Parrots crave a lot of attention if they don't get it they get depressed and start plucking there feathers out you have to be dedicated remember they are very intelligent. I have got a beautiful African grey.
2006-08-21 10:41:09
answer #1
answered by oakesy1971 3
More details would help, but a lot of behavior problems come from birds that are bored or unhappy. Make sure their cage is large enough and well stocked with appropriate bird toys, and that they are getting enough calm attention. It's important to remember that if you get all upset or loud when your bird is upset or loud, it encourages them to act out worse. Try closing the door to it's room and quietly talking to it until it calms down, or even just sit quietly in the room. Also, make sure that there's nothing in the room that could be upsetting it, like a high-energy child or another pet. Even a spider on the wall or a strange reflection of light will send my parrot into a screaming fit. If the behavior is very bad, a trip to the vet may not be a bad idea, just to make sure the bird isn't sick and to get some one on one advise. And under no circumstances should a bird be "punished". It won't understand what it did wrong and will only reinforce the bad behavior. "Time out" and positive reinforcement are the only training tips I feel are appropriate for our feathered friends.
And don't forget that the bird is acting out because something is wrong; they're very intelligent and it's either scared or unhappy (or possibly ill) so remember to be compassionate and gentle.
2006-08-21 18:54:18
answer #2
answered by inkwell78 1
Parrots will actually go crazy if they are too bored. Get the biggest cage you can, and let the bird out as often as possible. Get LOTS of toys (but make sure there is still plenty of room in the cage middle to sit, move) and switch them out often. Get a roll of calculator paper and string it up in the cage (like you would a roll of toilet paper) and let them make a huge mess. The more your bird PLAY the smarter, tamer and healthier it will be. Be sure to HOLD your bird every day, every single day. Check ebay for cages. I found a HUGE cage from a dealer that sells 30+ by 36+ inch cages for $99 shipped! Also, look for the paper roll toy on eBay then just make your own.
2006-08-23 10:15:20
answer #3
answered by WriterMom 6
This is one of the most detailed and inventive books on parrot training I've read. You know what your bird needs more than anyone else does. You may just need help reading his signals, or sending clear signals to him. The book is under $10, and it can give you great pointers.
As a supplement to someone else's misplaced ranting, let me add that parrots are wonderful pets whose natural environment is being destroyed on a daily basis. Aviculture is keeping their order alive and well better than they could, given the circumstances. Most domestic parrots don't live short, perilous lives; they don't have parasitic mites; they don't sometimes starve because of freak weather or territorial intrusion. That's what we can offer in lieu of a bigger flock.
Don't feel guilty for having and loving a bird. I have 8, and they live happy, un-plucked, toy-filled lives together with us, and play in sunny rooms. Some people care so much about a thing that their eyes become closed.
2006-08-21 21:48:10
answer #4
answered by Em 5
I'm assuming that this is a new parrots. They become stressed easily. Larger birds need time out of their cage every day. 3 - 6 hours as least. I would take my bird out in the morning and bring it with me while I showered as birds like mist, bring it with me to get dressed and eat. I would talk to the bird.
Alot of larger birds are cage protective when they are stresses or do not know you. You can put a towel over your arm and put it in the cage with the bird's favorite food on it. Gradually encourage the bird to pirch on you or step up.
Larger bird's also need alot of toys and can get bored, loud and destructive. They will pull their feathers out as well. There are alot of pet stores that have reasonable priced toys.
I could ask you alot more specific questions. These are the basics. Don't yell at the bird or do anything fast or aggressive to it. Ignore the bird if it is doing something you do not want it to. Buy or make a pirch that is portable so the bird has a place when it is out of it's cage. Birds will eat your woodwork so keep an eye on it as they won't stay on the pirch. Buy your bird a blanket that you can put on furniture so you won't have to worry about the droppings. Be patient as birds are smart but need to trust you first.
Hope this helps.
2006-08-21 19:31:59
answer #5
answered by lalorla 1
Emmn lets see if I stuck u in a jail cell for no crime in isolation and you were very intelligent and socaible so you had no social life, no love life and could not even stretch your wings let alone fly around as er a bird... would you not go mad?
Parrots should be free like cockattos are in Australia.
parrots actually are a very bad idea for a pet as so socialble and intelligent with all the emotional problems that go with it like self harm when emotionly upset and hurt to take away the pain...
Only instead of slashing wrist or cigateet burns parrots pull their feathers out...
Your bird needs other parrots and space and to be free and fly and be a bird... you are only hurting it hence it not liking you...
They also bond for life and can outlive humans so get jealous
You should have studied this before you got one...
Or been like a guy in Austrialia who had a cockatoo pet sort of... only no cage the bird was free outside and stayed with him as it wanted to in fact was upset when could not see him...
Parrots are too smart to be a good pet they are more like getting a human kid for life not a toy...
thats why your parrot is going mad... like you would in a dungeon sso you started to take to yourself and hate your jailors
Parrots need for want of a better word a wife for life... Splitting them up would have the same effect as somoen taking away your loved one or child
2006-08-21 19:04:40
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
The higher you keep the parrot the bossier it will be. Make sure the bird is lower than you when you are sitting down. Handling also helps.
You need to spend a lot of time with the bird to train it. Also company of another bird helps.
Speak to your vet.
2006-08-21 17:42:42
answer #7
answered by glo 2
Is the cage big enough? You aren't supposed to keep a parrot in one of those little cages anymore. Its cage is meant to be really quite large these days.
2006-08-22 14:47:04
answer #8
answered by Specsy 4
It's bored.Get another parrot of the opposite sex.
2006-08-21 17:39:12
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Buy yourself a pirate.
2006-08-24 13:50:48
answer #10
answered by lonely as a cloud 6