A Muslim is obliged to teach his children the following:
1- First to worship Allah alone.(First pillar of Islam)
2- Respect parents and be kind to them especially his mother who the Prophet has said to give respect 3 times higher than the father. This order has been always accompanied to many verses in Quran where Allah asks to worship him alone.
3-Being kind to younger, poor, needy. One of the pillars of Islam is Zakat (to give money) so we should teah our children this.
4- Being kind to relatives, friends.
5- lowering the voice in the presence of elders.
6- Saying in the name of Allah before doing anything especailly when starting to eat, thanking allah after eating. washing hands before and after eating. Eating from what is in front of you, do not talk while eating. Should not eat too much. 1/3 fo stamach is for food, 1/3 for drink, 1/3 for breathing.
7- cleaning onself after going to toilet, cutting hair, nail cutting, having bath regularly. bathing after menstration,
8 -Taking ablution before praying.
9- to be honest in dealing with others, no back biting, stealing. liying.
10- greating the guests.
In Islam we have five stages to bring up a child:
0-3 years: treat him as a helpless baby who need your full care, attention, protection & help, no beating or scolding during this period. play with him as you are a child not a parent.
3- 7 years: treat him as a child who need your guidence in everything, teach him the proper way to eat, drink , go to toilet, how to speak to the elders, languages, show him how to keep his bed/cupbord clean.etc.
no beating or scolding unless it is very necassory. do not scold him in front of others. always explain to him the reaction of his missbehavior and what impact it will have on him and others. teach him your religion by practising it yourself . The children always imitates what they see. reward the child when he do good jobs.
7-10. Give him the guidence, but should be beat or scolded if he shows wrong doings or doesn't pray or do his duties. Boys & girls should be seperated in beds from this age onwards.
10-22: Teanager, be his friend not an instructer, touch him/her while you talk to them, give some kiss or hugs from time to time. tell him that you have no best friend other than him/her and tell some of your secrets to them so they will share theirs and you can guide them accordingly. Teach him how to take care of himslef and explain to him the changes that happens in his/her body and how to protect oneselfs from wrongdoings.
22-30: be a supporter and a partner in his interests., help him to take his own desision in marriage, work ..etc.
2006-08-22 01:11:56
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I am Christian. Spare the rod and spoil the child is directly from the bible. You have an obligation as a parent to teach your child right from wrong. Sometimes you have to spank your child. However, spank does not mean beat. You have to be sure when you discipline your child you approach it at a time when you are calm enough to be rational and not just whacking away in anger. The discipline should fit the rule being broken and you should be sure the child understands why they are being disciplined. Otherwise it is just an effore in futility as the child will not remember the lesson you are hoping to teach.
2006-08-22 00:56:22
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I am a Christian. There is a lot of "spare the rod" mentality in the church. I do not hit my son. I can't see someone 6' tall hitting someone 3' tall and making them cry. That just makes the kids mad and teaches them not to get caught. I do punish my son, but I try really hard not to be physical. The most he has had [he's 5] is a swat here and there.
Don't get me wrong, spanking used appropriately is not abuse. Abuse is wrong. But a lot of people will literally beat up their child and then quote the "spare the rod" verse. That's wrong.
2006-08-22 03:10:12
answer #3
answered by Char 7
LCMS Lutheran.
My denomination does not teach anything specific, but the Bible is clear that you discipline your child for going outside the rules of the home.
For some of my children spankings work great, and yet for the other children I have they never needed one swat.
Discipline in the Bible was always followed by showing God's love and forgiveness.
2006-08-22 00:48:03
answer #4
answered by MD 3
as a spiritualist , we have no teachings on disciplining children
we are encouraged to listen to them , respect them but also to guide them
i have my own personal methods of discipline .... sometimes my voice is enough , other times grounding .. Ive never had to be to strict to be honest but i do believe that ground rules set from an early age is very much needed and they know what boundaries not to cross
i feel that discipline various with the different ages of my children
and when they were very young , i have smacked their hand if they done something dangerous or naughty to another child
2006-08-22 00:53:41
answer #5
answered by Peace 7
I amnot sure about the verses but our religion teaches us to respect the elders, pray GOD everyday and protec the nature. I am a Hindu by religion. We should not forget the basic values of life as only these values will protect us.
2006-08-22 00:28:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Deuteronomy 21:18 - If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:18 - If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them:19 - Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place;20 - And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton,21 - And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.
Now they have toned it down a bit..
"The leader of a conservative Christian group in Wisconsin instructed 50 parents for 2 1/2 hours at an Eau Claire meeting on how to spank children: "You spank them right here on the gluteus maximus, which God made for that purpose," insisted Marvin Munyon, demonstrating how to use a paddle and switch." Source: AP/Asbury Park Press, 9/25/00
This is just a part of the Christian mindset...that people need to be beaten into submission. Whether it's the fear of hell or getting lorded over by someone bigger than you. It is down right sick.
"Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death." - Albert Einstein
Why not try educating your child rather than beating them? It's just like a parent who always says "Just do what i say." Whenever the child gets away from the authority they will do it out of sheer curiosity..whereas if they are told the reasons not to do it they will understand the negative things about a certain action and won't want to do it.... See: College campuses everywhere, as soon as the kid gets out of sight of the authority they go wild without the proper understanding fo the reasons we don't want them to do things like drinking excessivley etc..
And before dismissing those verses as the old testament you should know that Jesus supported the old laws Matthew 5:17-19 and are you going to tell me that Jesus thought his father(himself) was wrong?The 10 commandments are in the OT.. do we throw those out as well..the creation myth?.. irrelavent?
Ex-Christian here too.
2006-08-22 00:35:39
answer #7
answered by AiW 5
Catholic and although we believe it is our duty to teach them there is no prescribed formula. I personally believe that there are many ways to do this. I use many ways, although as they age less physical and more other styles. I do believe in spankings but they should be few and far between. I believe my sons worry more about disapointing me than they do being spanked. I can't remember the last time they were. I side with Dr. James Dobson on spankings, and a Saint I read once said that few parents try to understand their children.
2006-08-22 00:19:51
answer #8
answered by Debra M. Wishing Peace To All 7
Correct your child from the time they are able to take two steps away from you. Spanking is OK. Children need to understand yes and no. Children need to learn to be quiet. Children need boundaries to be successful in life. Boundaries begin with good parenting. "Train your child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it." This means loving discipline, loving care and attention. One just as firm as the other.
2006-08-22 00:17:00
answer #9
answered by cathyhewed1946 4
We need to explain to children that everyone and everything is a part of God. They need to understand that if they hurt others they are actually hurting a part of what they are a part of themselves. You need to help them to see how their actions effect others and ask them if this is what they want to be doing. The results are astonishing. This way they grow up with a deep concern for all living things. They want to treat all things with respect and dignity because they see everything as being a part of what they are.
This is far superior to wanting to do the right thing because you are afraid of the wrath of a vengeful God.
EX Christian
Love and blessings
2006-08-22 00:21:16
answer #10
answered by Anonymous