I used to hate it too. Now I love it. I didn't get a bf until my sophomore year and I've only had 2. I have more freedom now. I'm not always worried about whether or not it will last. I'm not confused and distracted anymore. There's not all the drama being single. I have time to be myself, by myself and with my friends. I don't have to worry about my heart being broken. Be happy to be alive and be yourself. That's all you need. I don't believe in God but imagine finding Him and that feeling of clarity and peace that I hear everyone talk about. That's how I feel now. You have to learn to love yourself.
2006-08-19 08:56:07
answer #1
answered by Elaina 2
well I know how you feel to, but being single is something that you wish you could have when you have someone and then wish you never had when you are.. but the thing about it is, you don't have to answer to anyone but your self.. you don't have to lie about where you are going... you don't have to watch the clock for the time you need to come home... you can have sex with whom you choose.. you can kick them out right after... you can kiss and tell.. you can just be you.. you don't have to watch what you say to people because you have to spare there feelings... I love being single because I get to know who I am and what I will and will not stand for.. you need this me time to get yourself ready for that US time
2006-08-19 09:57:48
answer #2
answered by Shonda 4
o wow.... I know just how you feel.... I had been single forever until about a month ago.... after a guy asks you out and you say yes... you hate yourself cause it means you're no longer available 1) for a better guy 2) to flirt to your hearts desire
I know it suck and nothing anyone says makes it better.... sorry
2006-08-19 08:45:55
answer #3
answered by encore_theater_rox 2
WELL i too am single dont sulk .you are alone means you are open for every one and you are not bounded.fantasise any one oyyou like you could do anything or any one without having the tension of losing some one .just be open
2006-08-19 08:52:51
answer #4
answered by vishakh v 2
Well, I'm married and sometimes I wish I didn't have to be concerned with how my husband feels about things. Sometimes I miss the freedom just to do what I want to do without worrying about how it will affect him.
2006-08-19 08:46:33
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Try being single at my age!!!
You may get to do what you want, when you want but doing it alone is not fun.
2006-08-19 08:47:59
answer #6
answered by ouwx104 3
This is the time to get to know yourself, so that when you do get someone, you are ready for what they can bring into your life and yaw can compliment each other! Get 2 know U!!!
2006-08-19 08:48:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You can go anywhere, with anybody. If you want to go out with your girlfriends, there is no one to consult with. You have total freedom.
2006-08-19 08:47:55
answer #8
answered by di12381 5
you have no one to answer too, it's great because you can meet people everywhere you go plus you can flirt you make your own rules
2006-08-19 09:16:29
answer #9
answered by queen2be 2
ur free , do wat u want, flirt, kiss, random ppl
2006-08-19 08:51:57
answer #10
answered by glossy, flossy, & fly 2