I'd say, well, my worthless no-account bf could probably fill ya in on that.
2006-08-19 14:09:59
answer #1
answered by chuckufarley2a 6
Okay, first of all, it was NOT your fault. Second, you were ABUSED. Third, it's not something you planned, but it happened. What I would say to people is that the scar is from a boyfriend's bad temper...he threw a chair at you and it messed your leg up. Shame on him! Tell the truth. If a person persists to try and get details...say that it was in a different life and you don't want to go there anymore. Then carry on with your day. It's so easy once you get the hang of it. The sooner you're honest about it, the better you'll feel. Don't allow his mistake to cripple you emotionally as well as physically. BTW, not sure if you're still with the same guy, but that's something you do NOT have to disclose unless you want to. Good luck and carry your chin up.
2006-08-19 14:13:32
answer #2
answered by maynerdswife 5
In that situation, it's a matter of how comfortable you are. If it's someone close, and you don't mind telling them about it, then go for it; however, if it's just a mere aquaintance or stranger, and you don't want to give the whole story, just simply say that you had an accident. I know you didn't ask about this, but if I were you, i'd drop your boyfriend. It sounds like he has no remorse whatsoever, considering the fact that he tells others about it, and then blames the whole thing on the fact that you provoked him. I don't care how much you provoke him, that doesn't give him the right to do you bodily harm. What you had sounds like a serious injury. Don't accept the blame for his actions any longer hon, and if you do decide to go to a plastic surgeon and get it worked on, you should definitely consider making him pay for it! Good luck.
2006-08-19 14:16:40
answer #3
answered by Shannon83 1
I do hope for your safety you meant to say your ex-boyfriend. Tell the people the truth. You were in a very abusive relationship and that is what happened. If you are still with him it could
worse and you may not just get away with a scar.
2006-08-19 14:13:27
answer #4
answered by older woman 5
I understand there is a product called dermablend. If the scar stands out due to coloration this could disguise it. Check Google to find out where to buy it.
Regarding your "shame", no matter what may have been said in anger, from what you said your boyfriend did not throw that chair to protect himself from you physically hurting him. In other words, if he did not act in self defense, it was his choice to pick up a chair and commit a criminal act of assault. He, and only he, is responsible for his actions. So you should not be ashamed.
Regarding what to say, it really depends on who the asker is, and what kind of relationship you have with them. If it is a stranger, straighten your spine as if offended, look at them as if they were a cockroach, and say something like "Why should you, even, be interested? If they attempt to pursue the subject, look at them as if they are even a lower life form, and say something like, "This topic of conversation is extremely uninteresting to me. If you have nothing further to discuss/say/talk about, then goodbye."
2006-08-19 14:40:02
answer #5
answered by Pegasus90 6
Just say that you had an accident & now it's ok.
When a boyfriend harms or hurts his lady, that isn't an accident and neither did you provoke it. He made the choice to pick up the chair and throw it, you didn't.
It's time to re-think your relationship with him. It may be worse than a broken leg next time for you.
Best of luck to you.'
2006-08-19 14:13:16
answer #6
answered by Bluealt 7
Tell the truth that your BF hit you with a chair. Don't cover for him. It will just get worse.
2006-08-19 14:10:09
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Tell them the story then add that you can't see the boyfriend's scar unless he takes his pants off.
2006-08-19 14:15:17
answer #8
answered by bob_317 3
tell them the truth.. well if u really know them...and scars r scars dont get rid of it it just reminds u of the past..
2006-08-19 14:10:51
answer #9
answered by missshelby11 2
if it was me, i would probably tell the truth!
2006-08-19 14:13:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous