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what do you feed them

2006-08-20 23:57:40 · 6 answers · asked by Ellie R 1 in Pets Birds

6 answers

I think the bird you are referring is an Oriole. They feed on fruit and necter like hummingbirds. You can attract them with cut oranges, grape jelly put in small cups on tree branches and necter feeders, similar to a hummingbird feeder. If you have a local wild bird store, selling feeders and seed, you can check there for feeders. You dont need a special necter food. You can use 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. Dont add food color. This works well for hummingbirds, also.

Orioles are currently migrating south for the winter. They are only resident in the US during summer. There are several varieties, depending on where you live. They are very colorful and wonderful additions to your yard.

2006-08-21 03:02:27 · answer #1 · answered by sngcanary 5 · 0 0

Feed them Oreo cookies.

2006-08-21 00:02:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ignatia is the homeopathic therapy for grief. you ought to purchase a vial of pellets (30C) from a wellbeing ingredients keep. Get an amber bottle with dropper on the comparable time. you place 4 or 5 pellets interior the bottle and fill it with filtered water. while the pellets are dissolved faucet the bottle approximately ten situations and positioned a teaspoon of the liquid right into a million/4 cup of filtered water. supply your cat a dropperful of that liquid then discard it. supply yet another dropperful day after in the present day - taking a teaspoon from the amber bottle returned and blending it with yet another a million/4 cup of filtered water. you may desire to have adequate nonetheless interior the amber bottle to apply the third day. Misty desires to consume some thing in day after in the present day. try some toddler nutrition from the food market - hen or turkey are superb. the toddler nutrition could desire to haven't any ONION or garlic powder so examine the labels heavily. See if Misty will consume some thing out of your finger and feed her a fingerful each and every countless hours till finally she will have the potential to consume on her very own.

2016-12-11 12:29:08 · answer #3 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

What are oreo birds? Any kind of bird seed works on all birds

2006-08-23 11:46:01 · answer #4 · answered by reasonable-sale-lots 6 · 0 0

well i heard they just love the new choclate centred oreos.. avaiable from coles or woolworths

2006-08-21 00:02:31 · answer #5 · answered by yoki m 1 · 0 0

Put out a feeder full of delicious creamy filling...

Seriously, though, the answer above is a good one!

2006-08-21 15:03:58 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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