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Specifically does the rebirth of the soul only occur at the time of birth of another?

2006-08-19 06:53:05 · 10 answers · asked by Kimber 2 in Society & Culture Religion & Spirituality

10 answers

i saw a documentary once on reincarnation, and it stuck with me for the longest time. a baby girl, when she was about two, and could speak, kept telling her parents that she was this guy's name (let's say "peter", i don't remember the name of the guy). the parents thought she were making up names and thought she was funny. she then told her parents she was killed in an accident when his bike got hit by a car. she also said she used to live in this small village in india (she's an indian) which people barely know the name of. she also said she sold this incense for a living. that incense had been discontinued for some time by the time she was born. the parents were so confused so they sought some help and found some researchers/scientists/documentary people to help them. they had to locate the small village and travelled there. because the village was so small, they found the family with the last name that she kept mentioning her name was. turned out that peter was killed in a car crash while he was riding a bike, and peter's brother rushed to the hospital with him. the birthmark on the girl matched the wounds on peter's body. the family used to sell that type of incense that was discountinued, and she could name the names of peter's relatives when she saw "reunited" with them.

i've read that the bible talked about reincarnation but was taken out by the pope (a long time ago) because of political reasons.

after a person dies, the spirit goes into purgatory and gets judged. you will then see a flashback of your life and get a sort of "sentence" based on your past actions. you could be in "hell" to serve your sentence for however many years or you could be rewarded. after that period you will disappear and find yourself in your next mother's womb, also depending on how you've lived your past life. so you could reincarnate into different life forms, the type of family you will be born into (rich or poor).

i think reincarnation makes more sense, because.. why are some people born rich and some born in poverty? if god were fair and just he would make everyone equal. why was paris hilton born with a silver spoon in her mouth, while some other kind, nice girl born in a dump in a third world country and is abused by her father? i'd say it's because of how you acted in your past life and you are getting what you did unto others.

2006-08-19 07:10:23 · answer #1 · answered by deedee 2 · 3 0


Definition: The belief that one is reborn in one or more successive existences, which may be human or animal. Usually it is an intangible “soul” that is believed to be reborn in another body. Not a Bible teaching.

Does a strange feeling of being familiar with entirely new acquaintances and places prove reincarnation to be a fact?

Have you ever mistaken one man or woman who is alive for another who is also now living? Many have had that experience. Why? Because some people have similar mannerisms or may even look almost identical. So the feeling that you know a person even though you never met him before really does not prove that you were acquainted with him in a former life, does it?
Why might a house or a town seem familiar to you if you have never been there before? Is it because you lived there during a former life? Many houses are built according to similar designs. Furniture used in cities far apart may be produced from similar patterns. And is it not true that the scenery in some widely separated places looks very much alike? So, without resorting to reincarnation, your feeling of familiarity is quite understandable.

Do recollections of life at another time in another place, as drawn out under hypnosis, prove reincarnation?

Under hypnosis much information stored in the brain can be drawn out. Hypnotists tap the subconscious memory. But how did those memories get there? Perhaps you read a book, saw a motion picture, or learned about certain people on television. If you put yourself in the place of the people about whom you were learning, it might have made a vivid impression, almost as if the experience were your own. What you actually did may have been so long ago that you have forgotten it, but under hypnosis the experience may be recalled as if you were remembering “another life.” Yet, if that were true, would not everyone have such memories? But not everyone does. It is noteworthy that an increasing number of state supreme courts in the United States do not accept hypnotically induced testimony. In 1980 the Minnesota Supreme Court declared that “the best expert testimony indicates that no expert can determine whether memory retrieved by hypnosis, or any part of that memory, is truth, falsehood, or confabulation—a filling of gaps with fantasy. Such results are not scientifically reliable as accurate.” (State v. Mack, 292 N.W.2d 764) The influence of suggestions made by the hypnotist to the one hypnotized is a factor in this unreliability.

Does the Bible contain evidence of belief in reincarnation?

Eccl. 3:19: “There is an eventuality as respects the sons of mankind and an eventuality as respects the beast, and they have the same eventuality. As the one dies, so the other dies.” (As in the case of humans, nothing survives at the death of an animal. There is nothing that can experience rebirth in another body.)

Eccl. 9:10: “All that your hand finds to do, do with your very power, for there is no work nor devising nor knowledge nor wisdom in Sheol, the place to which you are going.” (It is not into another body but into Sheol, the common grave of mankind, that the dead go.)

How much of a difference is there between reincarnation and the hope held out in the Bible?

