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My wife had my son a month ago and she's gotten huge. She's suddenly become lazy and has lost her womanly figure. How do I make her go to the gym and stop being a fattie? I don't want to have to divorce her but I can't maintain an erection when she starts sweating 30 minutes into sex. She smells. What should I do?

2006-08-22 07:00:13 · 20 answers · asked by American Jesus USA USA USA !!!!! 1 in Health Diet & Fitness

20 answers

tell her straight up. don't let her use having kids for an excuse. i had twins and I'm a size 3. even a month after wards i was a size 3. she'll get pissed off, but probably start thinking about it and realize you're right. don't bring junk food into th house.

2006-08-22 07:08:31 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

first of all, it's only been a month, second of all, having a newborn is not the easiest job in the world. you lose sleep. having babies also can do a doozy on a womans hormonal levels. Some women gain weight and lose, others gain and can take up to a year afterbirth to lose the weight...sometimes longer. Some women dont gain an ounce (usually those that are obese or overweight to begin with).

Not every woman bounces back. You should be thankful you have a healthy baby and if your wife's weight bothers you, ask her if she'd like to take a walk with you, after all, it took two to become pregnant.....tell her you want to try a healthier lifestyle, eating healthier, doing more physical things...as a COUPLE.

Keep in mind that looks aren't everything. It's what matters on the inside. Sex is different with overweight women, so enjoy it while you can....it does not have to be a negative thing.

You shouldn't be having sex right now anyway. Give it time!

2006-08-22 07:13:16 · answer #2 · answered by giggling.willow 4 · 1 0

Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do. She has to want it for herself. And, you say that it is not a tremendous deal, however when you had here on a healthy eating plan before the wedding, it's without doubt a large deal for both of you. She wants to get to the bottom of why she would not need to get healthy. Why she would not wish to be the nice she will also be. There seems to be self-worth disorders there that she is going to have got to get to the bottom of on her possess. Have you notion about together with her in on your well being events? Make undertaking a loved ones occasion with you, her and the children. She could also be a bit self mindful in the beginning, but when she sees that you just fairly enjoy having her around and she sees how so much fun it's, it could no longer best support to build your relationship, it would also support her to begin to slowly get back into form. Have you thought about shopping bikes for everyone? Or, bringing everybody to the martial arts classes? Including her to your existence. That is my advice.

2016-08-09 12:14:38 · answer #3 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Unfortunately, there may be not anything YOU can do. She has to wish it for herself. And, you assert that it isn't a gigantic deal, however if you happen to had right here on a diet regime earlier than the marriage ceremony, it's definitely a gigantic deal for either one of you. She demands to get to the backside of why she does not wish to get healthful. Why she does not wish to be the satisfactory she may also be. There appears to be self worth disorders there that she is going to need to remedy on her possess. Have you suggestion approximately adding her in to your wellbeing movements? Make pastime a household occasion with you, her and the youngsters. She could also be a little bit self mindful in the beginning, but when she sees that you simply rather experience having her round and she or he sees how a lot amusing it's, it could no longer handiest support to construct your dating, it could additionally support her to begin to slowly get again into form. Have you suggestion approximately shopping motorcycles for every body? Or, bringing every body to the martial arts categories? Start adding her to your existence. That's my recommendation.

2016-08-21 00:39:56 · answer #4 · answered by adamek 4 · 0 0

You should be a bit more considerate, for one consider the fact it was only a month ago that she gave birth to YOUR CHILD! She is still experiencing lots of hormone changes. Why not ask her to join you at the gym and you can workout together? But be polite or she might just leave you, and then there would be those nasty child support payments and such!

2006-08-22 07:12:49 · answer #5 · answered by silverthorshammer 2 · 1 0

Your clearly a jerk and a divorce would clearly be the best for your poor wife- She just had a baby, your baby- whats your excuse? Take a long good look in the mirror at yourself buddy, I bet the man starring back at you isn't brad pitt!

By the way- why have you answered a lot of gay questions? Is that the real issue here???????????????

2006-08-22 07:11:00 · answer #6 · answered by mystratz 2 · 1 0

First try going with her to the gym and say you both need to head back and shapen up. This lessens the blow to her self-esteem. If that doesn't work, divorce that phat phuck. I hope you don't live in Oregan and hopefully you haven't been married more than 7 years.

Look at how most these women call you sick and despicable... they must be fat too.

2006-08-22 07:09:33 · answer #7 · answered by n4utilu5 2 · 0 0

regrettably, there is no longer something you may do. She has to need it for herself. And, you're saying that it is not a large deal, yet in case you had right here on a nutrition routine plan previously the marriage, that is of direction a large deal for both one in all you. She needs to get to the bottom of why she would not want to get healthful. Why she would not want to be the superb she will be able to be. There looks self-worth subject matters there that she would ought to get to the bottom of on her own. have you ever seen inclusive of her in on your well being events? Make workout a kin journey with you, her and the youngsters. She will be slightly self wakeful in the initiating, yet when she sees that you fairly delight in having her round and she sees how a lot exciting that is, it would not basically help to construct your relationship, it would want to also help her to commence to slowly get decrease back into structure. have you ever seen procuring motorcycles for absolutely everyone? Or, bringing absolutely everyone to the martial arts preparation? commence inclusive of her on your existence. it truly is my suggestion.

2016-11-26 23:13:09 · answer #8 · answered by viney 4 · 0 0

Wow - a real man of character and a sensitivity!

I hope she leaves with your son...I hope she raises him to be a better man than you...What were your wedding vows like? To love and to cherish....for better or worse - or did you really mean only when you're beautiful and thin.

Get some help!

2006-08-22 07:26:19 · answer #9 · answered by Kare♥Bear 4 · 0 0

tell her to lose wait take a shower and go to the gym tell her to lose so wait and she will stop sweating 30 minutes in to sex

2006-08-22 07:09:26 · answer #10 · answered by cope_crazy_101 1 · 0 0

Give the woman a break, with a husband like you I would be glad of a divorce.

2006-08-22 07:07:38 · answer #11 · answered by A G 4 · 0 0

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