my puppy is 9 weeks old now and today is his fourth day of vomiting and bloody diarrhea. he still wont he or drink and he is under intensive care. I heard that if he dont die within 4 to 5 days then he will most likely make it. Is that true? Do you think he will make it if he makes it thru tonight and tomorrow?
22 answers
asked by
alex f
➔ Dogs
Okay.... for the ones who are telling me to take my puppy to the vet..... if you read more carefully, i did say he is under intensive care right now. what i mean by intensive care is, he is now under 24 hr supervision at a emergency animal clinic with iv needles going thru him. sorry if i didnt make myself clear enough.
18:48:03 ·
update #1
Right now I would say he is touch and go. The fact that he has made it this far is good and that he is at the vets receiving treatment. Puppies stand a far greater chance of surviving if they receive prompt care. The IV fluids are essential as dehydration is usually what kills young puppies ultimately.
Now I just want to address some nonsensical statements I read here.
You do not vaccinate a puppy DAILY to prevent parvo. Tha'ts insane. Also a fully vaccinated puppy OR full grown adult dog can get parvo; the symptoms are just lesser for an immunized adult and can actually go unnoticed. And last but not least...Puppies/dogs that survive parvo are NOT sickly for the rest of their lives. They are actually healthier since they cannot get parvo again; they have antibodies built up from having it! I can't even begin to tell you how many pups to adult dogs I have gotten into rescue that have contracted parvo. Some lived, some didnt but always the ones that recovered did so fully with no after effects.
Good luck on your puppy hon and my prayers are going out for him!
2006-08-21 20:24:24
answer #1
answered by dusty_roade 3
Do not listen to someone stating ur dog will die tonight. I have had a couple puppies survive parvo and living a wonderful healthy life right now. Since ur dog is at the vet it more than likely is on iv's and this will prevent the dehydration that kills the dog. The virus itself is not what kills the dehydration does. I usually have the 3 day thing if it makes it within these days there is a good chance it will survive. If it makes it 4 days there is a better chance and 5 days it will recover. I think ur dog will make it. Good luck and i pray it will make it.
2006-08-22 02:32:27
answer #2
answered by badgirl41 6
The vaccine is to prevent parvo it DOES NOT cure parvo, only a series of fluids will help a dog get over parvo, intravenous fluids, I'm sorry but there is no prescription or magic pill you can give a puppy to rid them of parvo, if your dog has parvo only a vets care will hopefully save him, most die a painful death if not treated. As for intestinal worms you need a prescription from the vet, OTC wormers do not work. If you cannot afford to properly care for your puppy please sign him over to the vets and let them find him a home that can afford proper medical care. I'm sorry but it's illegal to not provide a sick dog with medical care.
2016-03-17 00:55:05
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Parvo is a pretty savage disease for puppies.
It depends on how soon you got him to the vet and under treatment.
With small puppies, by the time you see the first signs, it is almost already too late. Immediate medical intervention is absolutely required for survival.
The vet sounds like he has more than just a bit of hope for your little guy.
He is right in saying that he will not know for sure for about four to five days.
Parvo requires twenty four seven treatment for the interim of his stay at the vet's office.
I have sat many times overnight with dogs being treated for parvo at the vet's I work for.
It is well worth the effort..
2006-08-21 17:50:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Alex I am so sorry to hear about your baby and I hope whatever is best for him will happen. Regardless of what happens make sure to clean up any area he may have been because parvo is a very hearty virus and can survive for a long time and may infect any other dogs ( with a low immunity to parvo) that come into areas that may be contaminated by feces. I hope your puppy makes it...make sure to update everyone on his progress!
2006-08-21 19:15:05
answer #5
answered by K C 2
If you have an insanely great vet, there's a chance he will. Normally, they are starting to get better by that day, that is, if you got him there in time. If the vomiting & diarrhea are slowing down now, not as bad as day one, I would say yes. But if he is just as bad, I'd start praying now. A vet will always tell you it's gonna be at least 48 hrs from when you bring him in. Did he have an parvo vax on board? If he did, it increases his chances greatly.
2006-08-21 17:54:11
answer #6
answered by pritigrl 4
Parvo is a very very bad disease for a poor doggie. that is why I always vaccinate my dog for parvo as I have seen it before and it is not good. The dog can be saved with a lot of patience. You have to vaccinate the poor dog almost every day and give it a diet of rice(cooked) and baby food. If it is in your vet's care, it wil pull thru but it is very hard for our precious pets.
2006-08-21 17:46:25
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I am not a vet. But, we lost our puppy to parvo. It was very sad. The symptoms are similar to what you are describing.
I have heard that dogs that survive parvo, are sickly the rest of their life. At least that is what my vet told me.
Best of luck, Hon! I hope it all works out.
2006-08-21 17:47:25
answer #8
answered by Gothic Martha™ 6
With treatment, 80% of puppies make it through Parvo. If he's in the ICU they are giving him fluids. Most puppies die of dehydration before the actual disease, so the IV fluids are really good. I can't predict the future, but I really really hope he makes it. Good luck, I really mean that.
8/22/06 5:48 pm:
How is your puppy??
2006-08-21 17:47:34
answer #9
answered by Maber 4
I adopted a puppy once and it had parvo. I took it to the vet and with a lot of work it made it. I hope yours does, too.
2006-08-21 17:54:00
answer #10
answered by sagerider 2