why do u think they all don't?
2006-08-19 06:57:18
answer #1
answered by Who me? 4
I have two female cats and they get along great. Yah, they fight and hiss at each other but they are playing. One is about 10 years older than the other one and when I brought "Phoebe" home, the young one, the two didn't get along right away. Now they are pals, sort of.
Female cats are very territorial. If you give them time I'm sure they will be fine. You can expect them to hiss and growl and all that good stuff. They may even chase each other. That's actually good behavior because they are getting to know one another. But, if they fight viciously like biting until they bleed or something like that then you have a problem. And if they get violent toward you or others or start urinating indoors than keep them out of the same house. Most cats will do just fine. If they like the environment and you give each of them the same amount of attention they will see that one is not favored. Also, the cat that you are babysitting will probably act skittish for a while. It's a new environment.
2006-08-19 14:03:45
answer #2
answered by indigonipple 3
Since you state that this is just for a few days I wouldn't worry over it so much. That's the way cats are, and females are the dominant sex in feline society.
I can suggest you get a bottle of Rescue Remedy from a health foods store and "treat" both cats with it frequently during the day and evening when the two cats are around. This can reduce the hissing and stuff as it helps the cats adjust, diminishes fears etc.
It might not be worth the effort since this is for such a short period and you should get a bottle. You just shake the bottle well and apply to the fur on the top of the cats' heads, It cannot possibly harm either cat and will reduce this behavior.
Since you are nice enough to look after your brother's cat and he might be taking on your cat for you in the future, the $20 investment in the RR is a very good idea.
2006-08-19 14:29:45
answer #3
answered by old cat lady 7
It's not a female thing...it's just that they don't know each other. It often takes a good week or more to intorduce a new animal into a house. Plus, some cats just don't like other cats. My cat was raised by a cat breeder before I got her and she didn't half the cats in the house...gender didn't matter. She still doesn't like most other cats. Just keep them apart (separate rooms, etc) and they will probably calm down.
2006-08-19 14:24:45
answer #4
answered by talented mrs v 3
Untrue, I have 3 female cats and they all get along just fine.... it is only newly introduced cats of any sex which do not get along. Let the cats mingle eventually they will work things out....
Ps the reason both cats are hissing etc is because they know about one another but cant see each other and so they defer the aggression elsewhere...called Redirected aggression.... http://www.kingstownecatclinic.com/Redirected%20Aggression.htm
2006-08-19 13:59:49
answer #5
answered by Kelly + Eternal Universal Energy 7
female cats can get along very well. My two are insepartable. I had missy first then Tinker a year later. At first Missy would hiss at tinker but they soon become friends. They now love each other very much spending all day cuddling,grooming and eating together.
2006-08-19 14:53:39
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Tallys Cat 101
2006-08-23 13:30:11
answer #7
answered by cm30324 6
Because they like females in real life, real "catty" and territorial of their "property" or man. IN this case they don't want to share their master with anybody else.
2006-08-19 13:58:40
answer #8
answered by ♥c0c0puffz♥ 7
goes the word "female " make sence 2 u
2006-08-19 14:23:59
answer #9
answered by bullet 1
defense of territory
2006-08-19 13:59:26
answer #10
answered by Raymond B 4
Sometimes they do.
2006-08-19 13:58:20
answer #11
answered by rm2kdark_lord 2