Reincarnation: According to this belief, when a person dies, the soul, the “real self,” passes on to a better existence if the individual has lived a good and proper life, but possibly to existence as an animal if his record has been more bad than good. Each rebirth, it is believed, brings the individual back into this same system of things, where he will face further suffering and eventual death. The cycles of rebirth are viewed as virtually endless. Is such a future really what awaits you? Some believe that the only way of escape is by extinguishing all desire for things pleasing to the senses. To what do they escape? To what some describe as unconscious life.

Bible: According to the Bible, the soul is the complete person. Even though a person may have done bad things in the past, if he repents and changes his ways, Jehovah God will forgive him. (Psalms 103:12, 13.) When a person dies, nothing survives. Death is like a deep, dreamless sleep. There will be a resurrection of the dead. This is not a reincarnation but a bringing back to life of the same personality. (Acts 24:15) For most people, the resurrection will be to life on earth. It will take place after God brings the present wicked system to its end. Sickness, suffering, even the necessity to die, will become things of the past. (Daniel 2:44; Revelation 21:3, 4) Does such a hope sound like something about which you would like to learn more, to examine the reasons for confidence in it?

If you would like further information or a free home Bible study, please contact Jehovah's Witnesses at the local Kingdom Hall. Or visit http://www.watchtower.org

2006-08-19 07:16:46 · answer #2 · answered by Jeremy Callahan 4 · 1 1

Not necessarily. Desire and previous attachments are the driving force that makes one come back. A need for the soul to make things right, or to learn compassion for those we wronged are also reasons to come back. The appropriate circumstances and environment to return to may not be there as soon as we've left one life behind, so there could be a waiting time before conditions are right for a return.

2006-08-19 07:25:26 · answer #3 · answered by Search first before you ask it 7 · 0 0

First, soul isn't the right word here because, according to the Christian Bible, a soul is the combination of Body, Mind, and Spirit.
With reincarnation your spirit (and possibly some aspects of your mind) would be reborn to another body at some future time.
That's it if you discount any religious complications.

2006-08-19 07:12:51 · answer #4 · answered by PBarnfeather 3 · 0 1

when ure body die you go to hell for 3 days.

Then you go to pergatree were ure soul is being judged.

Then if u are good u will go to heaven. If not then u go back to earth and have a second chance to do good.

This process might take like 7 years before you reborn.

Also you will born back as another race

2006-08-19 06:59:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

MLF, there is no such thing as reincarnation. this life, that you're living now, is IT. you were never born in a previous life before nor, when you die, will you be born again as someONE or someTHING else in the future. God gave you life as the person you are right now and when He says its time for you to die...you will and your soul will return back to Him. don't let yourself get caught up into all that human-made-up nonsense.

2006-08-19 07:05:59 · answer #6 · answered by Leicha 3 · 0 1

The Bible does not teach it, and in fact makes it clear that when we die we don't return to earth again but enter eternity—either with God in heaven or apart from God forever. The Bible says, "Man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment" (Hebrews 9:27).

The second reason Christians reject reincarnation is because Christ has paid the full penalty for our sins—totally and completely. He did this by His death on the cross for us. You say you hope to become perfect some day in another life—but Jesus has already made us perfect in God's eyes, by taking away all our sins! The Bible says, "But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ" (1 Corinthians 6:11).

Think of it: Every sin you have ever committed can be completely cleansed, if you will turn to Christ in repentance and faith! Don't be deceived by a false hope, but put your faith and hope in Christ today.
If heaven is real (as Christians believe), then there isn't any need for an endless cycle of dying and coming back to Earth. In fact, why would we want to return time and time again to the pain and insecurities of this life? Ahead of us is the glory of heaven! As the Bible says, "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us" (Romans 8:18).
Don't be misled by false hopes or deceptive dreams that will only take you down the wrong path. Instead, face your own need of God and by faith commit yourself to Jesus Christ. In Him we have hope—hope for this life and hope for life with Him in heaven forever.

2006-08-19 07:27:57 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

According to Eastern religion, yes. But I don't believe in reincarnation OR purgatory (that's how you spell it). There is no mention of it in the Bible; in fact, the Bible says, "Absent from the body, at home with the Father." You don't get recycled.

2006-08-19 07:02:05 · answer #8 · answered by Tazzy G 3 · 0 1


2006-08-19 08:51:23 · answer #9 · answered by jkpoet2@sbcglobal.net 3 · 0 1

This is the silly belief that when we die we come back in another form.

2006-08-19 07:00:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

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