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2 answers

In my browser, I go to File Page Setup and set it for Landscape. Then I select on the page only the part I want to print.

Set your cursor somewhere on the page where there is not a link and drag to select the part you want. Drag from one corner diagonally to the other corner.

When you do File, Print there is a Page Range selection at the lower left of the Print dialog. Choose 'Selection.'

This allows you to print only what you have selected. If you don't have anything selected, 'Selection' is grayed out.

I avoid many one page with only a line on it with the Print selection technique.

Good Luck!

2006-08-29 07:34:16 · answer #1 · answered by Ken C. 6 · 0 0

What I usually do is simply go to Print Preview and then have it print in landscape right from the Portfolio page. Don't ask it to download the portfoilio because it will do that to Excel and then you have to format that printout. Also, by the way my portolio will print out usually two or more pages unless i limit it to only one page which is usually enough for all my information. Good luck.

2006-08-21 16:08:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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