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will this make them less affectionate and skidish?

2006-08-21 19:24:07 · 11 answers · asked by whuvahgut? 2 in Pets Cats

11 answers

Yes we inherited a cat but don't allow animals in the house. We just kept putting it out, feeding and bedding it outside. The cat soon got used to it. Don't forget to put a bell on the cat to protect the native birds.

2006-08-21 19:32:26 · answer #1 · answered by obenypopstar 4 · 1 2

I would never suggest having an outdoor cat as a pet. My cat has been an indoor/outdoor cat for a while, and it was impossible to keep him inside for even a day; he'd start meowing like crazy. Yes, the cat will also become inaffectionate and careless, you'll find him/her enjoying the activities outside a LOT more than hanging around with you. Also, an outdoor cat has a very short life span, it will be prone to diseases (bites, infections from cat fights), accidents, and there's a huge chance that they'll get lost too. So please keep your cat fully indoors.

2006-08-21 20:37:21 · answer #2 · answered by meowcat 2 · 1 1

I wouldn't, just because of disease, fast drivers, careless drivers, and mean human beings. If your cat is fixed, thank god. If not, do so before letting him out another step. He might have a hard time ( if anything ) understanding why he cant come back indoors. Especially if he has his cozy spots indoors. Why does he need to be a fulltime outdoor? :( i dissapprove of outdoor cats personally so thats all i can say :)

2006-08-21 19:36:20 · answer #3 · answered by dreamkillerkitten 3 · 1 1

I don't understand why the hell you have a cat if you want it outdoors!! They are not inanimate objects, are very smart and to put them outside is doing them a grave injustice....buy a turtle or something like that which does not require love and attention that cats do deserve, and yes the cat will become less affectionate and more independant. He/she will only need your assistance in supplying food and water...so sad!

2006-08-21 21:22:56 · answer #4 · answered by dnels2000 1 · 1 1

I don't think you should have any problems since your cat is used to being outdoors sometimes. Your cat isn't declawed though is it? And they will be just as affectionate if you spend just as much time with them.

2006-08-21 19:29:25 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

yes, and it's not healthy for them, even in areas without coyotes, dogs, other cats, etc. Cats need a safe place to sleep and come in out of the cold and other bad weather. Why don't you want your cat to come in anymore?

2006-08-21 19:30:55 · answer #6 · answered by juniperflux32 3 · 4 0

UUh, why would you WANT an outside kitty? Inside cats live longer lives (they don't get hit by cars, attacked by other animals, poisoned by bad food or lunatics, etc.). Inside cats have fewer parasite problems.

2006-08-21 19:59:24 · answer #7 · answered by samiracat 5 · 1 1

it will make him flat, bloody and dead.

take him inside 24/7 instead. he will live a long and happy life.

2006-08-21 19:42:15 · answer #8 · answered by Catty 3 · 1 0

NO!!! WTF are you thinking??? It'll make him even MORE skittish. And WTF is wrong with a cat being affectionate??? Why did you even bother getting a pet in the first place??? You're obviously too immature to properly care for a pet anyway. IM me and I will arrange to have your pet taken to a more suitable and loving home.

2006-08-21 19:34:31 · answer #9 · answered by Sean T 5 · 1 1

Sure & yes it will.

2006-08-21 19:29:44 · answer #10 · answered by jennifersuem 7 · 0 2

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