry could also qualify you as having an eating disorder. depending on portion size, it might even be a form of anorexia.

2006-08-22 14:12:04 · answer #5 · answered by Cheesie M 4 · 0 0

There is a lot of natural sugar in fruit (which equals carbs) but you're right - there are a lot worse things you could be eating. Maybe just try to keep it moderate.

2006-08-22 14:10:01 · answer #6 · answered by Jocelyn L 4 · 0 0

Fruit is healthy, but too much of anything isn't good. Also, if you're eating too much fruit and not enough meat, bread, and dairy, you'll miss a lot of necessary vitamins and stuff.

2006-08-22 14:10:05 · answer #7 · answered by cindy 2 · 1 0

The main reason it is bad to eat to much fruit is that you can get diarrea. Also if you are eating things like stawberrys or kiwi (fruit with lots seeds) they can futher irritate you intestines. It is specially harmful if you have ulcers in your GI track or IBS.

2006-08-22 14:16:37 · answer #8 · answered by Christa 1 · 0 0

Sounds like your "rents" are misinformed. Unless you have diabetes, all that fruit is really good for you. If you are diabetic, you need to take your fruit along with other food, not alone, because of the sugar content.

2006-08-22 14:11:01 · answer #9 · answered by Dave 4 · 3 0

Have veggies fruits juices etc its not a bad habit as long as you take some supplements with it ITS A GOOD HABIT THATS HOW IM HOW I AM CHECK OUT MY PIC

2006-08-22 14:10:01 · answer #10 · answered by abeautyqueenz@gmail.com 1 · 0 0

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